It is the 622 nd message


       In truth, it is by love that the Lord warns us on a danger that we ignore, a big trap that the devil has put in place. When the man and the woman exchange wedding rings, an alliance, a covenant is also done and also a mark or sign of the devil is placed on the body of Christ. The Lord Jesus warns us on this because many people do not believe for now, others take me for a mad man, saying that what I am saying should not be listened. Yesterday, they treated the Lord Jesus for a mad man as it is written: “ Many of them said, “He has a demon, and is insane; why listen to him?” (John 10/20). Those who treated him as such thought to be right as mentioned in the book of John 8/48: “…Are we not right in saying that you are a Samaritan and have a demon?”.
       When the Word of God is announced and that it is not understood by men, it automatically becomes madness for them and the person announcing it is taken for a mad man. Apostle Paul was taken for a mad man as it is written: “And as he was saying these things in his defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “Paul, you are out of your mind; your great learning is driving you out of your mind” (Acts 26/24). Many people insult me and say whatever they like, but what is important is to transmit this message and to accomplish the vow of the Lord Jesus. Many people cannot believe what they read and see, but what I want to tell them is that; if someone is humble, he should bow down before the Lord Jesus and ask him the mystery that is found in the wearing of the wedding ring, and after answering him, he should be courageous to testify it in public.
       In truth, it is surprising that even the witchdoctors, Rosicrucians, freemasons, witches know that the exchange of the wedding ring between the man and woman is a satanic covenant but unfortunately, Christians wearing it on the body of Christ completely ignore it! When the truth concerning this practice is revealed to them by the love and mercy of the Lord Jesus, many people become agitated like ants on which they have thrown a stone. For ignorant Christians, it is just a simple symbol meanwhile there is a big mystery hidden behind it.
        If we ask the Lord Jesus to show us the spiritual state of those who wear this wedding ring and that he does it, there will be great alert and many people will repent even the words spoken against this message. We run a great risk by taking our body for not being the body of Christ.
        In the last day, the Lord Jesus Christ will ask the following questions to men and women concerning the wedding rings that they wear: the Lord Jesus Christ will ask the woman: what are you wearing on the finger? She will answer: it is my wedding ring. Next, he will ask her: who gave it to you? She will answer: it is my husband who wore it to me. He will ask the same questions to the man: what do you have on the finger? He will answer: it is my wedding ring. He will ask him: who gave it to you? He will answer: it is my wife who wore it to me. He will continue asking this question: who recommended it to you? The man will answer: it is a tradition that I found. Do you know from whom it comes? He will answer: no. Do you know its role? He will answer: no. Did you ever ask me one day to enlighten you on these rings? He will answer: no. Did you ever hear one day that it does not come from me? He will answer: yes. But what did you do? I doubted. The Lord will tell to the man and woman: you did not honour my body by putting the glory of another god on it, you have rejected my advice on earth, I also reject you today, you will not enter in my kingdom because demons of these alliances are claiming you?
       And Satan, cunning as he is, not willing that the truth should be known nor accepted, he raises people to distract the others.
       All those who were baptised in Jesus have put on Jesus as it is said: “For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ” (Galatians 3/27). All those who have eaten the body of Christ have put on this body and they have also become this body; that is why Apostle Paul says: “ Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it” (1 Corinthians 12/27).
        In truth, wearing rings with your wife or your husband on the body of Christ is a danger which is ignored by Christians of today. These wedding rings that the man and the woman exchange on the body of Christ is another body or a foreign god that must be buried like Jacob did yesterday as it is written: “So they gave to Jacob all the foreign gods that they had, and the rings that were in their ears. Jacob hid them under the terebinth tree that was near Shechem” (Genesis 35/4).
       The Lord Jesus is a jealous God who does not share his glory with another god. For the men of this world, it is normal that these practices should be done because they serve another godand not Christand they are tied to this god. But these kinds of practices should not be found on the body of Christ, where they ask the man to put the wedding ring to his wife and the woman to put the wedding ring to her husband, and after this, they ask them to kiss each other on the mouth. But where are eyes to see? People do not even know what they call revelation according to God. It is very easy to see things of the flesh such as marriage, journeys, employment, finances, childbirth… and those who block these things. When Christians exchange wedding rings, thus making an alliance, a covenant and ignore what they are doing, they are dancing on a foreign land. If Christians ask God the danger that they run concerning these wedding rings, they will no longer open their mouths to despise his message, but will rather bless the Lord for his love towards them.
       If getting married was synonym of greatness, prophet Jeremiah, John the Baptist, Apostle Paul… will not be great men because they were not married; and King Solomon with his 700 women and 300 concubines will be the greatest of all men. I am not jealous of those who are married nor the wedding rings that prove that they are married, but I rejoice to transmit the message which is madness for the wise of this world.
        This message is a message received from the Lord Jesus and transmitted to men. Whether it is received or rejected, only his will be praised to the eternity. But what I know is that very soon, the Lord Jesus will be more gracious so that the truth on this mystery of the wedding ring on his body should enlighten more in order that many blinds should recover the view.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 616th message


