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It is the 420thmessage


    What happens in this generation saddens and makes to cry a lot. In truth, what does this generation worth in front of God when we see people of the same sex having sexual intercourses, the head of States of big nations legalising the homosexual marriage, many people of the same sex getting married in the civil status; when we see men and women having sex with animals, eating other people’s faeces, are being urinated in the mouth; when we see people feeding on the flesh and blood of their fellow men both in the spirit and in the physic, selling and sacrificing their fellow men…? How can we understand that certain people have refused to eat the fish, birds and animals that God has given to them for food, to turn towards their fellow man that they kill, behead, cook and eat? It is terrible in front of God and in front of the men of integrity!

    When these people detect a prey, they flatter him, bring him in a corner where they catch him to be killed, they beheaded him, then; they sell him in pieces or in different forms… God created the human being in order that this last should worship him, adore him; but since this one in these end times is worshiping and adoring the devil in high scale, he (God) is not far to put an end to all these things.

    In truth, if the head of States were the servants or authorities of God, they would have been the ones to put an end to crimes, abominations, defiles… or to contribute to their brake. How does it happens that in a country, we find certain people who have the pleasure to catch their fellow men, to kill them, to behead them, to cut them into pieces to cook and eat, or to sell their flesh, sometimes like simple meat? These authorities of nations know what happens in their countries; but do they not eat the human flesh and drink the human blood? Are they not homosexuals? Do these head of States not sacrifice their fellow men?... With what they do and what they are, how do the people who eat their fellow men in countries that they govern will be worried? It remains to be known if these head of States do not also order these human organs to be delivered to them for consumption.

    In truth, it is time for the people to recover the sight in order to see that the head of States who govern the people are only servants of the prince of the death; they are only big servants of the devil. To have access or to posses the power, the force, the greatness, the glory and the richness of God, you do not need to become a homosexual, to legalise an unnatural marriage, to consume the human flesh, to sell your fellow man, to be a Rosicrucian, a freemason, to have gurus, to embezzle public funds… In truth, the leaders of the people being in these practices, big servants of Lucifer, they are the most admired, envied, and many people up to the men of God dream to touch them with the finger, to have a hand shake with them, to take a picture with them and to submit them their problems. This becomes more difficult because there will be no brake to evil as we can see today.

    If these head of States were the servants or authorities of God, they would have sought to lead the people according to the will of God; it means that they would have sought that the people should preserve themselves from all what is evil or defile in the eyes of God. When they would have heard that two people of the same sex had sexual intercourses, they would have asked an imprisonment penalty for these people so that they or the others who were willing to venture in this practice of Lucifer should stop it. But, in the contrary, the head of States legalise the unnatural union, giving the possibility to the homosexuals to possess the marriage certificate that justify this abomination. They are aware that in certain places of their country, certain people sex with animals, eat faeces of the others…

    They cannot seek to stop these practices that are bad and abominable in the eyes of God; practices that pollute the country and that are sources of diseases, just because they themselves are submitted to the orders of the devil that bring them to be in these same practices, even to make them become high. They are aware that in certain places of their country, people hold their fellow men, behead and eat them, some ones having restaurants where the human flesh is on menu. It remains to be known if these last do not also order it, for the devil often constrains them to eat the human flesh and drink the human blood in order to strengthen their alliance.

    In truth, it greatly makes to cry, seeing what these head of States are and what they do. If the head of States were the servants or authorities of God, they would have looked and sought to govern like great kings in the example of Solomon, and to imitate him; because when God told Solomon to ask him one thing, Solomon asked the Lord to give him a just, righteous, holy, pure and wise heart that will permit him to lead the people according to his will. If they were the authorities of God, they would have also wished to become like King Solomon in order to become great kings in front of God and in front of the men of integrity. But, they rather entered in the Rosicrucian and the freemasonry power and force to seek to become masters, while becoming homosexuals, consuming the human flesh and blood, sacrificing their fellow men…, being obedient to all the conditions of the devil.

     These head of States are in a bad posture; but being admired and envied by the people up to the men of God who dream to touch them with the finger, to have a hand shake with them, to take a picture with them and to come near them in order to have a solution to their problem, how will this generation not be flooded with evil? All the men who admire and envy the head of States are only spiritually blind; for they only see money, power and vain glory. I feel pity on the power of the head of States because they only have power over the people, especially those of their country, over the richness of their underground, industry… and without the veritable power, this power is useless. To have the power to command the men and things of the ground without the power to command evil is nothing. In truth, this greatly makes pity to see the men of God who admire and envy the men that are dominated by the evil power.

     In Africa, the head of States hang in power, it seems as if it is the veritable power, meanwhile it is the power for which the devil has conditioned them to do horrible things in front of God. In truth, everybody up to the men of God want to meet the head of States to submit them their problems, but among these men of God and the head of States, who are the ones having veritable problems? Of course it is the head of States. They do not have problems of the flesh or dust, but they have problems of the soul, problems that the Lord Jesus Christ came to solve or to treat. These head of states have serious problems that worry the Lord Jesus Christ, but even the servants of God want to meet them in order to find a solution to their problems. Men of God, between your problems that you say to have and problems of the head of States, what are the problems that brought the Lord Jesus Christ to sacrifice himself up to death?

    Between these head of States and you, who have serious problems that made the blood of Christ to shed, and who must worry and cry for the problem of the other and to wish to meetthe other in order to solve this problem? The three mates in Babylon were lacking spare clothes, they did not have where to lay their head and had difficulties to have what to eat; they were faced to the king of Babylon and his men who had money and gold piled up, as well as the glory and power over all their people. They were willing to meet these last, not to submit them false problems of the flesh, but to solve their problems of the soul that are the problems that brought the Lord Jesus to shed his blood on the cross for their changing.

    In truth, it greatly makes pity and to cry, to see the state of misleading of these head of States; because instead to be the servants or authorities of God, they are rather big servants of the devil. They are in a very critical state; when we look at them, the heart becomes filled with tears. If these head of States were servants or authorities of God, recognising that it is God who has brought them to be established in order to lead the people according to his will, they would have not allowed that crimes, the abomination, defiles should increase; they would have done everything in order to eradicate this evil that worry God especially in these end times. But, being homosexuals, legalising the unnatural marriage, consuming the human blood and flesh, sacrificing their fellow men, being Rosicrucian, freemason… they have turned away from what makes the brake of evil, and are rather a bridge for evil. These adepts of ritual crimes, of homosexuality, of the consumption of the human flesh and blood are the most admired and envied even by the men of God.

    In truth, the men of God are the ones who were to bring back these head of States who were intended to be the servants and authorities of God, but they have rather become servants and authorities of the devil. How does the one that must be brought back seen and taken for God! What is left for these men of God is only flattery, the seduction, divinations, the appearance and the casting out of demons, and all this can neither be a brake to evil nor worry the devil, but it rather makes him laugh.

    My prayer in these end times is to ask the Lord to send servants that will be above the mud called food, above paper called money, above the colour of the ground called skin colour, above junk and sheet-metal called vehicle, plane… above cotton called dress, above the ground called territory, above the appearance… and if he finds that I have finished my mission on earth, he should not leave me spend an additional second in this smelling dust bin.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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