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It is the 190th message.


       In truth, Jeroboam had told to the people after they had presented the golden calves to him: “So after taking thought the king made two oxen of gold; and he said to the people, you have been going up to Jerusalem long enough; see! These are your gods, O Israel, who took you out of the land of Egypt” (1Kings 12/28). But me, I will tell to the men, the women, the youth and the entire world: “long enough you have believed in the lie and here is finally the truth that shall let you free from the lie”. Because, my flesh and blood had been sold since for the Lord Jesus Christ’s truth that must let humans free from the lie and seduction.

       Enemies of the truth, you who have once killed those who announced the truth, certainly you will also kill my flesh but never this truth that is in me and that stays for the eternity. Since the Garden of Eden where the first men had believed in the lie, they became the deaths due to what they had believed. What makes that, all those who were born after them (the first men) were automatically deaths. That is why evil had invaded the world to the point where the Eternal God got angry and destroyed them by the deluge while saving Noah and his entire house (Genesis 7/1; Genesis 8/13-16).

     Being saved from the deluge thanks to God, Noah’s family filled the earth and had only one language (Genesis 11/1). But seen their thought to build a tower that will touch the sky, the Eternal dispersed them on the surface of the earth while bringing confusion in their language and also destroying their tower named Babel (Genesis 11/3-9). The Eternal God thus knowing that man is not only a slave but he is also dead in his soul, had the will to deliver him. To accomplish this, He started by demonstrating what shall happen by choosing a carnal people that shall firstly be slaves in their physic (the flesh) and later, will be free. He therefore chooses Abraham and told him to leave his country: Chaaran and also showed him Canaan that was to become his country and that of his progeny. Abraham then generated Isaac who generated Jacob and whose name was to be Israel (Genesis 35/9-10). Jacob named Israel, will have twelve children that means; twelve tribes. Among these children, one of them (Joseph) has been sold by his brothers. Therefore, Joseph being in Egypt as a slave will become Governor thanks to the Eternal God. During his reign (as Governor in Egypt), Joseph recognized his brothers who came to get supply in provisions. He asked them to tell their father Jacob to leave Canaan, the land that God had given to his fathers Abraham, Isaac. God reassured Jacob not to be afraid to descend in Egypt. It is thus said in Genesis 46/2-4: “And God said to Israel in a night-vision, Jacob, Jacob. And he said, here am I. And he said, I am God, the God of your father: go down to Egypt without fear, for I will make a great nation of you there: I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will see that you come back again, and at your death Joseph will put his hands on your eyes.”

      is therefore a whole people in slavery in Egypt. But the Eternal God will get them out of this slavery by his powerful hand through Mosses. Although all this was done in the flesh, all the same, it announced what to come in spirit. The Eternal God therefore operated the first delivery through Moses. However, the devil knew that man (his soul) won’t be saved unless he practices the Eternal God’s commandments. That is why the devil has always led a fight so that man’s soul should stay in the death.

     Otherwise, the Eternal God knew that the true delivery was to come from the practicing of Jesus Christ’s word. For it, he began to prepare a people through the Ten Commandments that he gave to Moses in order to proclaim them in front of the people: “For Mosses truly said to the fathers; The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren. Him you shall hear in all things, whatever He says to you. And it shall be that every soul who will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people” (Acts 3/22-23). But when the Eternal God called Moses in the Sinai mount to give him the Ten commandments, the devil stayed while raising some people who pushed Aaron to manufacture them a monument that will be their god; and when Moses had descended from the Sinai mount, he destroyed this god ; this monument (Exodus 32/1-6 ; Exodus 32/19-35). At that time, every nation had his god and all these gods were actually the devil. It is only the people of Israel that had the real God. That is why Naaman the Syrian had recognized that there is not a God on earth if it is not in Israel (2Kings 5/15). It is also the case of some kings who have recognized the greatness and the power of the living God through the people who practiced the Ten Commandments as Daniel, the three mates (Daniel 3/29; Daniel 6/25-27). Therefore, how could the devil take control over the people of Israel?

     At the time of King Salomon, more precisely in his old age, the Eternal God had promised to take his kingdom from Salomon’s hands to give it to his servant (servant of King Salomon) because he didn’t walk anymore in the justice as his father David did. It is therefore because of David and Jerusalem that God had chosen the tribe of Judah to be reserve to his son called Roboam (1Kings 11/4-13). After King Salomon’s death, the kingdom of Israel became divided; King Salomon’s son called Roboam became the King of the only tribe of Judah and Jeroboam; servant of King Salomon became the king of the rest of the tribes, that is to say king of Israel. The devil that had thus missed his blow in the desert during the time of Moses where he wanted the people to consider the monument as their god while prostrating before it had succeeded when Jeroboam became the King of Israel. This King had two golden calves being manufactured and he placed one in Bethel and the other one in Dan. He told to the people of Israel (except the tribe of Levi who were sacrificers chosen by the Eternal God and the tribe of Judah): “Long enough, you went up to Jerusalem in the temple that King Salomon had constructed to worship God, now, as King of Israel, I show you the real God who had taken your fathers out of Egypt”.

