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It is the 459th message

    In truth, the devil often knows how to despise, to mock and humiliate the men in front of their creator, especially in these end times where he brings the men who came out of big universities, being or living in dreamlands of this world to do what neither mad people nor animals cannot do. The devil has brought these last to eat faeces or shit, to anoint their body with this very stinking filth. He has brought the leaders of big nations to legalise the homosexual marriage where the men sodomise other men and women, and a male sex is fabricated for the women; they take themselves for men, getting married officially and having sex with other women. He has bought the men not only to sex with dogs, horses and snakes, but also to get married to these beasts. The animals that penetrate these men are also penetrated by these last; there is thus the exchange of fluids among each other.

       The devil has brought these men to be urinated in the mouth, to drink urine, to suck the menses of women, to drink the water in which used sanitary napkins of women have been soaked. He has also brought them to kill their fellow men, and to share parts of their body that they cook and eat, and also make ham with it. In truth, it is too touching and shocking to see the men who came out of schools of this world becoming lower than mad people, dogs, pigs... by these abominable and defile acts. In truth, it is preferable for the man to lack spare clothes for his body of dust than to lack Jesus for the dress of his soul. It is preferable for the man to take Jesus as his first model than to have another man for model even if he is head of State, diplomat, teacher, star, business man, white man, black man...

       How can somebody accept not only to eat faeces, but also to take this stinking shit and rob it on his body? Faeces have become their delicious meal which they enjoy. Also, it has become good toilet oil to anoint their body with. This shit has become a good lotion which they apply on their body. They have become less than faeces because they consider and valorise it.

       In truth, this generation greatly makes pity no matter the fact that it is full of biblical schools, servants of God, churches, Christian libraries, Christian television and radio channels. As such, being blind, it is not the lack of Jesus (his word carried) in the man that makes this last to see that he is really poor, but rather the lack of the material. In this world, the man may acknowledge two types of deficiencies: the deficiency of physical things (the material) and the deficiency of spiritual things (the creator).

    If a man lacks the material and possess his creator, and that another one lack the creator but possesses the material, what is the deficiency that touches us less due to its lesser value? And what is the deficiency that touches us the most because of its great value? Seeing the head of states possessing the power to dominate the men and the richness of their nations without possessing the power (Jesus) that will permit them to have domination over evil does not bring the heart of God which we possess to rejoice; but rather to become sad and to lament. There is a power which is greater than the one to command the men and the richness of the country. This power is the one to dominate over evil; and it is brought by the Lord Jesus to free us from the eternal suffering and death in the lake of fire.

       The fact that I see the men fabricating all kind of dresses and shoes, vehicles and air planes ..., being or living in dreamlands of this world, eating and anointing themselves with shit, being urinated in the mouth, and drinking urine, sucking menses and drinking water in which used napkins of women have been soaked, having sex with dogs, horses, snakes and getting married to these beasts does not bring me to rejoice in the heart that God has made me possess, but rather to lament and cry for these last. The fact that this generation lack great men of God capable to be above the earth, the material, the glory of man, the knowledge of earthly things, the spoken and written language, the skin colour, nations and all men without Jesus is at the origin of the gravity of evil without brake. The men without Jesus in this generation are the ones who are the most envied by the men of God because they have the richness and glory of the earth. They dream to touch them with the finger or to have a hand shake with them, to take a picture with them to later glorify themselves, or to benefit things that these men without Jesus have possessed by selling their souls to the devil.

       In this world, the big abominable, criminals, corrupted, magicians... are the ones who have more money and consideration; they are envied and admired by the men of God who do not take them as people who are lost and that they have to bring back to the reason of God, but rather as those who must give them what they do not have and which is futility and without value for the end.

       In truth, if within a people, the wicked men or sinners are envied or taken for gods by the men of God, this people will be dived in evil without brake. And it is the case in this generation where the homosexuals, the magicians, the freemasons, the Rosicrucian, those who drink the human blood, those who eat the human flesh, those who sell and sacrifice human beings... are the most admired and envied because of their material richness, the function that they occupy or the title... All these men are envied and admired even by the men of God, thus becoming the model of all of them. That is why poverty, misery, the sickness and the spiritual death are less known because they do not make the object of campaign and testimony by those who are of the kingdom of heaven or the men of God on earth; and it is for this reason that the deficiency of food, water, health and life of the soul does not affect and touch the hearts.

       If the hearts of the men of God are touched, it is by the deficiency (lack) of food, water, good health and life for the flesh. That is why the men do not cry for the deficiency of life of the soul that still has the possibility to come back to life when the man is still alive in his flesh even though dead in his soul, but they rather cry for the flesh which lack life and movement. In truth, how can evil decrease in a world where the wicked people are envied and admired even by the men of God? For, these men of God do not dream that these wicked people should become like them in the possession of the heart of God which is a veritable and great richness, glory so that evil, magic, homosexuality should reduce, but they rather dream to become like these last in the possession of the material and the glory of man.

    Meanwhile, if these criminals, magicians, homosexuals... do not become like them in the Lord Jesus in spirit and truth, the blood of Christ would shed in vain for their souls. But if these men of God do not possess the material that these criminals, magicians, homosexuals... have, their flesh will always gain the ground no matter the life span on earth. Therefore, even the fact that the men of God envy and admire the criminals is in truth the hub of the lack of deliverance and the domination of evil in this generation.

         will it be the spoken language, the skin colour, a territory, the quality or quantity of the material, the knowledge of earthly things that will make me envy and admire these people who eat faeces, drink urine, suck menses, sex with animals...? But what a veritable poverty, misery, deafness, blindness which is ignored and that must be known so that the deliverance, not in the chasing of demons and evil spirits in bodies by healing the flesh and unlocking fleshly things, but in the transformation of the human or animal state to that of God by the Lord Jesus for the eternity.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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