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It is the 540th message


      I have the consideration and respect of every human being up to little babies who are still in the womb, because man was created in the image of God as it is written: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1/27). For the human being is the greatest value of creation of God on earth; it is to him that God has given dominion over everything on earth as he says: “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth” (Genesis1/26). The things have been created to serve the man and not to give him the value; contrarily, the value of man must come from the obedience or life of the will of his creator. Therefore, the value of man cannot come from the fact that he possesses things because it is the man who transform things of the earth that he uses and he is the one who gives them the name; that is even why it is said: “Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field…” (Genesis 2/19-20).

       I have the consideration first for every man’s soul and secondly for his flesh; for the man’s flesh is a lump of soil taken from the ground and which has to pass, and his soul that was breathed in his nostrils is spirit and lives eternally. That is why it is said: “then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2/7). Man’s flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven except the soul; that is even why Apostle Paul says: “I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable” (1Corinthians 15/50). It is man’s soul that became dead in the Garden of Eden because of the disobedience of the first men to God’s recommendation or will; due to their disobedience, their souls and those of the entire humanity were deprived of the eternal life and were destined to spend an eternity in the lake of fire. God seeing the everlasting suffering of man’s soul that was to come, and willing by his love and pity to make him avoid this suffering, this death and this place of torment that was to come, he then sent his Son Jesus Christ who is the sacrifice of redemption of all souls from the eternal suffering in the lake of fire; that is even why it is said: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3/16).

       Therefore, if God has sent or moved the Lord Jesus from heaven because of our souls that were in danger of eternal death and suffering in the lake of fire, if the Lord Jesus left his glory of creation to become flesh, lowering himself by sacrificing his flesh so that they should spit on it, be molested, tortured and nailed on wood to pay the price for the liberty of our souls from the hands of the devil, therefore the soul must recover his value in the life, glory, greatness, richness and power of God through the knowledge and life of the truth of Christ. For God did not feel pity and did not manifest such great love in vain for the entire world by sending his Son Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus did not love the men in vain by preferring to carry the weight of the eternal suffering and death on his body which he has destroyed on the cross. The Lord Jesus did not use the apostles whose names are written in the bible in vain to carry high the Gospel that we read today, those whom for this (the gospel), have put their fleshly life at risk, they have preferred to be beaten in public and to be imprisoned, even to be assassinated. We are not called by the Lord Jesus in vain, preferring to lack spare clothes, food reserves, a small house to sleep; that is why we work with all necessary energy so that the work of God should advance and for the truth of the Lord Jesus to be known by many in order to be freed from lies, evil and saved from the eternal dead. Therefore, it is not a matter of church or religious denomination, or of material... but it is a matter of God’s will by the Lord Jesus who is the saviour of our souls by the life of his word which is spirit and life, the word that we must consult and read in the book of the Eternal as it is said: “Seek and read from the book of the Lord…” (Isaiah 34/16). For when I see what the devil has done and continue to do through the papacy, but who is taking a catastrophic end, I cry and moan in my heart seeing these souls that leave the flesh or the earth without the life of Christ, dominated by lies and seduction, or engulfed in the abomination.

       What a strike succeeded by Satan after the great and glorious work of the apostles whose names are written in the bible! He has set up the papacy and does not want the priests up to the pope to get married; but what is astonishing is that he who must not get married can only become a priest if and only if his sex can become erect. Because for the devil, if the instrument that he want to use as priest is not potent, this last cannot be a piece in his game which consist to sodomise children or adults, or to have sexual intercourses with sisters, unmarried women and even with those who are married. These priests make many children with different women, or make many of them to commit abortion. For the devil found that if the priests up to the pope get married, there will be less child abuse, homosexuality, adultery, abortion... The devil likes working or he likes to destroy the souls greatly; that is why he has prevented the priests from getting married while insisting that the man who has a sex that cannot become erect cannot be established priest or admitted to play in his team.

       Seminaries are like poultry houses, and the priests are like foxes in these poultry houses. They sodomise many seminarians or future priests, who, once they become priests, will sodomise other seminarians in their turn, and the chain will extend. There is something that hurts me: when certain priests make their sisters to become pregnant, these last then become assigned or take vacation to go in places that are not known in order to give birth behind closed doors. Then, it must be précised that when a sister gives birth to a child, she gives the new born baby to other sisters that are nurses by telling them in the language of their father (the deception) that it is an abandoned child and who was picked on the road. After some times, the sisters will bring this child in the orphanage where the priest who is the parent of the child will still go and sodomise children among which there is his child; and this poor child will know neither his mother nor his father who is this priest that sodomise him and who is his father. There are some priests who go in orphanages and who give money to sisters who manage these centres to let them opened field to sodomise children. The priests in these seminaries propose high amounts of money to children to corrupt their heart, spirit and feeling in order to bring them to give their anus to be sodomised. The devil is very cunning and malignant, he makes that the power, the glory, the greatness, the celebrity, the richness, the force... of the earth that the man seek near him should bring this last to submit himself to horrible conditions such as child abuse, homosexuality... Majority of the men of this generation seek the devil to obtain what they need from him, and this last then bring them to become more homosexuals; and this abominable practice has filled the world today. Countries such as the United States, France, Italy, England, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland, Scotland, Luxembourg, Canada, Colombia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Wales, Norway, Iceland, Uruguay... went up to legalising the homosexual marriage in their territories and this have raised this practice in the entire world; these nations want that all the countries should also legalise this practice which is unnatural and against God.

       In truth, a world in which higher authorities are paedophiles, homosexuals, Rosicrucian, freemasons is a rotten world. Certain priests up to the pope do not only sodomise little children, but are also engaged in these abominable acts with the administrative authorities; and on Sunday, certain homosexual catholic prelates give the host or the communion to these homosexual authorities. In Cameroon, we have a lawyer called Alice Nkom who is president of an association of the defence of the homosexual rights. It is terrible to live in such a world!!! For if the law of God which was yesterday and which said that all the homosexuals should be killed, if it comes back today, there will be just few people left because this law was saying: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them” (Leviticus 20/13).

       Look at the picture of late Armel NDJAMA, chancellor of the small seminary of Bafia, and that of Jean Marie Benoit MBALLA, bishop of Bafia who had a suspicious death, but I will not enter into details here. What I know is that a catastrophic end of the dinosaurs of paedophilia and homosexuality is announced; but God who does not want the death of sinners ask all these last to repent before it is too late for them.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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