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It is the 422nd message



     In truth, this generation that draws to its end is like a sick person who is breathing his last breath.

       God created the human being male and female as well as animals and insects so that two by two, male and female (opposite sexes of the same specie) should have sexual intercourses to perpetuate the specie; but some of the most influential, admired, and envied men of this world, in the despise and reject of the will of God, of his glory and praise, they have refused natural practices, preferring to sex with people of the same sex in order to accomplish the will of the devil. These acts are justified by the most influential, admired and envied head of States of the whole world who have legalised the homosexual marriage. Not only the men of the same sex have sexual intercourses and get married among each other, but they also sex with animals.

       In truth, these big certified of big universities train dogs, knowing that these dogs will no longer sex among each other, but with the men. What then worth their wisdom? In truth, God did not make the anus of the man to be penetrated by men or animals, he did not make the vagina of the woman to be penetrated by animals, he neither made the sex of an animal to be penetrated by the sex of a man. But the servants of the devil who possess much money in these countries of dream for the blinds and deaf, bet their fortune for women who will come and sex with dogs that they have trained. Many women accept to take the money which is proposed to them in order to give their sex to dogs, the first conditions being to suck the sex of the dog and to abandon themselves to be sucked by this dog which further penetrates their vagina to leave his liquid in it. But what a humiliation for these women who because of money, have transformed their sex into a bidet of toilets, their mouths that suck the sex of dogs into the broom of toilets! In truth, how did money bring the women down as such for them to sex with animals? Because of money, they have become the dust bin for animals. They have taken the place of female dogs, what even makes that today, these dogs are no longer sexually attracted by female dogs, but rather by women because when they see a woman passing, they are exited just because they have been trained to sex with them. But what a great distress of God towards these last that have become like objects in becoming a dust bin because of papers called money that man’s hands have manufactured! How can a woman leave her sex to a dog to suck it, to penetrate it and to leave his liquid in it?

       In truth, when the devil proposes money to the man, he always torture this last by submitting him into horrible conditions before giving him these papers; and since the gaining of money has become difficult in these end times, the devil has multiplied easy ways to permit the man to get it, but in exchange of his soul. In truth, it is time for the man to no longer admire or envy a woman who live in these countries abroad; because it is difficult for you to distinguish the one who suck the sex of animals and who leave her sex to be penetrated by these animals, in fact, she want to have beautiful clothes, beautiful vehicles and money, but you should rather trust the one that fear God and who glorifies herself in him. In truth, this world is terrible! The men who say to be civilised, train dogs to sex with human beings. If they themselves were not animals in spirit, they would have not done that. They are civilised in the little mud called brain, this mud that does not prevent them from committing monstrous acts. They are not civilised in the heart that brings to the will of God.

         It is time for the people to see the limits of the knowledge of things of the earth testified by a letter called diploma which in no day, will never be equal to the veritable knowledge testified by the Spirit of God. That is why diplomas obtained in big universities do not prevent the head of States, especially those who have legalised the homosexual marriage and all these adepts of unnatural acts to be engulfed by the abomination and defiles.

       The prostitution of women with animals abroad has become a plague that makes the veritable children of God to lose sleep. The devil in these end times has endowed his adepts of much money for it to serve in the defile of souls; for example, to bring the men to sex with animals, to eat faeces, to be urinated in the mouth, to suck incurable wounds, to sell and sacrifice his fellow man, to sex or get married with people of the same sex… How do the men who say to be civilised have brought dogs that they have trained to no longer be sexually attracted by female dogs, but rather by human beings like them? Are these men civilised of God or of the devil? To be veritably civilised, it is neither to have big diplomas nor to grow up in good neighbourhoods, but it is to be with God in his will. To be wise and intelligent in his own will (man’s will) is to be mad and wild in front of God.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)


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