      To live and see spiritually according to God in the middle of the men of this generation is too pitiful and makes to cry and lament! It is very troubling and horrible to live what we see.
       Nowadays, people do not run behind the word of God, in truth, this word has no interest for them. The man deceives himself on his true identity or what he is, just because he does not know that he is just a soul enveloped in the flesh which is a lump of soil, and that the soul does not feed on the soil, it does not drink the soil, does not put on the soil, does not enrich on the soil and does not take his glory and greatness from the soil, but rather from the word of God.Therefore, the man deceives himself on what he is by considering himself on what he is not; it means that he takes himself to be the flesh instead of the soul, that is why all his life and future depend on the ground. This ignorance and confusion has resulted to the high rate of evil in this generation.
        Man is like the snail, the snail is not his shell, but the flesh. He is like the tortoise; the tortoise is not his carapace, but his flesh. He is like beer; beer is not his container, but what is found in the container. In the same way, man is not his flesh, but his soul. If the snail was his shell, the tortoise his carapace, the beer his container, they would have been useless to man because man does not consume the shell of the snail, the carapace of the tortoise nor the container of beer. In the same way, if man takes himself to be his flesh, he will never be useful to God. The flesh finds no veritable importance on the word of God, but rather the soul. The soul also finds no veritable value on things of the earth, but rather on the word of God, that is why Apostle John, for the love that he has for us, willing to save us from being fleshly, he says: “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him” (1John 2/15). And Apostle James on the other side says: “...Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God” (James 4/4). Apostle Peter says: “Beloved, I urge you as sojourners and exiles to abstain from the passions of the flesh, which wage war against your soul” (1Peter 2/11). Apostle Paul also says: “for we brought nothing into the world, andwe cannot take anything out of the world” (1Timothy 6/7).
        In truth, even Christians of today are not friends of the world, but are the world himself, and it is very dangerous! How do the things that this word created are more important, loved and sought than the word that created them, meanwhile all these things will pass and the Word that created them will remain eternally? If the tortoise was the carapace, the snail the shell, man would not sacrifice himself to seek them because they will be useless to him. If the beer was his container, man would not sacrifice his money to buy it because it brings nothing to him. Equally, if man was the flesh, the Lord Jesus would not leave heaven to come on earth and sacrifice himself till death for it; but he himself bear witness that the flesh is no help at all, and that the Word of God is all when he says: “ … the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63). Therefore, it is for the flesh that man sacrifices himself in the seeking of the tortoise or snail in the bush. Man’s sacrifice to spend money to buy beer is for its content and not the container. Equally, the sacrifice of Christ, his suffering and death is for man’s soul.
       To feed the soul, to dress it, to enrich and glorify it, God gave one thing only and this thing is his Word. He gave this word to his Son to come and give it to us. That is why, after the Lord Jesus gave us this word, he said to his Father: “ For I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know in truth that I came from you; and they have believed that you sent me”(John 17/8). And this Word which is water and bread of life, a treasure, richness is not sought today by man because he deceives himself on who he is, taking himself for the flesh which he is not and not the soul that he is in truth. That is why the ground and things of the ground are sought, loved and contemplated in defiance of the Word that created them.
       If man knew who he is, he would have seen that he (his soul) is nothing without the word of God, but since he does not know who he is, he can only see that he (his flesh) is nothing without things of the earth. That is why those who were yesterday such as Peter and the others, recognised and knew that they (their souls) are nothing without the Word of God. That is why he said to the Lord Jesus: “...Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6/68).
