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It is the 130th message.


         Throughout centuries, that means after the time of the apostles chosen by Jesus Christ and whose names are written in the Bible until our days (21st century), the devil had enough time to do what he could do. And this one (the devil) therefore went up to proclaiming himself to be God (Jesus Christ). But this is not astonishing since 2Thesalonicians 2/3-4 says: “Let no one deceives you by any means; for that day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that the sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God”. He proclaimed himself to be God (Jesus Christ) by creating seminaries, theological schools where come out: the priests, the pastors, etc.

     In the departure, these schools were only reserved to men but the devil seeing difficult times associated the women with men to have a large victory. But the Lord has let him a lot time to glorify himself in his lie before showing him his great power of truth as was the case of Pharaoh in Egypt who didn’t want to let the people of Israel out of his country. For this fact, the Eternal had let him believe that he was above all but later, he made him see his all power. (Exodus 7/1-7; 9/15-16; 14/21) and (Romans 9/17).

     The devil created all these schools in order to fill the earth with the letter that is; the priests, bishops, cardinals, pastors, apostles and prophets. But 2Corinthians 3/6 says: “Who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the spirit; for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life”. However, the training in these schools is in function of what the man wants to be. For the priests, their training varies from 5 to 8years and more, for some pastors (who separated from the priests); from 3 to 5years and for others; from 1to 3years. But the devil did all these things to blind the ignorant more. That is why when these lasts (the blinds) see a priest who speaks Latin or Greek, they start saying: “That one is another dimension because, he studied God a lot”. And you who were not at school, they will tell you that you cannot teach under the pretext that you were not in the school created by their god (the devil). It is necessary that such people consult the holy writings (Isaiah 34/16; Jeremiah 30/2) because Jesus Christ says: “But these people who have no knowledge of the law are cursed” (John 7/49).

     Did the holy writings say that a “man of God”, after having passed 7years of studies must baptize babies and children while requiring from the parents of these children to give a sum of money and whose amount has already been stopped by the hierarchy? But understand that it is the picture of that one who created these schools and who teaches there. Did the holy writings say that the children must recite the ten (10) commandments before receiving the communion or the confirmation? Isn’t it said that: “The ten commandments cannot save man”? (Acts 13/39; Hebrews 7/18-19; Hebrews 7/28; Galatians 3/23-26). Their confirmation brings death or life? Since they spent many years in school (small seminaries and big seminaries) to study the Bible; that is why they manufacture monuments in front of which people prostrate. However, it is because of the refusal to prostrate before the monument that the three mates (Meshac, Shadrac, and Abed-Nego) have been thrown in fire. The three mates refused to prostrate before the monument because they had the word of the Eternal which says: “You won’t make any built picture, nor of any face to prostrate before it”. Because, they knew that it is through the life (the practice) of this word of the Eternal that they were living. The King had thrown them in his death (his fire). But those who were throwing them in this fire were consumed because they didn’t have life in them.

     Besides, it is Jesus Christ‘s life that must be carried like a cross and it is this life (Jesus Christ) that intercedes and vivifies man in front of God. Unfortunately, them “the men of God’ have changed the name and it is now to Mary that they ask to intercede for them. I flow out tears when I see how these people tempt God; it is because of these things that Apostle Peter had told to them “Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear” (Acts 15/10). If I understand well, these men spend many years in these schools to fight God and several people (the blinds) follow them in their reasoning (their death) while thinking that they are with the King of Glory (Matthew 15/14).

     The world is filled of liars and those who consume the lie. They are the pastors who have abandoned some customs of the Pharisees (the protestant) but also baptize babies. They also spend many years before being devoted pastor and are respected more than the Pentecostal pastors. These (the protestant pastors) often have the habit to ask for 75000 F CFA and even more to those who want to become deaconess and churches elders. Besides, the devil has multiplied the men and the women who are pastors directing what they call the Pentecostal or awake and other churches. And as the men are in the conquest of their daily bread and not of the souls that is why the places of prayers are been born day to day. These people manipulated by the devil try to earn their bread and their father (the devil) looks for the souls. That is why he (the devil) gave them the products and the spirits so that they make big divinations, prodigies and untrue miracles (2Thesaolonicians 2/9).

      In these schools, one teaches not to receive the yellow coins (money) but one asks to sell bottles of water already blessed at 5000F CFA to XX F CFA, handkerchiefs... They are these priests and pastors who encourage people to manufacture the so called spiritual products since when you are going to meet them, they are always prescribing it to you: “blood of Jesus”, soap and Saint Michael’s perfume, anti demon soap or the psalms.

     Finally, when some holidays are declared, it is by report whether to a religion that does not recognise Jesus Christ as Saviour or the one which says that Mary went up in the sky. These are the two religions that have the influence in this world because it is at the time of their feast that one declares a holiday all over the world. But understand that it is the fall of their lie and the rise of the truth. I am afraid not to write (not to save) but I am not afraid to write (to save).

     God never had and will never have schools for the training of his servitors in this world. But the school first started after the death of Jeroboam who stays the father of the monuments and the priests (1Kings 12/23). The people were formed to be priests (doctor); it is the reason why Nicodemus who was a big priest (a doctor) didn’t understand God’s word and Jesus told him: “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things!” (John 3/10). But this Nicodemus ignoring God’s word was more considered in Israel than Jesus Christ just because he had come out from the school were Jesus Christ had not been. That is why John 7/15-16 says: “And the Jews marvelled, saying, “How does this man know letters, having never studied?” Jesus answered them and said, “My doctrine is not Mine, but His who sent me”.

     Yesterday as today, the world always keep in mind that someone cannot teach if he was not in school. But I understand them since it is in the flesh that they know that a master or a professor cannot teach the people if he didn’t learn. But yet, it is said: “For what man knows the things of man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the spirit of God” (1Corinthians 2/11). Then, 1Timothy 1/7 says: “Desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm”. I am anxious to remind you that; from these schools instituted by the devil, come out searchers of the daily bread. That is why Philippians 3/19 says: “Whose end is destruction, whose god is the stomach, and whose glory is in their shame, whose minds are fixed on the things of the earth.”

     Only the Ethiopian eunuch had courage to tell Philippe: “How can I understand the holy writings if God’s messenger doesn’t explain them to me?” (Acts 8/26-31).


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from eternal death.(John 8/32)

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