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     In truth, the African continent makes me too pity , not because his ground and underground are not rich, not because he does not have great intellectuals..., but because on one side, his witches are used to savagely block and kill their brothers, extract blood from their bodies, to remove the brains, especially those of children that are intelligent and that they sell abroad against diseases that they put in the blood of their African brothers so that they should become sick and buy many drugs, what permits those who sell them abroad to make much money. These witches block the projects of development, destroy the intelligence of those who might be useful to their family, a region or country. African witches operate at all moment in the bewitchment of their brothers, while the men of God who have bought the power of voodoo, totems, winds of the sea... rush to swindle the sick people who are bewitched; they sometimes work with these witches so that they should not lack people who are sick and bewitched, through whom they will make money and have the glory. In the western world, they do not talk much of bewitchment, prayers of miracle as in Africa.

     On the other side, the head of States, ministers...have been recruited, initiated... in freemasonry; they are bewitched by this spirit of the horned beast. They destroy the value of all and for all in their continent: the value of progress, development, success, dignity... In truth, let all the men on earth understand that the value of man must not come first from the possession of the material, things that his hands have transformed, the knowledge of earthly things attested by the biggest certificate which is obtained, a spoken or written language, the belonging to a continent, nation, town, neighbourhood, tribe, skin colour, but rather in the presence of the creator in you, having become his house, his temple, his dwelling. At this moment, the man lives according to God’s will, he has decreased and has left his creator to increase in him, he has disappeared and has left his creator to appear in him; as such, he is approved before his creator...

     In truth, the time has come for the African leaders to be delivered so that the whole Africa should also be delivered. African leaders must turn towards their
God the creator, not the god of peels, herbs..., religious denominations or individuals that are pushed by demons to declare to be the only men of God, but we must turn towards the God of the word of fire to burn our hearts, the God of the word of hammer to skin our hearts, the God of the word of sword to circumcise our hearts and transform them into the heart of God; it is this God who talks of his word saying: “Is not my word like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23/29).

      Freemasonry is another kind of witchcraft; and since all the witchcraft of Satan is directed by his spirit of the beast which is himself, and that every witchcraft is initiated, that is why freemasonry is also initiated, and it is the spirit of the horned beast. Almost all the African leaders are initiated in this lodge to become possessed or bewitched by the spirit of the beast. That is why these last do not fail to kill someone to drink his blood and eat his flesh, sodomise or are being sodomised... These practices are inherent to the people who possess the spirit of the horned beast. Majority of the Africans do not work for what contribute to the development of their continent, but rather for his deepest destruction. This initiation to freemasonry and witchcraft permits them to possess or to become attached to the spirit of the horned beast... that permits them to take the power to be more important than God their creator. They can submit all their country to plundering by selling all his resources of the ground and underground in order to be maintained in power; because having domination over his fellowmen is far more important than having domination over evil, the devil and the spiritual death by becoming tied to the creator. They are in freemasonry because of this power. They surround themselves with big marabous, witch doctors and great magic masters of their country, continent and abroad. These African leaders accept to fulfil all the conditions that are imposed to them in order to have the power and to be maintained, thus physically and spiritually terrorising all the people up to the politic opponents. They gain the people spiritually, hypnotising them so that there should not be any contestation even during electoral fraud and manipulations. The people do not contest the changing of the constitution which is done in their favour.

