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It is the 475th message

    In truth, I have understood that in this world, the devil plays with the men as the cat plays with the mouse that ignores him. Seeing the ignorance of the men of this generation that symbolises their state of deafness and blindness, no matter the quality and quantity of food that I can eat, dresses, houses, vehicles, money... that I can have, I will always have a heart full of tears and bitterness.

    How can we understand that the men have a day of rest in the week that has been given to them by God, but are not in joy on this day because they are spending a day without doing anything, meanwhile it is not the case with the 25th December? That is why many people are always working even during the day of rest that has been given by God. The devil has introduced the feast of the sun god to gain the hearts of all the men and it has taken a magnitude today and has permitted me to understand very well that this world is truly under the power of the evil one and the lie (1John 5/19).

    In truth, Christmas or the 25th December is neither a feast of children nor of the veritable Christians because the feast of the 25th December or Christmas is far from what people believe to know. This day is the feast day of the sun god that comes from Iran up to Rome. A century before the birth of Jesus Christ, the cult (worshiping) of Mithra already existed, a cult of the Persian or Iranian origin, brought in Rome by the roman legionnaires. Mithra was the Persian or Iranian god; the sun god who was also celebrated in Rome it is in the year 274 that Aurelian, the Roman emperor declared the cult of Mithra as a religion of state, and he has set the celebration of the solstice on the 25th December. Therefore, every 25th December, there was a feast of the solstice in Rome. In the 3rd century, the Roman emperor Constantine set the 25th December as Christmas day.

    As the feast of the rising sun was on the 25th December, that of Christmas was also set on that same date; as the people were taking the sun for their god, they were also thinking that Jesus Christ came like a light of the sun from above to visit his people; as they have understood the prophetic words that say: “because of the tender of mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high” (Luke 1/78); they have thus taken the coming of Jesus for the light of the sun; they have made of it a feast, proclaiming that Jesus (the sun) was born or appeared on the 25th December. Since then, the 25th December has become the birth day of Jesus Christ and its celebration called feast of nativity.

    The day of the 25th December also called Christmas day expanded a lot; that is why in the year 425, Theodosius, the Roman emperor had officially codified the ceremonies of the feast of Christmas; what started progressively to become a feast for many who say to be Christians.

    In the 5th century, this feast arrived in Jerusalem. In the beginning, it was taken for a feast of pagans because for the Jews, there has never been a feast for the celebration of nativity or of birth, and that it was coming from elsewhere and also because Jesus was born after the 1st January. In the year 529, Justinian, the Roman emperor had declared the day of the 25th December as a public holiday, and it had become a public holiday till today. The feast of the 25th December progressively expanded in Europe. It was celebrated in the end of the 5th century in Ireland, the 8th century in Germany… A 25th December in the 16th century, appeared the Christmas tree in Germany, and on the 25th December in the 19th century in the United States, a group of people was offering provisions to little children and the disabled people, and they were called Father Christmas; where comes the appearance of Father Christmas in the United States, which means people that offer gifts on the 25th December.

    That is thus where Father Christmas of the United States expanded in Europe and it appeared like the feast of children where they receive gifts. Those are therefore all the origins that animate the 25th December. That is why when the 25th December is near, you hear talking of the feast of Christmas, of nativity or birth of Jesus, feast of children, of the Christmas tree and Father Christmas. Meanwhile the feast of the 25th December is a pagan feast and its origin is typically apart.

       The devil is like the chameleon that changes the colour and not the form. Therefore, if we know the chameleon in his colour and not the form, we will deceive ourselves on his multiple colours. The big roman priests are the ones who have greatly valorised this feast of the 25th December which is the feast of the sun god and that has become the feast of nativity or the celebration of the birth day of Jesus, or Christmas. In the same way, the feast of the 15th August is the feast of the establishment to the priests by king Jeroboam to bring the people to worship carved images (1Kings 12/28-32). But later on, it is these same roman priests who have valorised the feast of the 15th August under the pretext that this day is the feast of the ascension of Mary in heaven or the feast of Assumption; and they are still the ones who after financing a film entitled “Jesus of Nazareth”, have taken images of actors and have valorised them as that of Jesus and Mary. Today, when people see the image of Robert Powell who is a British actor and comedian, they consider it as being that of Jesus Christ; and when they see the image of Olivia Hussey who is an Argentinean actress, they consider it as being the image of the virgin Mary.

       I have understood that the devil uses these last so much up to the point where, when they valorise something, almost everybody love it and carry it in the heart. The day of the 25th December being the feast of the sun god, he has used the cunning and the lie to deceive the world, first on the fact that Jesus was born on the 25th December and that it is the reason for which it is the feast of nativity or the feast of children or Christmas. The same as the day of the 15th August being the feast of the god of carved images, in their cunning and lie, they deceive the world that it is the feast of the ascension of Mary in heaven, or again, the feast of assumption.

       Today, even little children know that the day of the 25th December is their feast where parents must buy them new toys and clothes, but also to assure them good and special food. They wish each other merry Christmas from the smallest to the biggest as if they know what Christmas means. For the feast of the 25th December or Christmas is not for the veritable Christians because it is a big humiliation that the devil want to impose to everybody, and for you, veritable Christians, you must teach your children this cunning of the devil and you should not be dominated by their whims. For example, in Nineveh, after the king had listened to God’s message transmitted by Jonah, he took the resolution that his people have to repent accompanied by fasting; and it happened up to little children and animals (Jonah 3/5-8). It is time for us to be wise in order to resist all the cunning of the devil. For the period of the Christmas feast has become an occasion of big business for companies that fabricate toys, different objects for the decoration as well as clothes. For the veritable Christians, the feast of the 25th December or Christmas is like the feast of the sheep.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death (John 8/32).

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