It is the 191st message.
The harm is increasing rightly because the men are in the ignorance of the knowledge of truth. While, it is by the knowledge of the truth that man is delivered from harm and if he practices it, he receives the delivery of the heart and the soul. Because, the Lord Jesus Christ knowing that he has with him; the keys that open the doors of the power and the glory, the greatness, the domination and the kingdom of heaven said: “And you will have knowledge of what is true, and that will make you free” (John 8/32). But how will the people know the truth if there are the customs of the men that are taught and considered besides as Christ’s gospel? How will they know the truth if the gospel or the prophecies that they listen are only for the satisfaction of the stomach?
Man has not yet understood that if there are no messengers of the Lord, there won’t be the predication of Christ and when there is no predication of Christ, man won’t be able to leave his animal state to the one made in the measure of the perfect stature of Christ (1 Corinthians 2/14); (Ephesians 4/13). That is why it is also said: “Because, Whoever will give worship to the name of the Lord will get salvation. But how will they give worship to him in whom they have no faith? And how will they have faith in him of whom they have not had news? And how will they have news without a preacher? And how will there be preachers if they are not sent? As it is said, how beautiful are the feet of those who give the glad news of good things” (Romans 10/13-15).
The men don’t receive the predication or Christ’s gospel, that is why harm develops itself from day to day; because the teaching that they receive is that of men from biblical schools; some are called pastor, apostle, prophet, doctor, others; priest, bishop, cardinal. The world doesn’t know God’s messengers who carry God’s message, that means his light, but it rather knows those who have been established by another man. Because man knows that, when you belong to a denomination (church), and that you have been in a pastoral school, seminary, then you have the right or the merit to be consecrated man of God while organising a feast to the seeing and knowledge of everybody. In other words, it means that you didn’t rise on yourself, but you have received a letter written by man’s hand which attests that you are a man of God. And if the Lord sends someone with his message of delivery, the men will ask him the question to know if he was in a school? If he answers that he has not been in a school, but that it is the Lord who sent him, these people will tell him that he rose on himself, he recommended himself or he self-proclaimed. However, it is said: “For the Lord's approval of a man is not dependent on his opinion of himself, but on the Lord's opinion of him” (2 Corinthians 10/18).
When the Eternal God recommends a man, does this one have the need to go in a school to receive man’s approval? The recommendation that he has received from God is not sufficient? Doesn’t it have more value than the one from man?
The men of this world judge God’s messenger not by his message, that means; by God’s word that he announces, but because he didn’t pass through their biblical school in order to receive their recommendation. Because the men don’t want to listen so as to see and to make the distinction between the god who kills and the God who vivifies (2 Corinthians 3/6). In fact, you know that to be a pastor or a priest in this world, you have to pass through a pastoral school or a seminary, and after the experiences that you are going to acquire in this function, you will be raised or named to a superior rank, that means; apostle, reverend, bishop, archbishop, cardinal. But to whom do these titles belong to? From the mouths of these pastors, prophets, apostles, priests, doctors... comes out the words of man or God’s words? You must understand that the harm in this world doesn’t decrease, but it rather increases. Because yesterday, Jeroboam consecrated whoever wanted to become priest (1 Kings 13/33), and today, one consecrates whoever wants to become pastor, evangelist...
These, established by men have filled the world to the point where if they had God’s word, the harm would not increase. But as it is man’s knowledge that is being taught nearly to ninety five percents (95%), that is why whatever is the practice of some and others, their hearts, thoughts will never reflect the heart, the thought and the feelings of the Lord Jesus. The men don’t search for the delivery of their souls; they rather run after the prayers of divination to be delivered from the illnesses or carnal blockages. The world is in darkness, not because people are not titled, that means; not because they are not apostle, pastor, prophet, priest, bishop, doctor, cardinal, pope, but because these (apostles...) can not demonstrate the power of the spirit of truth so that man’s faith should be founded on God’s power if man practices the love, the forgiveness... (1 Corinthians 2/4-5). These titles, to whom do they benefit therefore, to God or to the devil? We are in a world where schools are opened for whoever wants to become a pastor (man as woman) or priest and who later will be able to buy a higher rank; vanity of the vanities. Has this world already seen God’s prophet? Because it lacks prophets who bring the men to forgive, not to be spiteful, not to have any bad thoughts towards their similar... but it doesn’t lack prophets who through their divinations, bring people to be spiteful against those who block their work, certificate, marriage, journey, childbirth, finances, promotion...
The men will stay in the ignorance if they don’t run and don’t confide to the word that will transform their stony heart to that of the flesh, the truth that brings back a dead soul to life, because it is what we call God’s power. But if they stay in the ignorance, it is because they run and confide to divinations called prophecies, to the prayers and to the deliveries; because they like to hear how the bad spirits speak in the bodies of people, they like seeing infirm people throwing their clutches or their rolling chairs and to walk on their two feet to later say: “We see, we contemplate and we are attracted by God’s power” (Matthew 24/24; 2 Thessalonians 2/9; Revelation 13/14; Revelation 16/13-14). The men being ignorant have became slaves, not of the truth but of the denominations and the titles that carry the “men of God”; the hour is serious.
To God only, the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)