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It is the 490th message

    The devil is too cunning in his power of lies that he operates in this generation through his worthy sons that he has raised and established to govern the world up to the head of States; but the Lord Jesus by his grace has put his word of truth and full of light in us in order to expose all the works of lies, of seduction, of magic, of swindling and misleading so that the mandated of the devil should no longer be taken for the servants of God by thousands of people.

       In truth, the devil has mandated the papacy to deceive the world and to lead it astray from God, so that many should not be saved by his Son that he has sent. For the devil to bring Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree by their creator in the Garden of Eden, he first made these last to understand that the consumption of the fruit of this tree could not kill them, but rather make them become the gods in the knowledge of good and evil. The fact that the devil gave guarantees to Eve that while eating this fruit that has been forbidden by God she will not die, it had weakened her decision and engagement to obey God, and thus pushed her to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; and after Adam and Eve had disobeyed God, they became dead in the spirit and not in the physic. It is the same cunning, power of lies that the papacy uses to maintain almost the entire world in the disobedience and spiritual death.

       The spirit of the devil that operates in the papacy has first weakened her victims in the consultation and reading of the Holy Scriptures, thus rendering them null in the knowledge of what the creator recommends to those who want to come back to life or what the pope recommends them for their misleading and ruin. When the creator of everything says that all those who want to live or come back to life should abstain from making carved images and representations of things above... nor even to raise carved images, to place a figured stone or block of cement on a place to bow down in front of this object (Exodus 20/3-5; Leviticus 26/1), the pope in his cunning to divert their souls by the spirit of Satan has first prevented the people from reading the bible or consulting the Holy Scriptures so that they should remain in the ignorance of the knowledge of God’s will, or of what is written in the book of God. After noticing that his prey are already weak and null in the consultation of the Holy Scriptures, the pope has fabricated blocks of cement in the effigy of Robert Powell for Jesus, a British comedian and actor, statues in the effigy of Olivia Hussey for the virgin Mary, an Argentinean actress. Next, he has implanted these blocks of cement everywhere for the people to come and bow down so that their souls should be maintained captive in the death.

       The pope knows that the Lord Jesus himself came towards John the Baptist to ask the baptism (Matthew 3/13-16), and said that only he who will believe in his good news and who will be baptised will be saved (Mark 16/16); but after rendering his prey weak and null in the reading of the Holy Scriptures, he started to deceive and swindle parents of babies and children by pouring drops of water on their head at the price of an amount of money as baptism of God. Meanwhile in truth, babies cannot be baptised because they cannot believe in order to repent from the sin, from the bad life or conduct that move the men away from God.

       Knowing again that after the Lord Jesus descended and ascended in heaven, nobody has ever ascended in heaven (John 3/13), the pope has also deceived his victims by making them to believe that Mary by whom the Lord Jesus passed to come physically in this world ascended in heaven on the 15th August; and this has become a festive day for these people who are drunk of the lie and deception who believe that Mary is already in heaven and can intercede for them near her son Jesus.

       The Lord Jesus said that he who wants to be with him should renounce to his own life and should carry his life for cross and follow him (Matthew 16/24). The pope knowing this and also profiting from the fact that he has rendered his prey weak and null in the reading of the word of life, asked them to carry two pieces of crossed wood that are heavy on their shoulders and to walk under blazing sun with this load once a year; he has also asked them to wear a cross on the neck in the effigy of Robert Powell for a hanging medallion or hung on an assembly of grains that are threaded (chain) called rosary with which they must not separate.

       The pope recognises that there is no day called holy Friday in the book of life; but he has convinced his victims that this day exists and that they must abstain from eating meat on this day. It is the same with the Wednesday of ashes where his victims receive a mark of ashes on their forehead in the form of a cross and walk with this sign of the demon all day long. The pope knows that God has established in his church first the apostles, prophets, doctors... (1Corinthians 12/28), but in his cunning, he present himself for the representative of apostle Peter calling himself Pope, Holy Father, and those who follow him are called cardinal, archbishop...

    The pope knows that the Lord Jesus said that those who listen to the word of God and keep it are the ones who are his sisters (Mark 3/35); but he makes his victims to believe that it is a function of the women in the middle of the association to become their concubines. When the mercenaries of the pope arrived in Africa, they did not want the people to read the bible, so that while their victims will be going in the slaughtering house for souls, they should only content themselves to wear the rosary, to recite the “Our Father who are in heaven”, to ask Mary to intercede for them near Jesus, to bow down in front of idols...

       The pope has deceived the head of States, ministers, diplomats, business men, stars, generals, governors, divisional officers, sub divisional officers, attorneys, lawyers, bailiffs,... all of them are his prey. I am neither afraid of the pope nor of his prey who govern the world by nuclear weapons, wars, corruption, homosexuality, witchcraft, magic, Rosicrucian order, freemasonry when it comes to make the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ to sound like thunderclap in the middle of this generation for the salvation of souls.

     CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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