It is the 615th message

In truth, this present world makes pity and brings tears and moans in the hearts of those who carry the Spirit of His Majesty the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the God of gods.
Satan has captivated the spirits of men up to the point where their main objective on earth is to possess certificates, to acquire great knowledge in the professional training, to find a job, to have much money, land, houses, to get married, to have children and become great grandparents. When people succeed in having these things, they say to be happy and are considered by their fellowmen because they have accomplished what they needed on earth. But it is because they do not know that without Christ in them, they are the most unfortunate on earth. These last deceive and seduce themselves by saying that as the Lord Jesus has redeemed them, it means that they are saved. Meanwhile the main objective of man on earth is to be redeemed by the Lord Jesus because he (man) comes on earth being unclean, cursed and dead in his soul, he must therefore seek purity, the blessing and life of the Lord Jesus in order to possess it. But as the devil who is the master of vanities and misleading has captivated the spirits of men, for these last, they must come in possession of these things, if not their sojourn on earth will serve nothing.
The entire world and all the men living on it should understand something which is that: for our souls to be saved, we must be redeemed by the Lord Jesus. The Lord Jesus has redeemed us by giving us a life to live in order to become alive, pure water to purify us in order to become pure, the name to sanctify in order to become holy, justice to practice in order to become righteous;it ishis gospel and not another one. We must redeem ourselves by living his life in order to become alive, living his purity to become pure, living his holiness to become holy, living his righteousness to become righteous.
We should not deceive and seduce ourselves in false reasoning. The Lord Jesus has redeemed us by carrying our death on his body, our impurity, our injustice... which is sin and he destroyed it on the cross. In return, he gave us his life, his purity, his justice... to possess in order to be redeemed. After destroying our death, impurity, injustice, the Lord Jesus gave us his life, his purity, and justice which is immortality in his gospel. That is why it is said: “...through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2Timothy 1/10). We have to redeem ourselves in the life, purity and justice of the Lord Jesus found in his only gospel; not that there is another gospel by which people can be redeemed.
Even though the Lord Jesus has redeemed the men by destroying their death, impurity and injustice on the cross and giving them his life, purity and justice in his gospel, the devil prevent the people from redemption by sending trouble makers who ledastray through lies, by preaching human customs and traditions. They are liars and also ledastray through seduction and they preach the gospel of material prosperity. They are seducers, that is why it is said: “not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ” (Galatians 1/7). Life, purity and justice come from the practice of the only gospel that man hears, and this gospel must come from Christ. That is why it is said: “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10/17).
One day, Apostle Peter was announcing the gospel of Christ, and those who were listening to him saw that the Lord Jesus has redeemed them, but they were not yet redeemed in him and they asked Apostle Peter what to do in order to be redeemed by the Lord as it is said: “ Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2/37-38). Sanctify them, purify them, justify them and vivify them in your Word which is the truth. That is even why it is said: “Sanctify themin the truth; your word is truth” (John 17/17).
The men today are not veritably seeking this word that has the power and force to give them eternal life in their soul through the practice of holiness, justice, purity and mercy of God. If man had this consciousness that he came dead and poor in his soul for a short trip in this world, he would have seen and understood that all he has to do is to come back to eternal life and richness of the kingdom of heaven. For this reason, he would have given himself in the seeking of the veritable word of God so that the practice of this word should produce justice, holiness and purity in him. But these consciousness tied by Satan see only one thing which is the total satisfaction of the flesh because it came alive in this world, and poor in material goods, without a home and children. As such, according to the master of perdition, all what the men must accomplish on earth is to sacrifice themselves in the seeking of money and possession of everything to be happy. That is why Satan has delivered this world in a folly joy.
Even when the man finds the word that can eternally vivify his soul and make it become rich, he is not happy as on the 1stJanuary of each year which for him, is a day of great feast that gives him incomparable joy. In truth, having spent many years on earth neither gives glory to the flesh which is just a mass of soil and that will return now or later in the soil (grave) where it was taken, nor to the soul which is called by the Lord Jesus to flee from the eternal lake of fire by his life, holiness, justice, purity and mercy.
In truth, to all those who the Lord Jesus has called, stand up, be determined and sacrifice yourselves more than ever because the situation is critical.
To God only praise and worship by the Lord Jesus who has redeemed us by carrying our death on his body to the cross, and who has called us to redemption by carrying his life in our souls for the eternity.
To God only glory by the Lord Jesus Christ who brought the Word of Truth that has power to vivify us, enrich us, bless us and glorify us to the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)