       When man looks at his land, vehicle, house, bank account as well as his relations, he start saying in his blindness that he is not any kind of person. But any kind of person according to what?Things of the earth? When man has money, he drinks good wine, mineral water, eats nice food, he start saying that he does not drink any kind of water and wine, he does not eat any kind of food. But all this is because he is spiritually blind for not seeing the end of these things that pass through his stomach or what his flesh carries. The bad rich man was eating ten times better than any other man, but it is when he left the flesh that he saw that he was very poor and miserable, and he had understood that what is flesh is flesh and it is the ground, and what is soul is soul and it is the word of God. But it was already too late for him. But by love for his family, he wanted them to acquire this knowledge so that they should not end up in this place of eternal torment reserved to those who are spiritually hungry, thirsty and poor.
       After separating from your flesh, you will be found spiritually before God, and there, it is not a matter of the ground and things of the ground. You have to know that if you sacrifice yourself for the flesh, your sacrifice is vain. If you take care of the flesh, feed it, dress it, enrich it and glorify it while forgetting yourself or your soul, you are working slavery, that means you are working for another person and you will notice it only when you will separate from your flesh (when you will die physically). Therefore, for the few time that we still have on earth, we should use it for the veritable and great things because we do not know the time nor the day. Just like the snail which does not know the time at which man will separate it from its shell, nor the tortoise which does not know at what time man will separate it from its carapace, nor beer which does not know at what time man will separate it from its bottle. The same way, you do not know at what time God will separate you from your flesh. Therefore, you should be very careful.
       If man was running after the Word of God, there will be less evil, less sacrifice and selling of human beings, less consumption of human blood and excrement, less magic practicing, possession of totems, mermaids, sending of spells, less poisoning, witchcraft, child abuse, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, jealousy, forgery, corruption, stealing, robbery, attacks... But since the race is towards the material, the worse happens today and the time is serious! Even prayers that we address to God or the great number of people in churches is only for the wellbeing of the flesh and its protection. That is why sometimes, it often passes through products that are said to be spiritual or blessed.
       The fight against the spirits that prevent the men from being wealthy in things of the earth: Succeed in his life, to gain his life, to be wealthy, the life has changed, the main objective of all this is only to have more material. One day, the Lord Jesus asked me the following question: Are you playing with my suffering? With my blood that was shed? It made me tremble and brought me to understand and see many things. Do you know yourself? Do you work and gather for yourself? Even the Lord Jesus tells us: “Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal” (John 6/27). One day when Jesus was on earth, Satan asked him to let appear bread, but the Lord Jesus told him that man does not live of bread only, but of every word that comes from the mouth of God as he says: “...Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Mathew 4/4). In truth, we do not cry for man’s flesh (the corpse) that goes back in the ground where it was taken, but we cry for the soul that is called to pass eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven or in the lake of fire.
       To God only Glory forever and ever by his Son Jesus Christ our saviour who has sacrificed his flesh and blood to redeem our soul which has big price before his Father and him.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge.To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 456th message

