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It is the 489th message

    In truth, the devil makes all to demonstrate his unveiled and unmasked presence and domination in churches and houses of prayer in this generation. He expresses himself in the deception, seduction, swindling and magic practices.

       In truth, when these men of God touch their victims called believers with their power of hypnotisation, these people always become mad; it is the case with pastor LESEDO Daniel who command his victims to eat grass like goats, and these last obey him without question. In truth, it is touching to see some people who take themselves and who are taken for men of God using magic powers in order to objectify or animalise their fellow men by bringing them to eat grass like herbivores.

       In truth, there are two South African men of God: pastor LESEDO Daniel on one part who makes his believers to eat grass and to drink fuel... and prophet PENUEL MNGUNI on the other part who makes his believers to swallow his snakes and mouse alive, to eat clothing fabrics and strands of hair; he also ask them to lie down so that he should walk on them in order to preach and pray, thus humiliating those who seek the way of God. What contempt imposed by the devil to the men who are weak of spirit and who seek God, but who fall in the nets of these pastors, prophets, apostles... that he has established! It is not something normal when you see these people bending down or lying down to eat grass like goats or cutting grass to put in the mouth in order to chew. For, they are under the power of the magical domination of these servants of the devil who are taken for servants of God. They operate in churches by the means of magic powers that they have bought and that often torment their prey; that is why eating grass like goats or opening the mouth and swallowing the snake or mouse alive in the request of these men of God seems like normal practices in the eyes of their believers.

       These prophets, pastors, apostles, doctors... always tell to the big voodoo magic masters and witches to whom they ask powers to give them the force that will make them the gods in front of their believers so that all what they will ask them to do, they should do it without hesitation nor sadness, but with joy and happiness. It is not in a natural manner that pastor Daniel LESEDO in south Africa ask his believers to eat grass like goats, for these last do not suspect anything and they do not even ask themselves any question on the manifestation of this cunning; or again, that prophet PENUEL MNGUNI make his believers to swallow his snake or mouse alive without his victims being afraid of these beats that come near their mouth shaking.

       Since the devil knows how to attract the men towards him, these big voodoo masters and witches often give the power to these men of God to make visions and revelations of things that are hidden to the ignorant in order to captivate them; and the crowd that suffers itching to hear things that are pleasant to them run behind these foxes that they consider like the men of God in whom the veritable power is manifested; in the cunning, they reveal them their past, things that they have lived, the present that they are living, and promise them a better future.

       Certain men of God astonish their victims by magic acts in order to better gain their hearts by the means of the big power which is given to them by the voodoo big magic masters and witches; for this purpose, they often make some bank notes to appear in the purses or pockets of people that they want to swindle or in their bank accounts, sometimes, they even let appear some communication credit in the phones of their prey. These people in their ignorance think that there is only God who can do it, and that the person who did it can make them become rich or change their condition of life in the flesh. Being seduced and attracted, the men are ready to sell all what they posses in order to give these foxes what they ask them.

       These men of God are like crocks that make their prey to believe that they multiply money; they sometimes cut papers in the form of banknotes that they put in a bucket full of a product, and they make three true bank notes to appear on top to gain the heart of those whom they want to fool. As such, when they will ask them true money in exchange of these false banknotes, these people who are seduced will not hesitate to give it to them, believing to realise a good deal, to possess more by the means of multiplication. But what swindling!

       Magic, occult science and witchcraft are not to simplify. But, in truth, it is too touching to see the men dominated by the powers of these seekers of money and magicians who make their fellow men to eat grass as if these last were goats, or make them swallow snakes or mouse alive. In these churches particularly recognised in the appellation of “awakened church” the devil often work most of the time in front of his victims being masked and veiled; but in these last times, he does not mask himself nor put on a veil in order to highly raise the danger in these awakened or new churches; and when people will hear of these practices that are very horrible and magical, they will be afraid to go there.

    The devil expressly makes the ignorant people to commit these acts through his men that he has established and in the face of the world to make those who seek the way of God to be afraid. You often hear that in these awakened churches, shepherds make their believers to swallow snakes and mouse alive as well as to drink fuel, or make them eat grasses like goats, or again, make them keep the dead body of a partner for six months on the marital bed, making them to believe that the person has gone for a journey and that he or she will be back, they also make people to bury a baby alive, making the parents of the child to believe that the child has been conceived by a demon.

       There are many acts that the devil makes ignorant people to commit through his workmen to bring many people to be afraid of going on these gathering places or places of prayer also called churches, so that they should prefer staying at home or again, to discourage those who seek the way of God. But we should be careful because we are in the end times!

       If you are a veritable child of God in spirit and truth, you possess the new heart and spirit of God, you have become the body of Christ, what do you feel in your heart, spirit and body when you see people who present themselves in front of the crowd as being the men of God and who bring them to eat grass like goats or to swallow their snake and mouse alive, meanwhile you recognise that the Lord Jesus suffered physically in this world and has shed his blood on the cross so that people should not be deceived on his truth, but that they should know it and be saved?

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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