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     In truth, it hurts a lot when you see the great and everlasting love that God had for the men that we are, after the disobedience and spiritual death of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He has sent the Lord Jesus from heaven to us, to come and become flesh, he who is God, taking the form of a man to work like a simple servant of God; the Lord Jesus has given his flesh for the suffering and death on the cross in order to pay the price of the suffering and eternal death of our souls. We can be more hurt and affected when we see, know and understand that the Lord Jesus who was without spot nor sin in the flesh that he took, was molested like a bad bandit, beaten like a snake, spat on the face like a rotten mouse, nailed on the cross like sheet metal on a framework, he had received a spear on his side like an animal which is pierced by a hunter, all this to save our souls from evil and eternal death, from ignorance of the truth and the disobedience to God. The Lord Jesus came with the truth; those who will know and who will live the truth will be freed from ignorance and will be saved from evil and the eternal death. Therefore, the Lord Jesus is the saviour of our souls from blindness, deafness, the disease, leprosy, paralysis, lowness, misery, poverty and the eternal death.

       Therefore, to know and to seek to possess and live the life of the Lord Jesus must be all first for the man. The Lord Jesus is the model in all and for all our becoming; it is through him that we have access to the life of the kingdom of heaven, let’s become the gods, let’s possess the veritable, supreme and everlasting greatness, power, force, glory and richness. When the Lord Jesus became an adult in the flesh that he took, he came towards John the Baptist to be baptised by him; and John the Baptist baptised him in the water (Matthew 3/13-16). And the Lord Jesus recognising that in order to be saved, you have to believe in the word or the truth of the saviour and to be baptised, and that whoever does not believe will be condemned, said:  Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16/16). For the decision to repent from the life of evil and to believe and live like the Lord Jesus and to take the engagement to be baptised in the water comes from what we hear, and what we hear comes from the saviour of souls who is the Lord Jesus Christ; that is even why it is said:  So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10/17). And Satan in his will to see no soul being saved by the knowledge of the truth of Christ and to be led according to God, has set up the papacy so that the pope and his team should intercept the men while they are still babies or little children by pouring drops of water on their head for baptism by giving an amount of money. These babies are carried by certain people that are chosen and who are their godfathers or godmothers; these little children and babies grow up, being tied to the spirit of lies, fake, corruption, stealing, magic, witchcraft and killing that the pope and his team have practiced on them; and when those who have received these practices are at the summit of States, the people suffer and even the entire world because these practices have consequences on their country (State) and function.

      I take the example of three presidents who are: Nicolas Sarkozy, Francois Hollande who is the former head of State of France and Paul Biya who is the present president of Cameroon; they have been intercepted when they were still babies by receiving drops of water for baptism by giving an amount of money, with the presence of men that were holding or carrying them on their hands and who are called godfathers before killers of souls. When they became adults, they told them that they had received the baptism and that they are Christians; but remaining tied to the spirit of lies, fake, corruption, stealing, magic, witchcraft and killing.

      Look at Nicolas Sarkozy, without listening to the truth of Christ, he is without repentance, belief and baptism according to God, and he did not become the temple of God; he has remained blind for not seeing that only a single human being is more important than the entire world and all what it is full of. That is why he has found that the richness of the underground has value more than human beings, and that killing thousands of people in many countries, putting these countries in fire and blood in the aim to exploit the richness of their underground is a gain. The pope has brought Nicolas Sarkozy away from Christ so that he should not know the value of the human being, and has rather endowed him of the spirit of the beast that has brought him to despise and to eliminate other people in order to better possess vanities. For seeing the blood of human beings shedding and which he usually drinks is not something bad for him, given that this blood of men which is shed in many countries is for his interest in order to exploit vanities. The pope is a great danger for the souls; and everybody who is possessed by him and who is found at the head of a State represents a double danger for the humanity.

      Look at Francois Hollande who was prevented by the pope and his fellow mates from receiving the word of Christ, his baptism and his spirit, he has only known the devil to legalise the homosexual marriage or unnatural marriage and a marriage which is against God in all the French territory. But since the pope is a homosexual, he has prevented Francois Hollande from seeing by the Lord Jesus that God created the man and the woman, and said that the man shall leave his father and mother to become tied to a woman so that the two of them should form a family. But Francois Hollande who has been maintained in blindness and in the spirit of madness by the pope, finds that two men of the same sex can officially get married and can have the authorisation to adopt children; because for him, if legalising the homosexual or the unnatural marriage in France does not please God and that it pleases the devil, so much better. This legalisation of homosexuality has raised practices of Sodom and Gomorrah in this nation, and it touches the entire world; that is why those who are bewitched by the pope represent a great danger for the entire humanity. For these head of States to destabilise certain countries, they started to arm rebels who are mostly Islamists; this other practice has greatly raised terrorism up to the point where these terrorists no longer know their master.

      Look at president Paul Biya who has been prevented by the pope from knowing the truth of Christ, his baptism and his holy spirit, ignoring the blood of Christ to know the human blood, ignoring the spirit of God to know the spirit of the lion or animal. Being maintained in blindness by the pope, he does not see that the power to dominate the men is far inferior to the power to dominate evil; he has let fake, corruption, the embezzlement of public funds... to increase instead of the justice, merit, competence..., even if his country is at a great risk and that his power is not affected, it is not bad for him. President Paul Biya without the baptism according to God, and without the knowledge of the truth of Christ that must set him free and save him from evil and the eternal death in his soul, when his soul without Christ and life will come out of his nostrils or mouth, abandoning his poor flesh or lump of soil which must return in the ground where it was taken, the pope will send his terrorists to come and spray drops of water on his coffin. In Cameroon, on the fields that the team of the pope have possessed, his fellow mates set up blocks of cement having the effigy of Robert Powell, the British actor and comedian who is taken for Jesus and Olivia Hussey the Argentinean actress and comedian who is taken for the virgin Mary. And when little children ask their parents the question to know what these statues represent, they blindly and deafly answer that it is Jesus or the virgin Mary, mother of God. In truth, how can Cameroon be blessed with all these statues that are set up or foreign gods that despise and outrage the creator, and in front of which people bow down?

      The pope was in Cameroon in the year 2009, there was more than 2 billions of CFA Francs as expenditure, during this time, teachers, doctors... go on strike because they are not well paid. If president Paul Biya was seeing and hearing in his soul or his veritable body, he would have not glorified himself for the fact that his father was a catechist, a job that the devil has put in place and raised through the papacy to destroy little children and their souls.

      But to God only is the glory and greatness by Jesus Christ the saviour of souls of all men for the eternity.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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