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It is the 437thmessage


       In truth, the hour is serious. It is time for the veritable children of God to come as firemen or submarines to help the head of States who have legalised the homosexual marriage and their population dived in unnatural practices and marriages.

       Veritable children of God, the Lord Jesus did not send you to lament, to become sad, to cry and suffer for man’s flesh because of his deprivation, lacking and avidity for things of the earth, but rather for man’s soul which is deprived, lacking and empty in the possession of things of the kingdom of heaven. Veritable children of God, the state of the soul of the American, French, English, Italian, Brazilian, Spanish, Portuguese, Canadian, Belgian, Argentinian, Uruguayan, Colombian, Puerto Rican, Irish, Swedish, Mexican, Icelandic, South African, Scottish, Norwegian, Danish, Luxembourgian, Welsh, New Zealander… authorities who have legalised the homosexual marriage in their countries must make you lose sleep, taste and appetite of things of the earth.

    In truth, for us the veritable children of God, the state of the soul of these head of States, mayors and those who practice these unnatural acts must drag us in lamentations, worries, sadness and cries because their souls that have great value in front of God and for which the Lord Jesus sacrificed his body of flesh for their liberty possess nothing of the kingdom of heaven, meanwhile their flesh for which the Lord bear witness that it serve nothing for the end times possess everything of the earth. Their flesh that possesses everything of the earth will disappear in a short while, and their soul that must stay eternally possesses nothing of the kingdom of heaven.

       In truth, what kind of eternal dirtiness, poverty, misery and leprosy these head of States have legalised in their countries? Veritable children of God, we should not be deceived for the fact that the flesh or carapace of these head of States, mayors and adepts of homosexuality possess things that their hands have transformed or fabricated to consider them to be rich and great, but we should see their souls in the lacking of things of the kingdom of heaven to see them to be poor, miserable and small. Veritable child of God, you should no longer be sad and in low spirit because of your fleshly poverty because you lack things of the earth, but you should rather be sad and in low spirit for the poor souls of the head of States who have legalised the homosexual marriage, the mayors who celebrate this union in establishing a marriage certificate, as well as all those who practice this abominations.

    Veritable children of God, you who lack things of the earth, you should not have in your thoughts and feelings that you have personal or fleshly problems for which you must rapidly find a solution, but you should have in your thoughts and feelings that the head of States who have legalised the homosexual or unnatural marriage, the authorities who celebrate this union and all those who practice it are the ones who have veritable problems for which you must rapidly find a solution; because you, veritable children of God, if it comes that you leave the earth, even if your flesh did not touch or store things of the earth, it will not be a danger for your soul; but those who leave the earth, having touched and stored great quantity of things of the earth while their souls have nothing of things of the kingdom of heaven, it becomes a big eternal danger for them. That is why veritable children of God, your worries, lamentations and cries must not be for the lacking of the flesh which is not important, but for the lacking of things of the soul that pushed God to sacrifice his Son for the enrichment and liberation of these souls.

       Veritable children of God, let us be wise and intelligent children to see that our flesh which is dust at least find something of the ground to eat and put on; but the souls of these head of States, mayors… do not have things of the kingdom of heaven for eternal food, dress and house. That is why veritable children of God, what kind of problem can we have in the flesh which is above the problem of the souls of the head of States who have legalised the homosexual marriage and who do not want to repent, the authorities who celebrate this union in establishing the marriage certificate and all those who practice this abomination, people who sex with animals, get married to these beasts, who eat faeces of their fellow men or their own faeces, who eat the human flesh both in the physic and in the spirit, who transform themselves or incarnate an animal?... Veritable children of God, if one day, you arrive in the hospital with a thorn in the foot and that you find someone whose foot is completely crushed, at this time, will you still be anxious of your situation or his situation? Between the lacking of the spiritual body of the head of States who have legalised the homosexual marriage, the authorities who celebrate it and those who practice it, and the lacking of the fleshly body, which body is veritably lacking?

    These head of States of all these countries that have legalised the homosexual marriage do not only hate their spiritual body, but also that of all the other people; for they often haste to fight for the reduction of the rate of unemployment in their countries as if they love the people, and the population is deceived because of his ignorance. These head of States love them in what has less value, which is the flesh, and hate them in what has more value which is the soul. They likely love their fleshly body to reduce the rateof unemployment, but hate their spiritual body in the proliferation of abominable acts such as the unnatural marriages. These presidents and their people are like the first priests. When the first priests were arriving in certain African countries, they hated the spiritual body of the population in prohibiting them not to consult or read the bible, but loving them in building hospitals and schools for them. These presidents who have legalised the homosexual marriage in their countries drag the souls in a great abomination and defile rendering vain the blood of Christ that flew on the cross for these souls.

       My dream is not to go through the developed countries that further became Sodom and Gomorrah States, to swim in the material for richness, they should speak of me in radio channels and news paper, they should see me in all television channels of the entire world, I should be cheered by all human hands, but my dream is to sit among great fighters that were before me in the kingdom of heaven.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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