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It is the 416th message


    The Africans must first of all understand that the life is not limited in the flesh, and that after the physical death, comes the beginning of an eternity. Before modernism, their flesh was more solid and was living longer. It is not because of what their flesh which is only dust will consume, will put on, will touch, will possess in order to be seen that they will accept to be manipulated, to take weapons and to make the coups d’état, to kill their brothers and sisters, to sell off the richness of their country, to privatize public companies, to become like beggars, meanwhile they are the ones who feed…They must understand that their dignity will come from the absence of the practice of corruption, lies, racism, tribalism, selfishness, ingratitude, laziness, forgery, magic, murders, the embezzlement of public funds… They must therefore abstain from all these evils.

    For the Africans to be sovereign, they must make of the dignity their greatness, richness, glory, power and force and not the material and acclamations of men’s hands. If the Africans have this dignity, they will no longer ask an African to destabilise his brother who is head of State in exchange of money and weapons, or to transform his country or continent into a bombardment field and a rifle range; because a person who is dignified, first authority of a country, will make understand these genocide people that making such a thing is to become eternally poor. How can an African put his country into fire and blood? Will it be to gain God or the devil? And if foreigners ask a head of State to give them or allow them to exploit the underground of his country in exchange of his maintaining in power, this head of State should answer to these evil-minded that the power is not his God and his eternal life or something that can save his soul, but that his dignity is all; therefore, he must not seek the power that will permit him to have domination over his people or to enslave them, but he must seek the power that will bring him to serve his people and to lead them in the justice of God.

    If these instigators of wars come and see the population to provoke revolts against the leaders, they must make them understand that revolting against their leader will not depend on their advices, but that good advices belong to the dignified people, which means those who fear God  or who have God for adviser. They must also make them understand that they cannot love them or feel pity on them. Consequently, they will have to tell them to stop all the methods that they use in the intention to make their country to become poorer through the destabilisations, the coups d’état and others.

    This dignity will bring the Africans to be above the material, power, the greatness and glory of man, as well as cheering of men’s hands. Being sovereign, they will be the ones to decide on the conduct to have and on their fate. Having the decision, they will be free from people who are strangers to their situation, who take themselves for presidents of presidents. They will no longer be intimidated by their words of the kind: “if you do not do like this, we will not or no longer help you; we will withdraw such a thing…”.They will make them understand that it is not what they call help that will make their flesh to live on earth or will make their soul to have life even after the fleshly death; but that centuries ago, the Africans were living without their help; Prophet John the Baptist fed on locusts and wild honey, and had a very great dignity in front of God. Let the Africans not impoverish the soul to make the flesh become rich, but it is preferable for the flesh to become poor for the enrichment of the soul, therefore, they should not make the soul to die for the flesh to live, but doing the contrary is better.  Therefore, if the Africans are dignified to be above the industries, above papers called money, cheering of men’s hands, power and authority over the men, they will be sovereign and free; as such, the manipulation, slavery, the jumble sale of the richness of the underground and the coups d’état will no longer exist.

    While foreigners will take themselves for great men in the power of transformation of things of the ground, the Africans will see themselves to be great in the dignity; and this everlasting greatness is without equal. If the Africans want liberty, they must pass by the dignity and sovereignty; because in the dignity, the contempt is dominated no matter the social rank, as well as corruption, forgery, lies, pride, ingratitude, selfishness, laziness, magic, the embezzlement of public funds, ritual crimes, the coups d’état… Being sovereign, they can also copy something from abroad that will not be a danger for their dignity.

    The Africans must seek first love, the hospitality, humility, the forgiveness, patience, self control, goodness, gentleness, peace, joy, the justice, righteousness… for their richness and treasure.Therefore, the African people themselves in their own will, must choose somebody who will be at the summit of the State to lead them, and not the one who is imposed to them. They must not vote somebody because he is from such a tribe, because he has a lot of money, big diplomas, or because he gives many loincloths of his party, cutlasses, hoes, rice, fish, as well as some banknotes during campaigns, but they must vote a heart which is anxious, therefore, someone who eats after his population, like a woman who eats after her children have eaten, and not before. This person must die for his population and in no one day must he sell off the richness or food of his people in exchange of his maintaining in power.

    The people who are dignified must vote somebody who carries in his heart the suffering and pain of orphans, widows and the poorest people of his country, somebody who does not hesitate to visit his lower population up to the inhabitants of borders, bringing help to them, comforting them with words of fortification; a Head of State who looks after health, education, the supply of potable water, electricity, the arrangement and creation of roads, as well as the fall in price of the house wife’s shopping basket. When a head of State comes closer to his population, making descents on construction sites, ministries, delegates, directors and others will not be able to present him fictive realisations of various projects. A head of State must bring the population to have confidence in him, and to resign must not be something difficult.

    The manner in which I see Africa and his present head of States, some of them give pain to their population, especially in the capital. When these last want to go out, the roads are blocked during many hours before they go out; they are protected along by the army as if there was war. They are too far from their population, they are too proud. When there is meeting of these African head of States, some of them mostly send their prime ministers. They are the first to open the party of embezzlement of public funds, next, they keep them in foreign countries and in their accounts, we find half of the annual budget of their nation. They give the richness of the underground to strangers in order to be maintained in power, and they make their presidential campaign with the money of the State. Some of them reign in their countries as strangers, knowing that after their functions, they will run out of their country like a rat and will no longer see it, if yes, through the television. They sign agreements to deliver the country, privatizing public companies, what will make the people to suffer even after their functions. That is why some do not arrange big hospitals of their country just because they are treated abroad with their family; it is also the case of some highly placed people who are evacuated abroad when they are sick. All is for them and their power, and nothing for the people. They are dominated by the material, the power, the glory, the greatness of man, as well as the cheering of men’s hands. That is why they like the coups d’état. It is mostly done in Central Africa.

    There is no dignity and sovereignty. That is why they are not free, and are manipulated. Some of these presidents are like divisional officers, governors and ministers of certain foreign head of States who make them to be ridiculous by lack of dignity and sovereignty; because they have not found the veritable force in the dignity, but rather in freemasonry, the Rosicrucian order… where their masters are foreigners, and in these magic circles, they are dominated by the astral power. Instead of these African presidents to seek the dignity and sovereignty in God to govern their population in good conditions, they rather seek the book of Machiavelli in order to rule with dictatorship and destruction. They lack the union, dignity and the sovereignty, that is why certain foreign presidents who take themselves for presidents of presidents maintain them into neocolonialism and in the small currency without value. They have marabous for which they spend high amounts of money, and these last submit them to horrible and abominable conditions. If the Africans become sovereign, some of them will no longer die in the desert, willing to reach Europe at all cost. Some will no longer sleep in verandas, will no longer be brought to do prostitution with dogs and horses, sucking the sex of these animals, leaving themselves to be urinated in the mouth, being conditioned to eat faeces. These Africans will no longer take commands abroad to come and make that their brothers and sisters should be slaughtered to extract their organs to go and deliver, or they will no longer steal babies of their sisters to go and sell. They must not accept the officialisationof the law of Lucifer that authorizes the homosexual marriage no matter the promise and shameful helps, the abomination that South Africa had legalised in the year 2006 by the former president Thabo Mbeki, on the regards of late Nelson Mandela.

   The deliverance of the Africans will come from the seeking of their dignity and sovereignty. I am neither tied to a continent nor a skin colour, but I like the truth and the deliverance of small fish face to the whale, as well as that of the souls. Somebody cannot engage himself to maintain you into poverty by destroying your nation and later on, he brings you the material as if he loves you.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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