    In truth, I spend nights without veritable sleep because of lamentations, anxieties and sadness that fill my heart, when I see the life, the clairvoyance, the light, the healing and richness that the Lord Jesus has brought, and that our souls are still dead, blind, tenebrous, sick and poor. The Lord Jesus while coming to transmit what deliver us from the power of vanities, what makes us have domination over evil and freed us from the eternal death, has passed through a great suffering, great pain on the cross. How then will his suffering and blood that has shed on the cross be vain for the souls of this generation? If many people knew the blood of Christ, they would have been free from the killing and bloodshed of sheep on pretext that Abraham had sacrificed the sheep in the place of his son.

       My dear friends, it is God who asked Abraham to give him Isaac his son in sacrifice on a place of the mountain named Jehovah-jireh by Abraham, it is God himself who asked Abraham to sacrifice the sheep that was found behind him in the place of his son (Genesis 22/12-14). My dear friends, it is God who asked Abraham at the age of 100 years to give him this child in order to accomplish his promise that he made to Sarah and him (Genesis 21/1-7), and it is God who asked Abraham to give him his child in sacrifice (Genesis 22/1-2); it is this same God who offered the sheep in the place of Isaac (Genesis 22/12-14); it is the same God while loving us too much, has sent his Son Jesus Christ to us so that he should eternally sacrifice himself for us, in order that our souls should not perish (John 3/16).

       My dear friends, is it because the body of Christ that has been sacrificed for everybody is not physically consumable like that of the sheep that you prefer the body of the sheep? The life of man’s soul is more than the fleshly food; and the Lord Jesus has been sent from heaven to sacrifice himself for us, he who will eat him will live by him (John 6/57). Therefore, every animal that we sacrifice is sacrificed to demons and not to God, because if God wanted that we should continue to sacrifice animals in his name, he would have not sent his Son for an eternal sacrifice (1Corinthians 10/20; Hebrews 10/1-4).

       Many people will tell me that I judge the faith of the other people, but I will like to make them understand that the word of the Lord Jesus does not come to condemn or to judge them, but it comes to deliver them from the influence and customs that are vain for the soul. This word that they reject remains the one that will judge and condemn on the last day; but for the moment, it (the word) plays its role of salvation and deliverance through his declaration and teaching (John 12/47-48). The people did not believe that the Lord Jesus came to make them the gods, that is to bring them to live and walk like him.

       How then do these last fabricate statues in the effigy of men to bow down in front of these blocks of cement, of stone, of wood without understanding that the Lord Jesus came so that they should receive him in them, in order to become the image and the representative of God on earth. It is not the blocks of cement, of stone, of wood that must be in the image and the representation of God in front of which they come and bow down, given that they are the ones who give the form and height that they want to these objects. Others fabricate armlets and other objects to themselves that they wear saying that it is the protection, the blessing..., and it is occult forces incarnated in these objects that operate miracles in the place of the Holy Spirit.

       The Lord has brought a word which is Spirit and Life (John 6/63); and if somebody like to protect himself eternally and to live in the blessing of God, he will love this word and will keep it in him. The love of God will be carried in this person to bring the Son and the Father to come and establish their dwelling in him (John 14/23). Therefore, he who becomes tied to this word will possess the power of this word to dominate the power of every word in front. He who becomes tied to this spirit will possess the power of this spirit to dominate every power and spirit in front. For it is said: “you have overcome them, because the word and Spirit coming from heaven that lives in you are above every word and spirit of this world” (1John 4/4).

       The kings, queens, nations, head of States of this generation have rejected the Lord Jesus to become freemasons, Rosicrucian and adepts of all kind of magic. These last drink the human blood and eat the human flesh. In truth, are they still humans in Spirit? I say no, they are animals. That is why they incite wars, arm rebels, kill... For even if people die in wars, it does not affect their heart because if somebody eats beef meat and that they come and tell him that the cows are being killed like flies, this consumer of beef meat will not be affected by the loss of these beasts, but he will say to himself that if these beef meat was near him, he would have fed well. As such, when they come and tell these authorities who consume the human flesh and blood that people die in thousands, they are not affected by human loss, but they will nevertheless think that the flesh and blood of these last are often useful for their consumption. Some of them even incarnate animals.

