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It is the 431st message.


    The Eternal is too angry against this generation of end times, especially against the kings of nations or the head of States who have risen up to fight against him in officialising the marriage between two people of the same sex in countries that they govern. American, French, English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Canadian, Colombian, Irish, Belgian, Brazilian, Argentinian, Uruguayan, Scottish, Swedish, Luxembourgian, South African, Icelandic, Puerto Rican… authorities, you have authorised and rendered official the marriage of two people of the same sex in your countries in front of the mayor who celebrate this union and establishes them a marriage certificate. How will a couple of two people of the same sex have children? You authorities who fight against God, if your mother got married to another woman, or your father to another man, would you be born one day?

    In truth, what degree of Satanism lives in you and what kind of lesson do you want to give to God? God being the creator, he created the man and the woman, instituting the marriage and sexual intercourse between these two human beings of opposite sex so that there should be child birth; and he has provided an anus to send out waste from the organism to each of these human beings. But you head of States, when you legalise the marriage between two people of the same sex, you want to give a lesson to your creator, that one who made you, telling him that he had failed his creation, for this reason, you say that the anus of one of the partners should become a vagina for the other one.

    Head of States, according to you, where the wisdom of God limited itself,according to which if there is sexual intercourse, it should be between the man and the woman, that is where your wisdom begins, establishing that two men of the same sex can get married so that the anus of one should be transformed into a vagina for the other. Look yourself how the anus of men that have become a vagina for the others are opened; these last suffer and wear nappies. Because of unnatural practices, certain ones are being operated, for the anus is not made to be penetrated by the sex of the man, but rather to evacuate faeces. Head of States, you who have signed the officialisation of the unnatural marriage in countries that you govern, know that you have risen up to fight against God, and you will be eternally despised by the devil in case you do not repent.

    Head of States, you who have authorised and rendered official that in your countries, two people of the same sex can get married in the civil status; know that you are the legitimate children of the devil. In truth, the power on the men that you govern, the glory that you draw near these last and the material that you gather should not bring you to despise God or to consider yourself as gods that do not have any account to render to any one in heaven and on earth for you to stand and take such a decision which makes of the countries that you govern Sodom and Gomorrah states. Your governance or power on the men is less valorous than the power on the sin. Look how you are adored in your countries and in the rest of the world, but you are only draft without value in front of God and in front of his legitimate children. You are the first authority in your country, not in the justice holiness, purity… but in the abomination, defiles, injustice…

    Today in these dreamlands, you see people dressed in coat in big vehicles but who wear nappies under the trousers because while making of their anus a vagina, it has become widely opened and is always wet. But what degree of defile! They wear nappies like babies, and the enterprises that make nappies witness an increase in production, not for babies because of an increase in child birth, but because of people who have transformed their anus into a vagina.

    In truth, what remains is the horns of the beast to grow on the head of the head of States who have authorised the marriage of two people of the same sex in the civil status in countries that they govern. Head of States, you who have officialised the unnatural marriage, you are envied and admired by the blinds and deaf who look at you on the flesh or carapace, and because of their spiritual handicap, they take you for the great and rich men meanwhile,  in truth, you are only in the spiritual lowness, poverty and misery. In your ignorance, you prefer to rejoice for few days in the flesh or carapace through the power, the glory and richness of vanities without seeing what is reserved to you for the eternity. For me, since you have denied the Son of man in rejecting him, you have nothing good, nothing of value, nothing eternal for me to envy and admire you. On the contrary, I lament and cry for you, seeing your state of spiritual death that you yourself do not see. You are head of States in the developed and powerful countries in economy, you are envied and admired by the whole world, being the dream of all men who want to touch you with the finger, to have a hand shake with you, to submit their problems to you; you have gathered great quantity of things of the earth, but all this is only beneficial to your flesh which only has few days on earth before returning where it was taken, and not for your soul which will be eternally defiled . Insane of your state, you prefer to rejoice and laugh in the flesh for few days, but to moan and cry eternally in your soul. You run behind the devil to gain his favours and to glorify him in transforming an entire people to Sodom and Gomorrah state by the legalisation of the unnatural marriage.

    After leaving this flesh or carapace, you will find the devil to be too wicked and God too good, but now, you find the devil to be too good because he makes you gain vanities easily by the obedience to his conditions, and you find God to be wicked because he does not want you to do according to yourself, but he rather want you to walk according to him. Me, I do not look at you at the level of the carapace to take you for the great, elevated, glorious, rich… men, but I look at you in the soul and I find you to be small, low, poor and miserable. I am not a man of God who takes the poor for the rich, the slave for the free, the blind for someone who sees, the sick for the cured, the deaf for someone who hears, the dead for the living…, and you, you are spiritually blind, deaf, poor, sick, leprous and dead. But repent and renounce to all what you have done for the devil, so that you should become eternally rich, alive, and to see and hear eternally. You have nothing that at least can be compared to a centime of the value that I possess. What is worth the loft of cheap junk compared to a grain of gold? The Lord Jesus did not make me a missionary to come and admire this world of dust bin, nor to dream how I will have an offspring, houses, vehicles, bank accounts, but rather to tell the truth first to those who have sold their souls to the devil because of rots and who take themselves for gods, wise, rich and great men on earth.

        CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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