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      It is the 423rd message



    In truth, all the big signs that announce the end times are already there: the men get married to animals… In truth, how can a man unite with a dog? What marriage are we celebrating? It is time for the men to see their state of lowness in front of God before the Lord arrives. The man should no longer remain in the seduction, and to take himself for an important person in the skin colour which is the colour of the ground, in papers called money, in junk called vehicle, in sheet-metal and stone for house, in the belonging to a territory because he stays in the most envied, admired and visited countries of the world.

      This generation which is tormented by the devil is terrible. This last has brought the men not only to sex with animals, but also to get married to these beasts as he has brought the men of the same sex to have sexual intercourses and to get married officially. He has pushed certain men to practice cannibalism, which means to eat the human flesh; and these men who are tormented catch their fellow men, kill them, behead them, cut them into small pieces, cook them and eat. What a monstrous act! The devil has brought the human being to take an animal for his fellow man of opposite sex, as such; he sex with the beast, get married to it and celebrates its marriage.

       In truth, the men found in the most admired and envied countries commit terrible acts. How can a human being get married to an animal and spend the rest of his days on earth to sex with it? The more the end time sounds, the more the devil works relentlessly in order to drag a multitude of souls with him in the lake of eternal fire. In truth, I always ask myself the question to know if the parents of the American, French, English, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian, Portuguese, Belgian, Canadian, Argentinian, Colombian, Uruguayan, South African, Swedish… authorities who have legalised the homosexual marriage got married among people of the same sex, would these authorities be born in this world?

    It is for you to once more understand the limit of their big diplomas testifying the knowledge of things of the earth that cannot bring them to think that if they are here today, it is because their parents did not get married to people of the same sex. They on the other hand give the authorisation to people of the same sex to get married, thus preventing child birth, and contributing to the stealing of babies and children to give in adoption to these homosexual couples. Therefore, in countries where people of the same sex have sexual intercourses and officially get married, having sex with animals or getting married to them is no longer difficult as you can see; because from the summit of the States, the unnatural intercourses are authorised, the people already possess a spirit which is lower than that of an animal, and having sex with animals or getting married to it is no longer a surprise.

       These acts of madness and of misleading must be demonstrated by the word accompanied with images. The Lord Jesus want that in these end times, all what the devil brings the people to do in order to gain their souls should be exposed, so that nobody should ignore the acts that have been announced for the last days of the end of everything; it is an interpellation for many who will neither like to be gained nor waste time for vain and useless things.

       When I was small, I often asked myself the question to know why many people abroad train animals so that they should always remain near them. Today, I discover that there are some who train these animals to sex with them, and also to get married to these beasts. There are certain people in these countries who are capable to cause serious problems to their employee who have forgotten to give food to their dog in time, because this dog is their lover. In the pass, I was seeing the attachment of certain people to their dogs and I was saying to myself that they were good dogs trained for guard; meanwhile you needed to go beyond to see that some of these dogs that are trained are only animals that must sex with them and also get married to them. But what degree of Satanism! It is terrible to see in these most admired and envied countries of the world, dogs fighting for the human sex and the men fighting for the sex of dogs. It makes pity to see how the devil has brought certain people lower than animals, meanwhile the man was supposed to come back to the image of God. In truth, I seek to understand the deepness of the thought and feeling that comes alive in these people who decide to spend their lovely life with these dogs to which they get married.

       In truth, what is happening in this generation is never seen beforenor heard since the creation of this world, for we see a human being who refuses to get married to his fellow man of the opposite sex, but prefer to get married to an animal. This century being more wicked than ever, there are also more horrible things to be seen and heard. What is more touching is the fact that; while the coming of the Lord is nearer, instead of the people to prepare themselves to meet him, they rather remain dreaming for the future of vanities; for the devil does everything so that the people should forget themselves, he brings these last to find that this present world which is just a spiritual dust bin and cemetery is marvellous than the kingdom of heaven. If the people were seeing the kingdom of heaven to be marvellous than the earth and his things, they would have done everything to gain the will of the king of heaven in order to hope to enter in the marvellous and eternal richness. But since the devil has brought them to believe that the earth and his things are preferable to the kingdom of heaven, that is why they make the will of the prince of death so that by him, they should gain vanities that are only things of the ground, without knowing that while gaining these things, they also gain the eternal death.

     What do they gain and what do they lose when they become homosexuals, when the head of States legalise the unnatural marriage, when the people of the same sex get marriage in the civil status, when the men sex with animals, get married to them, eat faeces, sell or sacrifice their fellow men, kill and eat their fellow men, transform themselves into an animal…? These people gain money, the glory, power, the celebrity, force of this world, but they also gain the eternal death; in return, they lose the richness, the glory, the greatness of the kingdom of heaven as well as the eternal life. It is terrible to see what happens in this world especially in these end times! If a woman gets married to a dog and that they ask to this last: “man, how is your wife? What will he answer?

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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