      The power of freemasonry brings the African leaders to drink the human blood, to eat faeces and drink urine, to slaughter babies or adults on ritual hotels; to sacrifice their blood to the demon of power and of domination, to bury animals and well as human beings alive, to eat human hearts raw, to eat cooked clitoris of women and the sex of men, to sodomise animals and men, to be sodomised, to transform themselves into animals, to sex with mermaids... They fulfil horrible conditions to have what, if not vanities and to sell their souls to the devil. These conditions are also fulfilled by these freemason leaders in order not to lose their power and to remain strong dominants. Even ministers, secretaries of states, directors of public companies... who want to have a post of responsibility and to be maintained especially during reshuffle bring marabous and witch doctors abroad, house them in hotels for months so that these last should make practices of witchcraft for them. For the freemasons with the spirit of the horned beast to be named, they are ready to sacrifice their children to the spirits of the devil, to render others mentally sick, to sacrifice the womb of their wives so that they should not give birth. They are also able to sacrifice their procreation, thus becoming infertile, and bringing their wives to sex with other men in order to have children. A freemason who is able to kill his own child in order to have a post within the government will have what feeling towards other people’s children? When the spirits of the people that they have killed or made to be killed come back for revenge, they move towards the exorcists, the men of God... to cast away these spirits which according to them, do not want that they should work in peace. But what sanguinary governments for these African nations!

      In Africa, when a president leaves the presidency or a minister leaves the ministry, he who comes to replace him first call an exorcist to destroy the power or the spirits of he who was formerly there in order to later place his. These African leaders who are freemasons have destroyed Africa. They have taken the power for God their creator up to the point where they plunder the richness of their country in order to be maintained; they are dictators, enemies of democracy. They empty state coffers to go and make great deposits in foreign banks for personal use.

     All state sectors suffer from this gangrene in almost all African countries; which means from the head of state up to the least civil servant, everyone embezzles at his level to go and keep this money in foreign banks. These countries that are submitted to a perpetuated embezzlement enter into important debts towards international organisations of Western power, presenting their identity and definition as poor and highly indebted countries. But the reality being that it is the lower class people that suffer because they are submitted to an increase in price of products of first necessity by these foxes, sustained by the low income of households. They despise and neglect the creation and rehabilitation of roads, and are champions of corruption. Can we say that the suffering of the people is their desire?

     It is time for the African leaders to fear their creator, to love their souls, to respect their fellowmen, their constitution and the law that must bring the man to despise power over his fellowmen, the glory of man, the material, but rather to seek the interest of the other, of everybody and the entire nation. They must understand that having the power to dominate men’s physic is nothing, but having the power to dominate evil, wickedness and sin is all. Look at your stomachs that receive very shameful things, your mouths and hands that touch them! I who see you and knows who you are, feels no joy to have a hand shake with me, to take a picture with you, it rather produces sadness in me, because my joy will come from your repentance. Dear leaders, come back to your creator, for he is the God of love, mercy and forgiveness. You have nothing like veritable greatness, richness, glory and personality. The devil has deceived you like an elder deceives a little child by giving him a simple piece of plastic that shines against a banknote of 500€ that this child holds in his hand. You have sold your souls to the devil against the cheering of men’s hands and rottenness.

      Leaders, the man will not only live of food that becomes faeces and which goes in toilets to become a meal for maggots, but of  food that comes from God’s mouth, bread of life that gives life to those who eat it, eternal life in the kingdom of heaven. Food that enters in the stomach is for maggots, but the one that is for the soul is ours for the eternity. When our stomach is full and that we want to ease ourselves, which means to bring out some of the waste found inside, what remains inside is still much. When the man drags this can of faeces, he raises his shoulders, he takes himself for that one who eats better than others, meanwhile this food, this good and life are only faeces.

      Leaders, when your flesh will die, they will bring down this stomach of faeces in the pit; and your soul which neither knew the water nor food of life like the bad rich will go and wait the eternal lake of fire for a gratitude, salary and reward of the good work done on earth. Repent and let Africa be freed from pernicious sects in order to be developed... I love and respect all of you; that is why I let you hear this love and respect, because I want the eternal death to respect your souls, and I wait nothing from you, but I am the one to give you. Whether you receive it or not, whether you accept it or not, I would have accomplished the mission that God recommended me near you. Dominate the shame and good repentance to you.

      To God only is the glory by he who he has sent to sacrifice himself to liberate our souls from the hands of the devil and to make them enter the kingdom of heaven for an everlasting rest.

      CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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