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It is the 460th message

       In truth, it is touching, lamentable and worrisome to see certain head of States, first authorities and high personalities of their nations, people seated on the place of the institutions established by God and aimed to defend the interest of God face to the devil in their countries that they govern, becoming warriors of Satan to fight against God in the practices like the authorisation of the unnatural marriage where two people of the same sex stand in front of the mayor, embrace each other, suck mouths, wear rings, and establish a marriage certificate to themselves.

       These two people of the same sex, being officially married, they have the authorisation to adopt children and to establish them birth certificates as legitimate parents; if it is two women, one is the father of the child and the other one is the mother, and if it is two men, one is the mother of the child and the other one is the father.

       In truth, what is the fight that these head of States led against God, their creator! They have valorised the campaign of unnatural intercourses, it is to say that when two men get married, one of them become the woman and transform his anus into the vagina so that his husband should practice sodomy; and when it is two women, one of them become the man and carry an object that has the form of the penis of the man to penetrate her spouse.

       In truth, what is the education that these homosexual couples give to the children that they have adopted? In a couple where we have two men, he who is the husband asks the adopted child to call him “mummy”, and in a couple of two women, the one that is the husband ask the adopted child to call her “daddy”. These adepts of criminal acts of Satan kiss each other in front of the children that they have adopted; but what teaching and lesson do they want to give them? Since these couples are not natural, even the education of the adopted children will also be unnatural. But what a world!

       In truth, I ask myself the question to know what evil God had done to these head of States to revenge against him in liberalising and valorising these unnatural marriages in countries that they govern. I ask myself the question to know what kind of salary these head of States will have near Satan as they have become his mercenaries to fight without reserve against God? When the Lord who is the king of nations in the creation see how these individuals without his law, his heart, his feeling, his thought stand at the head of a nation to lead the people in the liberty of the practice that had led to the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, he feels pains to see the great abomination and defile of these leaders of nations and people.

       In truth, the Lord Jesus who knows how he has suffered in this world when he came with a physical body in order to deliver the souls through his blood that has shed and his word which is given, feels bad faced to the indignity of the head of States; for they are motivated not only to make unnatural practices to reign in their countries, but also the unnatural marriages with the adoption of children by these couples. But of whom are they authorities to make the natural intercourse to reduce and to increase the unnatural intercourses? But these head of States make too pity! This language is spiritual and not fleshly. They occupy the summit of the Rosicrucian order and freemasonry, of magic, occult practices, corruption, embezzlement of public funds...

       In truth, I seek to know what kind of animal heart these head of States possess and I do not find it because animals of the same sex have refused this kind of practice which dishonours them in front of their creator no matter the fact that they have been created to be man’s food. In contrast, the animal has been unable to fall low in this kind of practice which is too   unworthy in front of his creator. The head of states are the leaders when they approve, authorise, legalise and valorise the unnatural marriage. I ask myself if the head of States who legalise the homosexual marriage are not victims of the madness of useless power, greatness, richness? Are they motivated by an intellectual luggage to take such decisions of madness in front of God? What I want to tell all these head of States and their adepts who practice unnatural intercourses is that, the coming of the Lord Jesus is near; that they still have the possibility to repent and to gain salvation of their souls.

       The head of States should not deceive themselves on the power, greatness, glory and richness that they have and that are limited in the physic or shell; because what they possess is not veritable. They are too great and rich physically, but too poor spiritually. The physic is not eternal and it will finish by disappearing, but the spirit which is eternal will stay forever. They should not deceive themselves like the bad rich, but they should rather seek to be wise, intelligent, great and rich like the poor Lazarus. They should know that even if things of the ground that must pass are far from them, those of the kingdom of heaven that are eternal are near them; and it will be a good thing for their souls in front of God and men of integrity to the dignity of God.

       I do not want a nomination, a residence, a naturalisation, a richness of dust, a hand shake as greeting... near these head of States, but I want that they should receive Jesus and gain a place in the kingdom of heaven.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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