      But I am anxious to remind you that the temple constructed by King Salomon was In Jerusalem and the tribe of Judah was governed by Roboam who was Salomon’s son. The day that Jeroboam had chosen to show to his people their god was on the 15th of August, the day that he also consecrated the priests who became sacrificers to these gods (the monuments). That is why till today, the priests never move away from the monuments (1Kings 12/28-33). This Jeroboam who was established King by the Eternal God became Satan’s instrument and he refused to repent. That is why 1Kings 13/33 says: “After this Jeroboam, not turning back from his evil ways, still made priests for his altars from among all the people; he made a priest of anyone desiring it, so that there might be priests of the high places”. Israel was therefore filled of the priests because it was a choice given to any one who wanted to become priest and those who needed this were consecrated by Jeroboam. The feast of the 15th of August was thus created for the priests and their monuments (their gods); and it is from this date that they started talking about the priests in Israel and it spilled all over the world.

     In fact, these priests as time passed, Imposed their doctrines and their gods (monuments) to the people. A people that was ruled by one king; from King Saul until King Salomon, saw themselves being divided during the reign of Jeroboam. This last one who had filled the country with the priests, simply imposed his customs and traditions to the people while bringing them to despise the Ten commandments of Moses (while they had these commandments) as it is the case today where these priests carry the bible while teaching their customs and traditions to the people; they bring the men to despise the truth. Jesus Christ, born in the tribe of Judah, the tribe that did not know the domination of the priests and their traditions, was the one for whom the prophets announced the arrival, they announced that he is the one who will not only deliver the Jewish people but also the whole world. And when the Lord started his ministry of evangelization, he was fought by the priests (who were later called doctors of the law, Pharisees, hypocrites) and their believers. Because all the people and Jerusalem’s neighboring countries were filled or the less, closely followed this doctrine of the Pharisees or the priests.

     In fact, what was made yesterday during Jesus Christ’s time where the priests carried the word of the prophets and the Law of Moses, but didn’t practice what is written has never changed because it is the same thing today where these priests who have the prophet’s, Jesus Christ’s and Apostle’s word but don’t teach it in truth and don’t put it into practice. That is why Jesus Christ has always told them: “How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God? Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; there is one who accuses you- Moses, in whom you trust. For if you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?” (John 5/44-47). Then, he told to the crowd: “The Pharisees (the priests) who carry Moses’ law, do what they ask you to do, but do not take their works as your example and give no man the name of Father on earth” (Matthew 23/1-9). He told to them again: “But a curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! Because you are shutting the kingdom of heaven against men: for you do not go in yourselves, and those who are going in, you keep back” (Matthew 23/13). He added: “You are mistaken, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God” (Matthew 22/29) He then said: “you are blind drivers” (Matthew 15/14; Matthew 23/26). It is still for them that it is written: “Desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm” (1Timothy 1/7).

        These hypocrites or Pharisees had fought the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles just because the truth that they were teaching despised their lie. Before his abduction in the sky, the Lord Jesus Christ had chosen apostles among which Peter, chosen to consolidate his brothers; he was the dean of the apostles (Luke 22/31-32). These apostles including Peter were persecuted, jailed, beaten verges and others were murdered by these Pharisees who were in complicity with the sacrificers. Because these sacrificers in complicity with the Pharisees always told to them: “Saying “Did we not strictly command you not to teach in this name? And look, you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and intend to bring this Man’s blood on us! But Peter and the other apostles answered and said: We ought to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5/28-29).

     However, the devil knew that it is Jesus Christ’s name that saves, That is why he was passing through the Pharisees who were in complicity with the sacrificers to prevent that Jesus Christ’s name (his life) should not be preached or taught. That is why they were saying: “But so that it spreads no further among the people, let us severely threaten them. That from now on they speak to no man in his name. So they called them and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John answered and said to them; “Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than to God, you judge”. “For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4/17-20). Most of the people wanted this word to be taught, but the traditionalist only wanted the priests to teach their customs and they were more considerate than the apostles. Here is why the Lord Jesus Christ’s gospel was considered like a sect of the Nazarenes. It is therefore the reason for which when they arrested Apostle Peter, they presented him in front of the King while saying: “For we have found this man a plague, a creator of dissension among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes” (Acts 24/5). And Acts 25/19 tells us: “But had some questions against him about their own religion and about a certain Jesus, who had died, whom Paul affirmed to be alive”.

