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It is the 418th message


    In truth, those who are considered like the big authorities in this world have shown their level of lowness, of abomination and of defile. The American, French, Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian, Belgian, Argentinian, Scottish, Colombian, Swedish, Canadian, Norwegian, Irish, Puerto Rican, Icelandic, Uruguayan, south African, Luxembourgian… States have legalised the marriage between two people of the same sex, never seen before in this world since his creation. Those who are considered for the authorities of God have risen up to fight against him by practices of an extreme gravity. A woman who sex with another woman, a man who sex with another man. In truth, what is this century becoming when every day, we see the most envied and admired authorities fighting against God?

       In truth, if God was looking at the head of man to qualify him for a mad or wise man, I would say that these head of States have mud in the place of the brain, the mud that pushes them to accept the officialisation of the marriage between people of the same sex. But as God only looks at the heart to differentiate the men, when a man possesses the heart of the devil, he is insane and reacts like an animal, and he is even less than an animal.

       These presidents have the head full of the knowledge of things of the earth attested by papers or certificates called diplomas, but have an insane heart where comes out acts of madness such as the legalisation of the homosexual marriages in their countries. Evil does not come from the head which is full of the knowledge of things of the earth, according to which they are bachelors, doctors, aggregates to not commit insane acts, but it (evil) rather comes from the heart. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander” (Matthew 15/19).

       The head of States sign the homosexual marriage in their countries so that two people of the same sex should officially get married, transforming their countries into Sodom and Gomorrah States. I love those countries more than their Leaders do; because these last worry and make everything so that the rate of unemployment should reduce, they rather seek the wellbeing and future of the flesh which just have little time before returning in the ground where it was taken, in contempt of the soul that abides eternally and that can escape from the eternal suffering in the lake of fire. These head of States have legalised this law to bring Satan to gain more souls. In truth, they have legalised the law of the devil who wants that human beings of the same sex should not only have sexual intercourses, but should also officially get married. In these end times, these head of States in Satan’s team are centre-forwards and wear the № 9, for they want that the defile and abomination should be too elevated to make dance the devil, his angels, his demons and his servants who are men.

       These head of States have legalised the homosexual marriage just because they themselves are in this practice. What does it serve a man (a president) to sleep in the presidential palaces, to move in an escort of vehicles, to travel in private jets, to be protected by the men, to be admired, considered, respected, cheered and to possess wealth of the earth when he is just a poor homosexual who transform an entire people into Sodom and Gomorrah State? Head of States, you who have legalised the homosexual marriage, you run after the devil to obtain his favours, and he Satan in return, gain your souls for the eternity. Meanwhile things that he made you to possess, and that are only for the flesh, being vanity, they only have few days like your flesh which is only dust. You do not only sacrifice your souls, but you also want to drag an entire people in an official liberty of the unnatural practice where people of the same sex get married, which is a revolt against God’s law. When God looks at the present world, he sees you as the great authorities of the earth, but also your people that you have dragged in the unnatural practice through a law that you have authorised. God no longer support to see his creature that he has made in his image in this great madness.

       It is terrible! In truth, when I look at these head of States, I try to see what I can envy in them which is good, agreeable and valorous to the eternity, but I see nothing, because neither the brains full of the knowledge of things of the earth nor dresses of high price and of dust that they wear, nor languages that they speak and write, nor the colour of their skin, nor the paper taken for money that they touch and pile up, nor the scrap iron and sheet-metal that they have for vehicle, plane… nor big luxurious buildings that they have for home  do not attract me, because what could attract me in them; pushing me to admire them would have been the new heart brought by the new man who is the Lord Jesus Christ. But from the time this heart is absent, the rest is only draft ready to be crumpled and thrown in the dust bin because of its lack of value and usefulness.

       Those who fight against God must understand that when God said to Solomon, great king or head of State to ask him one thing, Solomon did not ask draft or vexation of spirit and vanities, but he asked God to give him his heart, which means that the heart of God being in him, God was in him for greatness, glory, richness and value; and as such, he was seeing himself and taking himself for what was in him, supreme and everlasting value in all; king Solomon was not following what the wind takes away when it blows. That is why God does not look at our head to see if we are wise or foolish, if we are poor or rich, but he rather look at our heart. That is why he said to Samuel that he is not a man to look on the appearance or the physic of man to take him for a big or small man, for a rich or poor, to see him high or low, but he looks on the heart as it is written: “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16/7). If these most influential, admired, considered, and respected head of States of the planet possessed the heart of God, they would have not been poor, unfortunate and miserable to legalise the unnatural marriage in offending and insulting God.

       It is terrible and horrible not only to see how two people of the same sex kiss each other, but more, to see how they officially get married in front of the mayor who has put on the colours of his country . The devil knew that if he passes through the head of States of great nations, all the countries will not be far from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah States. What degree of Satanism where two people of the same sex have sexual intercourses! Presidents of nations, head of States, kings, in the name of Jesus who has suffered and has shed his blood for the liberation of your souls from the eternal death, repent from this big abomination and defile. For, it is not the men who admire you, who envy you, who cheer you, who dream to touch you with the finger, to have a hand shake with you, to take a picture with you, to submit their complaints to you that justify you in front of God. But it is he who has been appointed, the Lord Jesus Christ, to liberate you from lowness to greatness, from poverty to richness, so that you should have the assurance of what you will be near him in the last day. The Lord will not take into account this rottenness (things of the earth) for which you have sold your souls to the devil by also dragging an entire people for him to see you great and rich in your souls. Repent and ask forgiveness to God and also to the people whom you have given the law of Satan that authorises the unnatural marriage, for the end times are more than ever present.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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