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It is the 138th message.


            The mission that has been confided to me consists in opening the eyes, not only to the Cameroonian people, but also to the rest of the world so that they pass from darkness to light, from Satan’s power to the one of God (Acts 26/17-18). Because the hour has reached for the men to be free from the lie and the seduction (John 8/32). I know that many ignorant will tell me that I like to judge, but they must understand that it is the word deposited in me that reveals me what I announce or what I say. Because it is besides said: “But he who has the Spirit, though judging all things, is himself judged by no one. For who has knowledge of the mind of the Lord, so as to be his teacher? But we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2/15-16). Understand that the devil won’t ever speak of his true nature to you, but he will always make you believe that he is “God the Saviour”.

     In the beginning, the Eternal God choosed Mosses and it is he (God) who gave the instructions to Mosses to establish the judges and the magistrates in the cities that He, the Eternal God will give to them so that they judge the people with justice (Deuteronomy 16/18). The Eternal God instituted this judicial body and said: “You are not to be moved in your judging by a man's position, man blind, and the decisions of the upright false.” (Deuteronomy 16/19). Even before Samuel enters into function, the people of Israel only had some judges as the authorities and at the time of his old age, Samuel named his sons judges. Unfortunately, these lasts could not work as their father. It is therefore their bad acts that made all the people to meet Samuel to ask him for a King who will be able to drive them.

     This is how 1 Samuel 8/1-5 says: “Now when Samuel was old, he made his sons judges over Israel the name of his first son was Joel and the name of his second Abijah: they were judges in Beer-sheba. And his sons did not go in his ways, but moved by the love of money took rewards, and were not upright in judging. Then all the responsible men of Israel got together and went to Samuel at Ramah, And said to him, See now, you are old, and your sons do not go in your ways: give us a king now to be our judge, so that we may be like the other nations”.  The Eternal God had accepted the people’s demand while giving them a King; that is why 1 Samuel 10/24 says: “And Samuel said to all the people, Do you see the man of the Lord's selection, how there is no other like him among all the people? And all the people with loud cries said, Long life to the king!” Because all what the people had to do was to be assured that the king will walk according to God and not according to him; it is how 1 Samuel10/25 says: “Then Samuel gave the people the laws of the kingdom, writing them in a book which he put in a safe place before the Lord. And Samuel sent all the people away, every man to his house”.

    You therefore understand that it is the Eternal God who institutes the judges, the magistrates and the kings or presidents. That is why Apostle Paul says: “... the authorities that exist have been instituted by God...”. It won’t therefore be necessary for someone to tell to himself that; because he is king or president, it is pleasing to God, but it is rather the manner to live or to drive the people (or the nation) that pleases to God. Apostle Paul therefore says: “For he is the servant of God to you for good. But if you do evil, have fear; for the sword is not in his hand for nothing: he is God’s servant, making God’s punishment come on the evil-doer” (Romans 13/14).

     The first magistrate, the first judge or authority is the King or the president of a country. Because, it is he who name the ministers, the magistrates, ambassadors, directors of public companies, the Generals and all those who are called authorities. In fact, what I noted is that; the name “authority” in Cameroon as everywhere else is as the name “pastor”, “apostle”, “prophet”, etc. All these names that I have just mentioned don’t come from the devil but, from God. Unfortunately, those who live the devil use these names to make the blinds believe that they are the true authorities of God. But, those who pretend to be God’s authorities ignore that God gave us the intelligence to distinguish the real from the false by the truth that I teach to all man who wants to listen to me so that he has his life that will allow him to also make this distinction.

     The authorities that I see today are all corrupt from the first to the last, brief, a big part. When an authority kills his neighbour, drinks his blood or sleep with someone of the same sex, it is simply because he wants to raise his rank, his power or to be named and to have the glory. Are you going to say that he is an authority established by God the creator? I don’t believe because it is the satanic spirit that lives in him. Because you will see that, the one who directs the country have embezzled the public funds and have constructed some hospitals and others in well developed countries while knowing that they will go for retirement out of their country. But what authority! Many of these authorities accommodate some marabous in their homes and pay them big amounts of money because they cannot joke with them, since they are the ones that detain their future. For it, even if these lasts (marabous) ask them a human being in sacrifice, they won’t hesitate to make it; all is in the goal to keep their posts, vanity of the vanities. In addition, some of these authorities (the generals) take the example on their superior and also refuse to go for retirement. They would have said that all these people are infected by a virus or an illness of which, it is difficult to take care of. From then, there is only God’s big hand to heal them form this pain.

     Besides, those who say to be “men of God”, because they were in school (seminarian and pastoral) were to carry the functions of ambassadors for God; unfortunately, they are not different from the other category of authorities because, they don’t resist to the material (money) and to man’s glory. They like to greet the other category of authorities and of which besides, take them as gods, but who are physical ones. Because, they know that with them, they will benefit from the material and will have the glory to be in relation with them. What malediction for a country as Cameroon where, when one names you at a post and that, you try to work in straightforwardness and justice; they sack you elsewhere as for example in a very retired zone (in the bush). All this is to make you understand that straightforwardness and justice don’t have their place in the state’s public services.

     In the same way, when God establishes you somewhere, he wants you to testify his glory, and if you don’t make it, he will reject you and will take another one. It is also the case of the devil who, by a forger, a thief and a corrupt, name you at a post and if you don’t do what he wants, he will remove you and will say that you are simply incompetent, or then, he will say or will make to say horrible things on your behalf. But he makes it so that the men should consider you like a bad employee.

     In the Bible, God speaks of his authorities who judge according to his justice and who don’t receive any presents (as corruption). Because in God’s justice, there is neither blood feeling nor skin colour nor of a tribe or of a language therefore, justice equals justice as man says: the law is the law. Therefore, even if it is your wife or your son who are wrong, you must choose God’s justice (to glorify God). Because we cannot be vivified eternally to the kingdom of heaven if we don’t put God’s justice in front. But if man chooses all except God’s justice, then, he must understand that it won’t lead him anywhere if it is not in the pond of fire (Revelation 20/15). The one who lives the Lord in spirit and in truth is in a justice that is above man’s justice. God’s child fears to have the thoughts that go in opposition to God’s justice; because God looks at the thought and the feeling. That is why Apostle Paul says: “So put yourselves under the authority, not for fear of wrath, but because you have the knowledge of what is right” (Romans 13/5)

     Today, it is by corruption and the acceptance of the abominable things that the men are either named or allocated to different posts. Because, when you go in the public structures, you will see people going up and down believing that they work in these places, whereas, they are only positioned there for corruption by those who are seated behind the offices. I am also sad when I see how a lawyer transforms a lie into the truth. Then, my sadness also comes because the kings or the presidents of some countries dominate on the others and they are these big nations that are the first to accept the marriage for all. The presidents of Africa in their big majority have not yet sign this agreement, but they are nevertheless dived in this abomination. Let’s understand that the end of everything approaches because these big nations that have domination on the small are enlivened of a spirit of jealousy and destruction. Them (big nations) created several organisations such as the UNO, the NATO... to impose their greatness.

     I am delighted to announce the good news to the assassins, swindlers, thieves, wizards and the corrupt who have destroyed not only their country, but also the whole world because they take themselves for true authorities being in complicity with the marabous and beggars who took the name of “man of God”. To die in the physic for the truth as it was the case of God’s messengers in the Bible, is a big glory for me. Understand that the authorities today are only Rosicrucian and francs-masons because they are the ones who direct the whole world.

     To God only, the light and the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of men, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid to sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)

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