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It is the 122nd message.


         Satan was an angel to God’s service in the sky. He served God with all humility and obedience but one day, he rebelled against God. And we know well as Luke 11/23 says: “He who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters”. Not assembling anymore with God, the question was for him to be removed from the middle of the Saints.

     The devil could not assemble anymore with God because they had opposite wills. One (the devil) became proud, liar, spiteful and the other (God) staying humble, truthful and merciful. As Satan didn’t want to serve God any more, his place was not more in the sky and for it, it was necessary that he descends on the earth. While descending on the earth, he dragged many other angels with him while remaining the chief of the rebellion. That is why Revelation 12/7-9 says: “And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and the dragon and his angels fought, But they did not prevail, nor was a place found for them in heaven any longer. So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him”.

     The devil descended on earth with the intention to destroy everything on his way. That is why Revelation 12/12 says: “…Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time”. He (the devil) has a whole well structured government and he is a god of Bad who is besides wiser and more artful than man and his objective being to gain the soul of this last one (man).

      As an angel, the devil can turn to all shapes that he judges well. When he went towards Eve, it was to transmit his disobedience by his bad advice because he knew that this one lived by the obedience of not eating the forbidden fruit. But he also knew that while eating this fruit, the woman will die; it is the reason for which he faded his false hopes while telling to her “… You won't die; but God knows that, the day where you will eat some, your eyes will open up, and that you will be as gods, knowing the good and the pain…”(Genesis 3/4-7). When she ate this fruit with her husband Adam, they all died; they became the devil. It was therefore their souls that had died and not their fleshes that served for nothing (John 6/63).

     This fruit which they consumed had serious consequences on their progeny that means us; therefore, every man who is born after them is dead in the soul although living in the flesh. In truth, when the devil comes near to man, it is to gain his soul and man is not able to do anything since him (the devil) had taken over on him since the Garden of Eden. For this fact, he was able to do everything to man. But God by his wisdom and his intelligence had planned everything to knock over this destroyer of the souls. For it, he started by choosing Abraham (Genesis 12/1-3), after him; Isaac then Jacob nicknamed Israel (Genesis 35/10-11). Then, Israel had 12 children giving rise to the 12 tribes of Israel who were slaves in Egypt. From Egypt, he chooses Moses who wrote the 10 commandments. Finally, after several generations have passed, was born King David and from his carnal posterity was born the Prince of Life to be known as Jesus Christ. That is why Romans 1/3-4 says: “Concerning His son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, and declared to be the son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead”.

      Christ’s birth made the devil to shiver at a point where this one (the devil) used King Herod to destroy him for fear that it should be late (Matthew 2/1-18) because he (the devil) saw this light coming and he knew that this one was going to despise him; he (the devil) who is darkness. It is the reason for which even in the desert, he fought Jesus Christ while proposing him the glory and the wealth of this world. He said to himself that he could win Jesus Christ as he won man because he won man through money, power and the glory of this world. That is why man is ready to kill his similar, to drink his blood, to go to bed with people of the same sex and also with animals.

     The things on which the devil won man are the same that he had proposed to Jesus Christ and he (Christ) refused them. But what Jesus Christ refused is what the presidents of countries, ministers, business men and stars accept today. If one could become a little wise while asking the question to know; what do I win or lose while accepting all these conditions? The devil only wants to destroy the soul and if the blinds and the deaf could imagine that there is another life after the death of the flesh, they would have not joked by doing all what they do today. It is necessary for man to stop believing that everything limits itself in the physical life because he must say to himself: “instead of working only for my flesh, I rather must work a lot for my soul because it is her my second life or it is her that will inherit the kingdom of heaven in the case she eats the word; and the Eternal torment if she didn’t live Christ’s commandments”. It is besides why Jesus Christ had taught to his apostles the parabola of the rich man and the poor Lazar. Unfortunately, the eyes don’t see and the ears don’t hear. And Jesus Christ says: “But blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear” (Matthew 13/16).

     These are the last times and God’s word is very rare (Amos 8/11-12). In more, it is not easy to find not only what to eat but also work (because it is necessary to fill some satanic conditions). Because, all what the devil wants is to soil man’s soul. All what is good and pleasant for human beings is to know how Jesus Christ defeated the devil and also how this one (the devil) has always won man.

     Man thinks that he can defeat the devil by his own knowledge (the knowledge of man). Yet, it is not the physical man who should be fought, but it is rather the one who brings man to demonstrate or to commit horrible acts. But the one who detains the knowledge capable to reverse Satan is Jesus Christ. The men as David and Samson could not defeat the spirit of death because they fought by the physical strength. It is with this same physical strength that Apostle Peter used while cutting the ear of one of the people who came to arrest Jesus Christ (John 18/10). And the devil was delighted while seeing Apostle Peter committing this act because, he (the devil) knew that if it is what the fight is about, he will be the winner. What makes that; this one (the devil) danced because the ear was cut and those who had come to arrest Jesus Christ on the other hand were sad. But as Jesus Christ knew what the question was about, he told Peter to leave the sword and he let himself do, that is to say; he let that they should arrest him (John 18/11).

     Jesus Christ wanted to make his disciples to understand that the fight is between God and god and not between man and god (the devil). The devil danced since he saw blood flowing because of the sword; now, it is not more the sword that fights, but the gentleness, humility and temperance. The sword made the joy of the devil but the gentleness, the humility and Jesus Christ’s temperance made him to be sad. When people insulted Jesus Christ on the cross (because they found that he was weak), the devil cried on the other hand and prostrated before him (Jesus Christ) because he saw that Jesus Christ was stronger and more powerful than him. But man thought to be stronger than Jesus Christ without understanding that Jesus Christ wanted to defeat the devil; the father of the spirits that prevented man’s soul to live in the kingdom of heaven.

     In the same way today, the men will insult you, they will be mocking at you and they will at a limit put the finger in your mouth. However, these people who make these are not stronger than the spirits of the wizards or the magicians. In order to win the strong Satan, Jesus Christ surrendered to be weak in front of man in order to win the stronger; that means Satan. It is necessary to understand that; the strongest is in the spirit and the least strong is the flesh or the physic. That is why Apostle Paul says: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6/12).

     It is by the weakness of the flesh that one is strong in the spirit but in this world, Christians are not able to fight like Christ; that is why they are dominated by the malefic spirits and of this fact, they are obliged to make resort to the material said spiritual. This domination comes because man always wants to defeat the physic. Yesterday, the men hit and spit on Jesus Christ (Matthew 26/67) but what was his reaction? But today, it is sufficient that someone measures you while spitting on the ground for you to eat him raw if possible. For you, some one must not make you these things or must not miss you respect or to say that you have done something which you did not do. Are you more than Jesus Christ? Lets have the same feelings that were in Jesus Christ and if one has Christ’s feelings, even if they say that you have done such or such thing which you did not do, it won’t soil you but it is what will come out of your mouth that will soil you. Understand that when someone offends you, he would like you to repost while committing an act or letting out from your mouth what will make you weak in front of the satanic spirits.

     To Jesus Christ only belong the knowledge and the glory for the eternity.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)

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