       The world is full of witches having the mission to kill people, to make them become sick, to prevent them from prospering and to succeed in their life. They frighten new born babies in spirit who see animals, and some babies are often fought in the womb of their mothers by these witches, and for some, even when they come out of the womb of their mothers, seeing the same animals, they prefer not to sojourn on earth, mostly in the case of twins. The stars, business men up to the small trader, it is everyone who has his small god to make his activity to advance. The world is full of homosexuals, robbers, thieves, those who throw curses, poisoners, jealous people, killers, corruption, prostitution even with animals; the marriage is done for the love of the material and not for the love of the heart. In truth, the big men of this world are too small in spirit because the devil taking them like children of two years deceives them so that they should sell their souls to him against papers and coins of money that their own hands have fabricated.

       The big men of this world no matter their diplomas on the knowledge of earthly things, they do not have a matured spiritual conscience, that is why the devil does not have difficulties to convince them to give him their souls against sweets and biscuits; because they work for their flesh that must return in the ground, and not for their souls that can still escape the lake of eternal fire in case they possess Jesus Christ for richness, greatness and glory.

      In truth, in this generation, people talk of God, but they do not want to like the love, the strength, the richness, the force, the power and personality of God. Even many men of God in this generation which is more wicked than ever do not want to seek God in his mercy and justice; but they rather seek him in theology, diplomas and prayers of miracles. And the men of this generation without the love of God are obliged to eat one another, but the end of everything is near. My greatest joy is to leave this world after accomplishing my mission or task; and even now, I want to leave it if it is possible by God.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)



                          It is the 613thmessage.


     The lord Jesus left his glory in heaven to take the human form, becoming similar to man in the flesh and appeared like a simple man, he sacrificed himself up to death on the cross because of our sin and for the love that he has for our souls. In these end times, he awakens us, he enlightens us and warns us against sin that he has carried, overcome and destroyed for us so that we should not be deprived from salvation, or for our souls to not be deprived from the eternal rest in the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lord Jesus came the first time to sacrifice himself by carrying our sins, he will come for the second time for those who are waiting him in the righteousness, justice, mercy and holiness for the salvation of their souls.

      That is even why it is said: “so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him” (Hebrews 9/28). The Lord Jesus has overcome the devil, and willing to see us victorious in the fight that we have against the devil during the time that we still have to live on earth, he reveals us all the cunning and fighting techniques of the devil. The Lord Jesus has promised us a place on his throne, but it can only happen if we are victorious, that is why he tells us: “The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne” (Revelation 3/21).

     In truth, the devil through his cunning brings us to confuse our enemy and opponent; he turns us away from the true battle which is against him (the devil) and put us in a conflict with our fellowman that we take for our enemy. Sin which is the devil is what we like and commit. That is why in this generation, the man fights more against his fellowman and thus, commits more sin which is his veritable enemy. When we fight against one another because we are enemies, sin becomes our pleasure. Sin or the devil entered the world through one man, and it has produced death in man’s soul. As such, the men who came out of a sinner all inherited sin; that is why it is said: “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned” (Romans 5/12). Since all of us have committed sin, we were deprived of life or the glory of God as it is said: “ for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3/23).

     In truth, all the Christians should know that sin is greater, stronger and more powerful than man. Sin dominates the world, even great men of God before us who were making great miracles, defeating strong men, but they were unable to overcome sin. I take the example of King David who was physically strong, he defeated Goliath, for it is said: “ So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. There was no sword in the hand of David. Then David ran and stood over the Philistine and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and killed him and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled” (1 Samuel 17/50-51), but he was unable to overcome sin. Moses had power to divide the red sea into two as it is written: “Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea, and the Lord drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left” (Exodus 14/21-22).