     One day, Apostle Paul and Barnabas had a debate with these Pharisees on circumcision, were they had to go up to Jerusalem to finally put light on this discussion. And Apostle Peter who was in Jerusalem, after listening to them reprimanded these priests in these words: “Now therefore, why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck of the disciples which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear” (Acts 15/10). Because, Jerusalem was the place in which the Lord Jesus had asked his disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit in order to begin the teaching in Judea in Samaria and up to the extremities of the earth. Jerusalem was therefore the seat of the apostles and Peter was their dean. But the apostles were going almost everywhere to announce Christ’s gospel and they often made many years in some places or countries when people were interested with the word that they were bringing to them (Acts 28/30-31 ; Acts 19/10). It is therefore for work that Apostle Peter went in Rome to spend a little time, where he announced Christ’s gospel and where he was finally arrested and murdered by the Pharisees who didn’t like the truth. And even Apostle Paul had been recommended by the Lord Jesus Christ to render testimony in Rome. That is why Acts 23/11 says: “But the following night the Lord stood by him and said, “Be of good cheer, Paul; for as you have testified for me in Jerusalem, so you must also bear witness at Rome”. Otherwise, the priests only had the universal bishop as the hierarchical supervisor, in brief; it was the summit of the grades in the Pharisees church. But it is in 607 after Jesus Christ’s death that the universal bishop of Rome known as Boniface received for the first time, the title of Pope by emperor FOCAS and thus became Boniface III. And as Apostle Peter died in Rome, the priests therefore declared that; where the pope’s seat is, it is where Peter’s seat (apostle of Jesus Christ) was. That is why all the popes are called the representatives of Saint Peter while they are the ones (the Pharisees), the enemies of the truth who killed him because they did not like Jesus (the truth) that he announced and they  have never stopped persecuting or even killing all those who announce the life of the Lord Jesus Christ.

     It is necessary for you to understand that the apostles of Jesus Christ had their seat in Jerusalem, But considering the recommendations that they had received on behalf of the Lord Jesus to announce this word up to the extremities of the earth (Acts 1/8; Acts 9/15), that is why many of them have been murdered in their countries or out of their countries (Acts 12/1-2), as it is the case of Peter who was murdered in Rome, that became the Saint Peters’ seat. And Peter who was murdered in Rome never came back (even his dead body) in Israel till today. Before being murdered in Rome, he had firstly been jailed and the Eternal removed him from this jail through the angel (Acts 12/3-10). These Pharisees are artful and intelligent as their father the devil, because they have used the Apostle Peters’ name while simply changing apostle appellation by Saint because it is at the level of the appellation that one sees a light difference. But never mind that, these popes who say to be the representatives of Apostle Peter, on what basis do they say this or in what life do they pretend to resemble Apostle Peter? Is it in their customs, in their traditions or in the repudiation and the dismissal of our Lord Jesus Christ’s truth as they do? Blinds! For what does it serves to a man to spend many years of biblical studies in the seminaries if it is to come and fight God; his truth? But I have understood that it is to veil the men’s eyes that these people spend several years in schools, because if they didn’t make it, maybe the men would not believe them. It is in 1950 after Jesus Christ’s death that they instituted the feast of Assumption of the Virgin Mary proclaimed by pope PIE XII (PIE 12) who said to himself that Mary as Jesus Christ’s mother could not stay on earth while his son is in the sky being seated to God’s right. And this event is being celebrated every August 15 of the year. Did you ever ask to yourselves the question to know; why the priests don’t move away from the monuments? Because, know that it arises from their traditions and customs initiated by Jeroboam King of Israel (1Kings 12/28-33).

      In the same way, you must understand that out of the pope’s title that has been created for the first time in the universal bishop’s seat that was at Rome, the rest; the priests were born in Israel. They are the ones who made to be killed the prophets, the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles (1Thessalonians 2/15), because the men were to “be built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets” as Ephesians 2/20 says; but unfortunately, what invaded the world are the customs and the traditions. In fact, the world that doesn’t know the truth thinks that the customs of the priests come from Italy or Greece. Their monuments and their 15th of August come from Jeroboam king of Israel who is the founder of these. The people of Israel and even after the Lord Jesus Christ’s death were bound to the traditions and the customs of the priests but in the 6th Century, appeared Mohamed the prophet who dragged several Israelis in Islam. Because you should know that us, we want to live in our souls and for it, it is necessary to tell the truth according to the Lord Jesus Christ. But I am waiting to undergo the same persecutions as those who announced the Lord Jesus Christ’s truth yesterday. Because the truth that was announced by the prophets yesterday is the same that I announce today that is why I say: “When there is the truth, there is uprising and the uprising entails persecution or even the physical death”. You know that even here in Cameroon, it was not easy at all for even the resemblance of the truth to be taught because the colonist (the priests) fought or even killed all those who taught a gospel that was different from theirs. Also, these Pharisees (these priests) are muddled in their lie; soon they say to be there before Jesus Christ’s arrival, on the other hand, they say that it is the Lord Jesus Christ who left them. Finally, I had to see another ruse of the devil again when a pope who, to exercise his supremacy on the other religions had united the Moslems, Protestants to make an ecumenical mass.


      CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)

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