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It is the 430th message


    In this generation of end times, the devil much more uses money to bring the man to despise God and to bring him away from his will. Among his preys, we mainly find women especially in the developed and powerful countries in economy. Prostitution with animals or to eat faeces pays much, and women have thrown themselves in this decline without reserve. That is why the consumption of faeces and prostitution with animals in these dreamlands has become industries that pay much money.

       In truth, because of money, the women have trivialised their sex and they no longer have dignity and value; dogs and horses penetrate them at all moment for sordid and easy gain. These sexes that dogs and horses penetrate at all moment are the same sexes that the men will also penetrate, and serious diseases will arise. The devil knowing that things of the earth and vanities are obtained with money, he has used it to make believe the man that what he has made with his own hands is a god that he must prefer more than all. For this reason, the man has become insatiable and spends his time in the seeking of this paper to accumulate this dust, while forgetting the essential which is for his soul.

       The devil has made that the man should be in peace and joy in his heart when he possess these papers, so that in its absence, even if the Lord Jesus who is the creator of everything is present in his heart, this last should neither have joy nor be in peace. The devil has made the man to find that money has value above everything. That is why, because of these papers, the man sacrifice his fellow man, sale the stomach of his wife so that she should not give birth or one of his member, accept to have an incurable wound on his body, others even have the obligation to eat maggots that come out of their incurable wound, others again who have incurable wounds, have as condition to make someone to lick this wound every month, and the women are always victims. Because of these papers, the men accept to drink water in which sanitary napkins that have been used are soaked, they kill their fellow men, behead them and extract their organs to sell to those who need them.A woman accepts to come out of her vehicle to undress herself in front of the public and walk naked for few hours before dressing up. A woman prefers having a totem with which she has sexual intercourses and which gives her money. Because of money, people are being urinated in the mouth; they eat faeces, sex with animals…

       In truth, it is because of money that the devil much more despises the men, it is because of money that the abomination, defiles, criminality, injustice, corruption, wickedness, evil and the spiritual death are too high in this generation. That is why I say that the veritable deliverance starts from the moment the man becomes above the power of money, in short all material. It is question for the men to become attached to the creator and not to the material, which means to the Word of God and not to things that this Word has created. Money is at the centre of the present situation of this world and the principal cause of the degradation of the man. It is not for nothing that God’s word tells us not to love the world nor things that are in the world (1 John 2/15), that the Lord Jesus tells us to love him more than our father, our mother, our child, our sister and even more than our own life (Luke 14/26), or still ask us not to be anxious about tomorrow (Matthew 6/34). It is good to have the material, but it is better to be above this vanity.

       It is because money dominates the men of God that these last run to other countries to seek a power to make clairvoyance, prodigies and miracles. It is because money dominate them that these last ask people to give an amount of money in order to receive a prayer of grace or of blessing, or bless a material such as water, the handkerchief, anarmlet, a perfume, oil… and sell, or even sell their pictures on stickers. It is because of the domination of money that they sell the baptism to babies and little children, titles of church elder and deaconess; it is because of money that they have made of the church an enterprise that brings in much money, that they have become marabous, flatters, seducers, liars and crooks. It is because money dominate them that instead of these foxes to simply preach the word of God so that those who listen to it or hear it should become faithful or disciplined to it, that is to God, they rather make the people to believe that those who listen to the word that they announce are their believers and disciples, that is why these last call them papa, father…

       If the Lord Jesus was the only one to whom we were to become faithful or disciple, he would have also been the only father or papa, and there would have been less divisions within the Christian milieu. The men of God fight for believers as prostitutes on the road side fight for customers. They fight for people who will become their believers and disciples to give them offerings, tithes, thanks giving… that is why the veritable deliverance is rare. If the men of God who have filled this generation of end times were themselves veritably delivered, many people would also be delivered from vanities by which the devil passes to despise them and to raise evil.

       In truth, why does it not astonish you that with many biblical schools in this century training the priests, pastors, men and women, churches that are full to burst, Christian libraries, Christian radio and television channels… evil continue increasing? What do the men who are engulfed by the world and things of the world can do? In the developed and powerful countries in economy, especially when you are a woman and that you can bear eating faeces, and having sex with dogs and horses, you can neither lack a job nor money, because these new enterprises of Satan pay a lot.

        CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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