      But he was unable to overcome sin. Elijah the prophet had power to bring down fire from heaven, for it is said: “Then the king sent to him a captain of fifty men with his fifty. He went up to Elijah, who was sitting on the top of a hill, and said to him, “O man of God, the king says, ‘Come down.’” But Elijah answered the captain of fifty, “If I am a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty.” Then fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty . Again the king sent to him another captain of fifty men with his fifty. And he answered and said to him, “O man of God, this is the king's order, ‘Come down quickly!’”But Elijah answered them, “If I am a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty.” Then the fire of God came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty” (2 Kings 1/9-12), but he was unable to overcome sin. Therefore, nobody was able to overcome sin that was dominating the men or the world and that was preventing souls to live.

      Who was able to take away sin that was upon us, or who was able to save us from this sin if not the Lord Jesus Christ alone who, by love and mercy came to save us. That is why before he was coming on earth, the angel of God announced to Joseph that the child who will come from Mary will be called Jesus, for he is the one who will save the world from his sin as it is written: “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1/21). The Lord Jesus is the only one who takes away sin upon men and that prevent them from being righteous before God. That is why John the Baptist seeing the Lord Jesus, recognised him and said: “...Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1/29). We must bless and not curse the person who persecute us, who does not want to see us live and be in good health, who does not want us to have a job or what to feed on... that is why the Lord Jesus says: “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them” (Romans 12/14). Who is then our enemy that we must hate? Is it man or sin? Because men are victims of what their fellowmen make them suffer. Man takes his fellowman to be his enemy while forgetting his veritable enemy who is the sin. This state of ignorance has resulted to the high rate of evil in this generation.

       Jealousy, pride, contempt, divisions, snitching, hatred, calumnies, insults, lies, adultery, fornication, fake, corruption, embezzlement, stealing, robbing, attacks, magic, witchcraft, murders... are our friends, but we have to know that all these are our enemies in truth because they destroy us and prevent our soul to live. The bad works that we accomplish give glory, greatness, power, richness and satisfaction to our fleshly body, but impoverish, humiliate, defile and maintain our souls in malediction and eternal death. In truth, if sin is fought in churches like the spirits of celibacy, unemployment, misery, drought, impossibility, limitation and blockage are fought, there will be a brake of evil. The men of God have power to fight against evil spirits and to overcome them, but they do not have power to overcome sin.

      Some men of God drunk of adultery go up to touching and even seeing sensible and private parts of women; and it is illustrated on the first page. It is for these men of God that it is written: “They have eyes full of adultery, insatiable for sin. They entice unsteady souls. They have hearts trained in greed. Accursed children!” (2 Peter 2/14).

     To God is the glory, praise by Jesus Christ our saviour for the eternity.


CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)



It is the 457th message


    Only the Lord Jesus vivifies, sanctifies and purifies the souls. The Lord Jesus being Alive, Holy and Pure, if we live him, we are vivified and alive, sanctified and holy, purified and pure by him. For, only God who is his word or only his word which is him has the power to vivify, sanctify and purify our souls in case we walk according to him or according to his word. If we walk like him or according to him, we walk in the life, in sanctity and purity. It is the walk according to him that make us the living, saints and pure in front of him, and all this through the listening and practice of his word. That is even why it is said: “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin” (1John 1/7).

    Nothing can vivify, sanctify and purify our souls if not the word of God. This word is alive and if we receive and keep it in us, it vivifies us. This word is holy, and if we receive and keep it in us, it sanctifies us. It is pure, and if we receive and keep it in us, it purifies us. Therefore, the life, sanctity and purity come to us from the listening and practice of God’s word; that is even why the Lord Jesus says: “Already you are clean because of the word that I have spoken to you” (John 15/3). God who is Holy calls us so that we should also be holy like him. This holy word calls us so that we should also be holy like it. That is why it is said: “but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct,  since it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy” (1Peter 1/15-16).

