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    Only the Lord Jesus vivifies, sanctifies and purifies the souls. The Lord Jesus being Alive, Holy and Pure, if we live him, we are vivified and alive, sanctified and holy, purified and pure by him. For, only God who is his word or only his word which is him has the power to vivify, sanctify and purify our souls in case we walk according to him or according to his word. If we walk like him or according to him, we walk in the life, in sanctity and purity. It is the walk according to him that make us the living, saints and pure in front of him, and all this through the listening and practice of his word. That is even why it is said: “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin” (1John 1/7).

    Nothing can vivify, sanctify and purify our souls if not the word of God. This word is alive and if we receive and keep it in us, it vivifies us. This word is holy, and if we receive and keep it in us, it sanctifies us. It is pure, and if we receive and keep it in us, it purifies us. Therefore, the life, sanctity and purity come to us from the listening and practice of God’s word; that is even why the Lord Jesus says: “Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you” (John 15/3). God who is Holy calls us so that we should also be holy like him. This holy word calls us so that we should also be holy like it. That is why it is said: “but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct,  since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy” (1Peter 1/15-16).

    The Lord Jesus sanctifies us, and all those who are sanctified by him have become one person; that is why it is said: “For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying, “I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise” (Hebrews 2/11-12). Only the Lord Jesus has the book of life, and only those who will be alive by his word of life will be registered in the book of life, only those who will be sanctified by his holy word will be registered in the book of the saints, that is even why it is said: “And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20/15).

    In truth, it is touching and shocking to know the suffering that the Lord Jesus had endured up to the crucifixion, his blood that has shed on the cross so that the truth that freed and save should be known by all the men (John 8/32; 1Timothy 2/3-4), and seeing how today, the pope and his group work tirelessly so that this truth that save and set free should be ignored at all cost.

    The pope has proclaimed to be the representative of Apostle Peter, and the world has believed in it and takes him for the greatest man of God on earth. He has declared to be the Holy Father and the world call him as such. He pretend to be the representative of Apostle Peter, and makes believe to the world that if somebody bow down in front of a carved stone in the image of Jesus or Mary to make a prayer, this prayer will have a great efficiency; therefore, people jostle to bow down in front of the blocks of cement that are set up. He has also made the world to understand that the parents must baptise their children when they are still babies and at the price of money; and the parents of babies through godfathers and godmothers line up for this baptism. He has still made the world to believe that he who does not believe that Mary, mother of Jesus in the flesh ascended in heaven on the 15th August, he will be prevented from entering the kingdom of heaven; the world has believed in it and has found that this day is a big feast to celebrate the ascension of Mary in heaven. He has made the world to understand that he who does not carry two pieces of crossed wood in the form of the cross or who does not walk with those who carry this load under blazing sun while sweating a lot, he does not love Jesus; and the world has believed in it. As such, others prefer to carry this useless load even if it gives them back pain... to prove to the Lord Jesus that they love him.

     He says to people that if somebody does not ask the virgin Mary to pray for him near Jesus, his sins will not be forgiven; therefore, the people have thrown themselves in a race, with multiple recitations. Also, to lead the multitude of people astray, he says that if a woman does not come towards his group and him to fill the functions of sister, she cannot become the sister of Christ. Therefore, the women rush from everywhere to become the sister of Christ, and they become the veritable mistress of these last. He has made the world to understand that as head of State of the Vatican, a head of State of another sovereign country who does not bow down in front of him will not be recognised in front of God as a big head of State. And the head of States rejoice by bowing down in front of this head of State of God on earth.

    ANJEZË GONXHE BOJAXHIU recognised more in the nickname of Mother Teresa was born on the 26th August 1910 and died on the 05th September 1997. She had filled the functions of sister near these foxes; 19years after her death, Pope Francis organised a feast on the 04th September 2016 in her memory to canonise her and declare her to be holy (saint). And on this day of the 04th September 2016, he said to have registered her name in the book of the saints. Statues are now set up in the effigy of this last, without forgetting the feast in her honour.

    In truth, how can the pope go up to seduce and deceive a person who is dead since 19years by declaring that she is holy!. Does he have the power to register her name in the book of the saints? No, given that only God has the book of life to register the name of the living in it, he is the only one who has the book of the saints to register the names of the saints. If the pope was telling the world that these customs and traditions have nothing to do with the truth of the Lord Jesus that must set free and save the souls, it would have not hurt and shock me bitterly in my heart which is my greatest richness on earth brought by Jesus. Since he pretend to be the representative of Apostle Peter, these customs and traditions are a slow poison for the soul, but taken as the appropriate drug to heal the soul which is sick. And what makes more pity is when we see and hear these multiple blinds and deaf saying that mother Teresa have received the grace of God to be declared Holy (Saint), and that her name is also registered in the book of the saints. For me, the Lord Jesus did not shed his blood in vain for these souls that are brought in captivity, because something great will happen before his coming not far from now.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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