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It is the 436th message


    In truth, it is a big deception for God to see the man that he has created in his image, leaving the woman that he has also created and put near this last, not only to sex with animals, but also to be sodomised by these beasts. In truth, seeing the degree of rottenness in which this generation of end times is found does not even give envy to live in this world.

    In truth, what I have noticed in this world is that it is in the developed and economically powerful countries where everybody dream to tread the ground that the devil went to settle down to move his great defile, his abomination and great criminality. How do the most envied and admired men in these dreamlands can eat faeces of their fellow men? If it is famine that brings them to do that, they should go in Cameroon even by foot to eat cassava, plantain, bananas, cocoyam, yam, tarot, potatoes…; because these products abound there. Even the pig which is omnivorous does not eat his own faeces, nor those of another pig no matter his urgent need to consume something.

    How do the most envied and admired men living in dreamlands can hold their fellow men, kill them, behead them, cook and eat? If it is meat that they lack, they should go in Cameroon, even if it is by foot to eat beef meat, pig meat, fowl, hare, hedgehog, monkey, pangolin, porcupine… insteadof consuming the human flesh. How do the most envied and admired men in dreamlands can sex with animals? If it is the men or women that they lack, they should go in Cameroon, even if it is by foot, they will be satisfied, instead to remain having sex with animals.

    In truth, all this is just that all those who despise the will of God are despised by the will of the devil. The will of God is that the head of States must not legalise the unnatural marriage in their countries, the men must not kill their fellow men nor eat them, these last must not eat faeces of their fellow men no matter the degree of famine. The will of God is also that the men must neither sex nor get married to the civil status with people of the same sex or to sex with animals or to get married to these beasts. The most envied and admired men in dreamlands up to the summit of the State despise the will of God, and they are also despised by the will of the devil as we can see; they have fallen lower than animals because animals abstain from committing abominable acts for fear of their creator.

    In truth, it is time to no longer envy people because of their skin colour, their race, their country of origin, their place of residence, their material, their spoken language… but it is time to envy and admire people that envy and admire God, that is those who fear him. He who fears God has the beginning of eternal wisdom, glory, greatness, power, richness…

    These head of states who have signed that two people of the same sex can get married officially in their countries went in big universities where they have obtained big certificates. They are full of the knowledge of earthly things, having power over the men and the richness of the country, but are veritably blind, poor, miserable and naked because of their contempt for the will of God. All these men who are envied and admired in dreamlands who eat faeces of their fellow men, are being urinated in the mouth, get married to people of the same sex, sex with animals and even get married to these beasts, are people who have big certificates in the knowledge of earthly things, but they are veritably miserable, poor, misfortunate and naked more than all the men in the whole world.

    In truth, it is time for the person who wants to get married not to trust in the skin colour, on the nationality, the material, the seductive language, but rather in the fear of God. Today, the material has become big bait for these magicians or again, for those who have signed pacts with the devil to obtain all his favours in exchange of human beings that they give in sacrifice. It is question for the women to take care with people who propose them much money to sex with them; today, many people are victims, especially women because certain men propose them much money either to sell them or to sacrifice them to their spirit that provides richness, the glory, greatness, power… or to mystically remove something of value in them.

    The world is full of great mystical practices since the men have greatly become tied to Satan to obtain his favours; and conditions that he gives them are horrible. In truth, how can the man permit to abandon himself to be penetrated in the anus by an animal and that this beast leaves his liquid inside? These blinded men, in the seeking of the material gain by this practice, do not even measure the consequences for their souls nor their physical body.

    The world is in darkness, that is why veritable servants and fighters of God, if we are of Christ, we are the light of the world according to God, and it is time to put the light that lighten in us at the summit of this world so that from the top to the bottom, everyone should be enlightened by this lamp, beginning from the head of States up to the small famers; they should all be enlightened by this lamp which is more than ever lifted up in this generation. It is question for this generation to know the veritable glory, greatness, celebrity, power and personality of the Eternal that we have in us, and not what is passing that the men of this world possess. Fighters of God in this generation which is wicked than ever, we have a lot to do, therefore, let us fight for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)


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