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It is the 411thmessage


    In truth, when I see what goes on in this generation both in the spirit and in the physic, it greatly touches me, hurts me and makes me cry inside. Neither money nor the material, a wife, children, to move round the world or the fact to be considered and cheered by all the men of the earth will make me stop crying. Only the repentance of people who are followers of evil can make me feel better.

    Many people treat me for a mad man and call me in the name of all kinds of birds because of the images that I publish in these messages. What I can say to these last is that I do not do it according to their will, for I have not published the intimacy of a natural couple which is a man and a woman according to what God has set, but I publish what is against his will and which can hurt, shock and bring those who practice this abominations and crimes to the repentance. It is question for us to see the deepness of these abominable, criminal and unworthy acts. When I say that the head of States of certain nations have legalised the unnatural marriage, and that it has raised homosexuality to an extreme, who does it hurt?  When we say that ritual crimes have greatly increased up to the point where many children and adults are killed, who does it disturb?

    When we say that men sleep with animals in countries of dream of many people, who does it bother? We who possess the heart of the Lord according to his will, it hurts us a lot. Therefore, for us, publishing these pictures is to demonstrate the degree or the state of those people that the devil is swallowing; and knowing from these images what is reserved to them for the eternity, it pushes us to sacrifice all the material that we can have, the time and even our flesh (imprisoned or assassinated) for the liberty of these people, because their lost greatly hurt and shock us.

    We are not in this world to dream of the future of our stomach and that of our offspring, but to dream how to bring these souls out of the prison of Satan, the souls for which Christ suffered by feeling atrocious pains when they were beating him like a thief or nailing him on the stick. These shocking images bring us to wholly sacrifice ourselves, asking God to help us to bring these people out of this situation of eternal perdition. If we are up, it is because these images shock us and we are seeking to bring these people out of these satanic practices. If you say that these images shock you and that you remain seated without doing anything, therefore, it means that it does not shock you.

    Papers called money can dominate the man up to which level for him to have sex with animals? Just as Satan said to the Lord Jesus that if he bows down in front of him, he will give him all the glory and richness of the earth, and that the Lord Jesus seeing himself possessing and to be the incomparable glory and richness, he started laughing by mocking at him, the same, the offspring of Satan ask women to sex with animals for some papers of euro, dollar… but instead of these women to react like the Lord in front of the devil to tell them that they refuse to expose their buttocks so that the dog or cow should penetrate them in exchange of some banknotes of less value and richness of dust to be faithful to the faithfulness of God or to be disciplined to his discipline, they have preferred to do it with the dog or cow that penetrates them and thus transforming their sex less than a dust bin. These buttocks that animals penetrate are the same buttocks that the men will also penetrate; with all this, how will the diseases not develop themselves and destroy the populations? In truth, how can the people have sex with animals and come back to have sex with their fellow man? How will sexually transmissible diseases not increase in power in these end times and provoke atrocious devastations?

    The woman sex with the dog, the horse, the totem…, the man also does it, and when these two sexes meet, it is only to transmit diseases among each other. Look how the prevention and treatment of certain diseases take much time and money in the entire world. How many people die every year in the world because of these diseases contracted from animals? It is terrible! How can the man have sex with a dog? You need to admit that these last have sodomised the men, and as if it was not enough, they started sodomising animals. In truth, the sex of these men and women who have sex with animals are less than a dust bin where dogs, horses, totems leave their dirt. All these species of beasts leave their different dirt to the authors of these acts, and it develops serious diseases. The man penetrates the anus of a dog where he brings out shit, and when he finishes, he penetrates the woman and thus transmits her provisions that he has taken from the beast. What a generation! What a century!

    In truth, it is time to no longer envy the people for their skin colour, their territory, their spoken language, their material, their celebrity, their power…, but to rather envy the men who have made of Jesus Christ their life, their way, their value, their glory, their greatness, their richness… Those ones are not envied for their carapace or shell and things that are only useful to these carapaces. I greatly cry the fate of African girls who are caught in the trap of internet by certain people abroad who insinuate to be business men, and in record time, they arrive in Africa, pay the dowry of these girls to their parents, make the marriage certificate and immediately embark them. When they arrive abroad, the first thing that they do is to seize the papers of their wives, next, they bring them in big houses that are in fences where they force them to satisfy the most perverse desires of certain customers or animals of certain people. There are many African girls in this list who are abroad in the seeking of better conditions of life of the flesh.  

    In these countries of dream for many, they propose them much money to have sex with animals and also with men. When they finish collecting little money, they return in their countries of origin with few materials that have been bought, a depreciated vehicle, cell phones and other things that they have picked from the dust bin. When they return in their country of origin, these women are escorted by all the family members with the admiration and consideration. For the family, it is a great glory and honour for their daughter, sister, cousin… to be abroad; and these last full of man’s glory change their walking style, the manner to speak in order to make the difference. These women insinuate to be what they are not; meanwhile they sell their body for money. People give themselves the reason that as the fleshly life is difficult in their country, that is why they prefer to do whatever it takes to survive abroad. If the people believe to do all what is bad in the eyes of God on the pretext of willing to live in good conditions of fleshly life because according to them, they cannot longer support misery, how then will they support an eternal suffering in the lake of fire? Repentance to you without shame because the eternal fire exist, and without the repentance, nothing will set you free from the eternal lake of fire.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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