    The Lord Jesus sanctifies us, and all those who are sanctified by him have become one person; that is why it is said: “For he who sanctifies and those who are sanctified all have one source. That is why he is not ashamed to call them brothers, saying, “I will tell of your name to my brothers; in the midst of the congregation I will sing your praise” (Hebrews 2/11-12). Only the Lord Jesus has the book of life, and only those who will be alive by his word of life will be registered in the book of life, only those who will be sanctified by his holy word will be registered in the book of the saints, that is even why it is said: “And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire” (Revelation 20/15).

    In truth, it is touching and shocking to know the suffering that the Lord Jesus had endured up to the crucifixion, his blood that has shed on the cross so that the truth that freed and save should be known by all the men (John 8/32; 1Timothy 2/3-4), and seeing how today, the pope and his group work tirelessly so that this truth that save and set free should be ignored at all cost.

    The pope has proclaimed to be the representative of Apostle Peter, and the world has believed in it and takes him for the greatest man of God on earth. He has declared to be the Holy Father and the world call him as such. He pretend to be the representative of Apostle Peter, and makes believe to the world that if somebody bow down in front of a carved stone in the image of Jesus or Mary to make a prayer, this prayer will have a great efficiency; therefore, people jostle to bow down in front of the blocks of cement that are set up. He has also made the world to understand that the parents must baptise their children when they are still babies and at the price of money; and the parents of babies through godfathers and godmothers line up for this baptism. He has still made the world to believe that he who does not believe that Mary, mother of Jesus in the flesh ascended in heaven on the 15th August, he will be prevented from entering the kingdom of heaven; the world has believed in it and has found that this day is a big feast to celebrate the ascension of Mary in heaven. He has made the world to understand that he who does not carry two pieces of crossed wood in the form of the cross or who does not walk with those who carry this load under blazing sun while sweating a lot, he does not love Jesus; and the world has believed in it. As such, others prefer to carry this useless load even if it gives them back pain... to prove to the Lord Jesus that they love him.

     He says to people that if somebody does not ask the virgin Mary to pray for him near Jesus, his sins will not be forgiven; therefore, the people have thrown themselves in a race, with multiple recitations. Also, to lead the multitude of people astray, he says that if a woman does not come towards his group and him to fill the functions of sister, she cannot become the sister of Christ. Therefore, the women rush from everywhere to become the sister of Christ, and they become the veritable mistress of these last. He has made the world to understand that as head of State of the Vatican, a head of State of another sovereign country who does not bow down in front of him will not be recognised in front of God as a big head of State. And the head of States rejoice by bowing down in front of this head of State of God on earth.

    ANJEZË GONXHE BOJAXHIU recognised more in the nickname of Mother Teresa was born on the 26th August 1910 and died on the 05th September 1997. She had filled the functions of sister near these foxes; 19years after her death, Pope Francis organised a feast on the 04th September 2016 in her memory to canonise her and declare her to be holy (saint). And on this day of the 04th September 2016, he said to have registered her name in the book of the saints. Statues are now set up in the effigy of this last, without forgetting the feast in her honour.

    In truth, how can the pope go up to seduce and deceive a person who is dead since 19years by declaring that she is holy!. Does he have the power to register her name in the book of the saints? No, given that only God has the book of life to register the name of the living in it, he is the only one who has the book of the saints to register the names of the saints. If the pope was telling the world that these customs and traditions have nothing to do with the truth of the Lord Jesus that must set free and save the souls, it would have not hurt and shock me bitterly in my heart which is my greatest richness on earth brought by Jesus. Since he pretend to be the representative of Apostle Peter, these customs and traditions are a slow poison for the soul, but taken as the appropriate drug to heal the soul which is sick. And what makes more pity is when we see and hear these multiple blinds and deaf saying that mother Teresa have received the grace of God to be declared Holy (Saint), and that her name is also registered in the book of the saints. For me, the Lord Jesus did not shed his blood in vain for these souls that are brought in captivity, because something great will happen before his coming not far from now.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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