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It is the 434th message


    When the French, Italian, British, Spanish, Canadian, Portuguese, Brazilian, Argentinian, Belgian, Uruguayan, Colombian, Icelandic, Luxembourgian, Swedish, Danish, Irish, Mexican, Scottish, Puerto Rican, Norwegian, South African, American…States take the decision of liberalising the union of two people of the same sex without taking into account the will, the feeling and wrath of God, do they believe to be above God to give him such a lesson?

       In truth, it is time for the veritable children, missionary, employees, workers and fighters of God to see the man who is poor, not in the lack of possession of what his hands have transformed or in the ground and what it is full, but rather in the lack of the consideration of God or his creator. God’s will being the only and veritable eternal richness for man in front of God, he who does not possess it does not have the veritable richness for the eternity, even if he possesses anindustrial scale of richness of earthly things that his hands have transformed or fabricated. Being the veritable children of God and missionaries, we ought not to think that the veritable richness is like gold, silver and industries made by man’s hands. That is why it is said: “Being then God's offspring, we ought not to think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone, an image formed by the art and imagination of man” (Acts 17/29).

    In truth, when a State authorises the union of two people of the same sex, not only this nation bath in God’s wrath, but it is also immersed in the veritable and eternal poverty and misery. It is time for the veritable children of God to know their mission, their role and their function in the midst of this generation which is more defiled, abominable and wicked than ever. In truth, while the end time is near, the men lament because of the fall of their economy or dream of better conditions of the life of their flesh, meanwhile the devil is doing everything to maintain the souls in poverty, misery, death and rottenness by taking things far in the legalisation of the unnatural marriages, the prostitution of men with animals, the consumption of faeces, the selling and sacrifice of human beings, the attachment to magic…

       Children, workers, employees, ambassadors, representatives, warriors, fighters… of God, wake up, because Satan and all his government up to his human adepts are more than ever moving forward in the destruction and maintaining of the souls into the eternal poverty, misery, nakedness, blindness and death. Look at countries like the United States, France, England, Italy, Spain, Brazil, Portugal, Belgium, Sweden, Canada, Argentina, Uruguay, Colombia, New Zealand, Mexico, Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, Puerto Rico, Holland, Norway, Denmark, Wales, Luxembourg, South Africa… that lament and worry for the drop or fall of their economy, food and fleshly goods when they legalise the homosexual or unnatural marriage, and are immersed in sexual intercourses with animals and engulfed in the consumption of faeces that impoverish their souls and maintain them in the eternal misery. In these States today, people worry and lament for the fleshly problems, meanwhile the soul does not even possess crumbs of the bread of life. In truth, it greatly makes pity and to cry because these shameful, abominable and defile acts are striking the souls, bringing them to remain poor and miserable for the eternity.

       In truth, the time has come where the witnessing of the veritable children of God must bring the blinds to shut their mouths in the seduction and consideration of their carapace or flesh; they say to be rich and to possess great wealth, because they do not know that their richness and wealth are only limited at the level of the carapace that only has a short while on earth before returning where it was taken. In truth, seeing people who glorify themselves to be well in the flesh or carapace while their souls become rotten inside makes too pity and to cry. They lament and worry for the goods of the flesh, while their souls swim in poverty and misery, not even having crumps of the bread of life. Beingtherefore in the midst of this of this generation which is vicious and corrupted, we lose sleep, appetite, joy and peace.

       Today, people lament and worry saying that economic crises have struck the European, American, Asian… countries and that poverty and misery strike down sub-Saharan… countries of African. The flesh of all men of these countries and continents have what to eat and dress up, even if it is not enough, but their souls lack at least crumps of the bread of life and a drop of water of life. Yesterday, the flesh of John the Baptist was feeding on locusts and wild honey, but peace and joy werefilling his heart because he found that his soul that will pass an eternity had what to eat. He was feeding his flesh with locusts and few drops of honey even if it was not everyday; it was better to him. The apostles who were walking with the Lord Jesus yesterday were in joy and peace, not because the Lord Jesus was making their flesh to eat to satiation, but because he was making their souls to eat. That is why Apostle Peter was saying to the Lord Jesus: “to whom shall we go to seek what to feed our souls? Because listening to you and keeping what comes from you, our souls are fed for the eternity”. It happened to the apostles who were walking with the Lord Jesus to pluck heads of grains and to eat them raw because they were hungry. That is why it is said: “At that time Jesus went through the grainfields on the Sabbath. His disciples were hungry, and they began to pluck heads of grain and to eat” (Matthew 12/1).

       The authorities of some countries in Europe often make emergency meetings to take measures for the fight against the economic crisis that want to strike this or that country in order to raise his economy which is only for the flesh, meanwhile during this time, they are a Sodom and Gomorrah State; which means a country that has legalised sodomy and the consumption of faeces and the practice of prostitution with animals. This poverty and misery hit and strike the souls, without worrying the blinds and deaf who are on the rail way while the train is one metre to them; that is the end times that are nearer where their souls will be thrown in the pond of eternal fire.

Anuses that are transformed into a vagina are widely opened up to the point where these homosexuals put their hands inside. These anuses that God created for the evacuation of waste have been transformed into a vagina by them. It greatly makes pity and to cry. Certain leaders of powerful countries in terms of economy in this world glorify themselves to be rich in the flesh or carapace while their souls are reserved for the lake of eternal fire, because they have brought their population or people to raise defiles and abominations.

       I come with a word that the Lord Jesus has given to me for this generation; and this word is my richness, my fortune, my treasure, my goods, my glory… I do not come towards the man to seek things that he has transformed and that make his greatness, his richness, his glory, his fortune, his goods, his treasure…, but I rather come to give him the word that has created these things (the creative word) so that he should also possess eternal goods. This world has nothing to give me, but I am the one to bring it something that will give it the consideration and aggregation in front of God and not in front of the man.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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