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It is the 435th message


    Today, near or far, we see through images how the devil is walking on the men by bringing them to submit themselves to his horrible conditions and acts. In truth, if you have Christ’s feeling in you, seeing certain men whose anus are widely opened because they have become the vagina for other men, seeing how the devil has brought the men to eat faeces of their fellow men and are being urinated in the mouth, how they sex with the beasts and even get married to them, commit ritual crimes, kill their fellow men, behead them for food that they consume,… you can neither hold your tears nor restrain not to give yourself in the sacrifice and fight.

     Veritable children of God, our peace and joy on earth must not come from things of the earth that we touch or pile up, but rather from the deliverance of souls that the devil has made prisoners. And our sadness, worry, lamentation and cries on earth must neither come from the lack of things of the earth, but from the fact that the men (their souls) lack things of the kingdom of heaven.

    Veritable children of God in spirit and truth, how can you be in joy and peace on earth in the middle of men that haste and sacrifice themselves to feed, dress up, take care of their flesh, in short for the wellbeing of their flesh which is nothing else than dust, if they ignore that there is bread of life, water of life, which is eternal life that has been given and put in the disposal of their souls! Veritable children of God, how can you be in joy and peace in this generation where almost all the great men of power, glory, celebrity, richness of the earth… who are envied and admired ignore the value of their souls to sell or give them to Satan in exchange of passing things that their own hands have transformed or fabricated? The Eternal knowing the value of these souls, and seeing them in captivity of eternal death in the hands of Satan, sent his Son Jesus Christ on earth to appear like a simple man in the middle of people, giving himself in the suffering up to the sacrifice of his fleshly life on the cross for their redemption; and it is these souls that the most envied and admired men have given to the devil against things that their hands have transformed or fabricated; useless and vain things for the end times.

    Veritable children of God, how can you be in peace and joy when you see the head of States of big nations legalising the homosexual or unnatural marriage where in these Sodom and Gomorrah states, a marriage certificate is delivered to these homosexuals? You must rather worry, lament, cry, moan and pray for these lasts, asking God to give you his word to bring it to them, and that will permit them to become free form the yoke of the devil. It is not because these head of States have power over the men, swim in the glory, in the celebrity, in the material… that they are not people for whom we must lament, worry and cry. We moan for their souls that have great value in front of God, and that have nothing for the eternity; during this time, their flesh which is nothing according to the Gospel of Christ possess and rejoice of all vanities. In truth, if the three mates in Babylon known as SHADRACH, MESHACH and ABEDNEGO were worrying and lamenting for king NEBUCHADNETZZAR and his men because of their spiritual lowness and poverty, it is not because the king and his men were not having a territory that had much gold, industries…, or because they were not at the summit of glory, greatness, celebrity, power… of the earth, nor because the three mates had more vanities than them, but because the king and his men were not worshiping God the creator so that their souls should be saved; for they were worshiping the creature god who was the monument that their hands had fabricated and raised.

    Veritable children of God, when you see people in dreamlands eating faeces of their fellow men, are being urinated in the mouth, getting married to people of the same sex, whose anuses are widely opened because of sodomy, sex with animals, get married to these beasts, kill and behead their fellow men and eat their flesh, will you not worry, lament and cry for them in asking God a word that will be brought to them so that they should be delivered from the abomination, defiles and criminality? The qualification of a great or glorious man is not found at the level of the flesh, but at the level of the soul; for the flesh is the ground and it has the ground where it has been taken as its final destination no matter its duration; but the soul which is poor can still avoid the lake of eternal fire for the kingdom of heaven thanks to the word which is listened, the repentance and life of the will of God. As such, God willing that our souls should be free from the eternal torment, has brought down things of the kingdom of heaven on earth through the Lord Jesus, this good news is first for our souls and not our flesh, and it is in the practice of the word of the Lord Jesus that we first seek to gain the kingdom of heaven and are in the justice of God.

    See how these women embrace the snake and have sexual intercourses with these reptiles! But what a deception for the creator to see these last that he had created in his image! These snakes are their husbands; and after having sex with them, they vomit money to them. These women are very dangerous, because when they must sacrifice a human being to this reptile called carrier of good luck, they first give much money coming from this snake to the man, next, when this last (the man) penetrates her vagina, he rather mystically penetrates the mouth of the snake, and when he will leave his liquid in this mouth, the snake will swallow it, and that is how this last will die. Be careful with these women that propose you much money, it is not to love you that they give you this money, but it is because they take you for an object or an animal that must be sacrificed to make more money, glory, greatness, celebrity, power, force…

    This generation is full of totems for husbands, masters… that enrich and provide the fleshly needs, but at the price of souls for which the Lord Jesus suffered and died on the cross. Veritable children and fighters of God, it is time for the devil and all his government up to his human adepts to know that you are in the middle of this generation which is wicked than ever with the personality and good of Christ. The Lord did not make you a useless missionary and worker for the souls, and for this reason, show to the entire world what the Lord has given you, make them feel what he has put in you so that they should recognise what you are through what you have, and they should understand of which God you are the child. All the material that the head of States, stars, industrialists… have come from the ground, and this poor ground was created by what you possess in you. Therefore, they have nothing to make you perfect and to make you become, if not you to give them the eternal richness. If you believe in that, this generation will tremble.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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