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     When I was carnal, blind, deaf, small, poor and dead, I was seeing that the most miserable men on earth were those who are in prison, those who are in hospitals, those who do not have shelter and who do not easily find something to eat; but when I became spiritual, seeing, hearing, being great, rich and alive, I started seeing that in truth, the most miserable men are those who have sold their souls in order to have power, the glory, celebrity in the flesh, as well as the material. And here, I saw many head of States, ministers, super stars, great business men, diplomats, senators, deputies, directors…; and that is where I understood that majority of men at the summit of vanities, being the wealthiest in the flesh, are also the most miserable in the soul because they have sold their souls to the devil to reach the summit of vanities. It has permitted me to understand the teaching of the Lord Jesus concerning the bad rich and the poor Lazarus (Luke 16/19-31). It had still permitted me to understand why prophet John the Baptist who was feeding on locusts and wild honey without spare clothes… recognised by spiritually carnal, blind, deaf, small, poor and dead men as someone who is poor and miserable, but was recognised by the Lord Jesus as the greatest among those who are born of women, as he said: “Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist…” (Matthew 11/11).

      Because the most miserable, poor, unfortunate in the veritable body which is the soul, are the most admired and envied in this world; many people dream to touch them with the finger, to have a hand shake with them, to take a picture with them… I take the case of these women who are considered as superstars in this world; when they pass, cameras are focused on them, because they are cheered, envied, given standing ovation… meanwhile they have sold their souls to the devil to reach the summit of celebrity, glory and richness in front of men. Willing to possess much richness of the earth for their lump of soil which is their flesh, they have become spiritually too miserable, poor and unfortunate; which means in their soul. The devil having become the owner of their souls because they have sold it to him, still comes and use them physically as bait to bring many other people to walk naked and without shame like them; for these women wear transparent clothes without panties (underwear) exposing their sex. It is a great humiliation that the devil has inflicted them in front of their creator. Many of these women that you see being almost naked have a totem, and they sex with this beast which is their source of power, celebrity, glory and richness. It is the devil who has raised them at the summit of the richness of the material, celebrity and glory; and they must do many magic practices in order to be maintained. All those who admire, envy them or who carry them in their hearts for model must be very careful because they admire the devil and become tied to his spirit. It is not for a simple thing that you see these women walking being clothed with dresses that expose their body and nakedness, it is because they are Satan’s baits. Woe to those whose hearts are carried towards them, because through this attachment, they let in the devil in their hearts and submit their spirit to debauchery.

       In truth, when somebody has already sold his soul to the devil, he is no longer ashamed to do what the devil waits of him; that is why these women expose their nakedness to the great public without shame, given that the devil gives them what they desire. They expose their bodies to gain the spirits of those who carry them in their hearts. “Truly, I say to you, among those born of women there has arisen no one greater than John the Baptist. Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he” (Matthew 11/11). In truth, the devil has blinded these last so that they should not see what is more important than their flesh, and not seeing the soul which is the most important, these last only work an suffer to wash, embellish, take care, enrich and feed their flesh which is vain. And the soul which they ignore because they do not see it will remain dirty, poor, hungry, thirsty, and naked without possessing what will permit it to avoid passing an eternity in the lake of fire. These stars as well as the leaders who are at the summit of states are very blind and deaf; if not, how did they not understand that the Lord Jesus did not come to save the flesh, but rather the soul from the hands of the devil by sacrificing his flesh which neither had sin nor spot, so that our souls should belong to him and pass an eternity in the kingdom of heaven. But in contrary, many people, especially those who are at the summit of the glory, celebrity, power and the material have sold their souls to the devil for vanities.

       Blind and deaf men, you humiliate, lower and despise your souls that must pass an eternity, to glorify and raise your flesh which is just a lump of soil and which must return in the ground. For the creator had drawn our flesh from dust of the ground as it is said: “then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature” (Genesis 2/7). And God said to the man: “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3/19). The creator of all things had limited the life span of our flesh to about 120 years, that is why it is said: “Then the LORD said, My spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh; his days shall be 120 years” (Genesis 6/3). We should understand that our flesh is dust and it must return in the ground where it was taken. Nowadays, it is difficult to reach 120 years, and the devil has gained the men so that they should neither think nor suffer for the eternal future of their souls in the kingdom of heaven, but rather for the future of their flesh which must return in the ground where it was taken. Meanwhile this flesh cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven as Apostle Paul says: “I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable” (1Corinthians 15/50). That is why, when the Lord Jesus became flesh, knowing that he must return in the kingdom of heaven where he was formerly, and that the flesh does not inherit the kingdom of heaven, he said that the flesh is of no use as he said: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63). That is also why the Lord Jesus gave the flesh which is useless to the suffering and death on the cross in order to liberate our souls that were in the hands of the devil and that were to pass an eternity in the lake of fire. But it is these souls that majority of stars… sell to the devil against vanities that are useful to the flesh for a short while before returning in the ground. In truth, when I look at these stars and the great men of power, I shake my head and mutter without end, because the Lord Jesus who had a flesh without sin nor spot sacrificed it to save our souls from the eternal death, but in contrary, they sell their souls not to save their flesh from death, but to satisfy it with rottenness for few days. Men, stars, kings… of this world, your flesh is the soil, and all what it eats, drinks, touches, put on and gather comes out of the ground and will return in the ground; that is why it is said: “All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return” (Ecclesiastes 3/20). 

       In truth, to be head of State, pope, super star, great business man, industrialist, oilman, diplomat, minister, director of company… without Jesus Christ is useless, because the flesh after having received all care will be thrown in the pit, and the poor soul without Jesus Christ will also be thrown in the lake of eternal fire. I cannot envy somebody who does not know the value of his soul, and whoever does not glorify his soul by the life of Jesus Christ, the king of glory, is not a man of value. The world is full of drafts that are admired and envied, but the time has come for cheap junk to no longer be taken for veritable gold, and for veritable gold to no longer be considered for cheap junk; many people will no longer be under confusion because the light of the Lord Jesus will shine to enlighten.

       To God only is the glory by the Lord Jesus Christ the saviour of souls from the eternal death.

      CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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