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It is the 455th message




    In truth, the false whites perish by lack of knowledge of the veritable white; but he who descended from heaven to ascend back after the victory over the spiritual death, who had suffered a lot not for man’s flesh but for his soul, did not want this ignorance of the false or veritable white to continue to be in this generation. A veritable white is not the one in the appearance, recognised by the skin colour, but it is the one by the Heart and Spirit of God. A veritable white is not racist, paedophile, homosexual, Rosicrucian, freemason, magician, witch, killer, murderer, poisoner, robber, aggressor, burglar, prostitute, cannibal, zoophile, coprophile, mocker, jealous, slanderer, forger, spiteful, bewitcher, instigator of coup d’états and wars, trafficker of weapons...

       In truth, people have a black heart and spirit, it means that they are immersed in evil; but when they look at the white colour of their skin, they glorify themselves to be the veritable whites. This seduction and ignorance greatly hurt me in the heart that the Lord Jesus has given me, and it leaves a deep wound in me. Before the Lord Jesus was coming physically in Israel, the Jews were recognised in the flesh through the fleshly circumcision. As the Lord Jesus said that the flesh is of no use, even the fleshly circumcision is also of no use; but to possess a new heart and spirit through his words that are spirit and life is what is useful (John 6/63).

       Most Israelites in this generation have rejected the word of Christ that was to circumcise their heart so that they should pass from the false Jew to the veritable; for this reason, they have not become the veritable Jews by the new heart and spirit through the circumcision by his word, but have remained false Jews, glorifying themselves to be the veritable Jews by the territory and the spoken language. That is even why it is said: “Forno one is a Jewwho is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical.But a Jew is oneinwardly, andcircumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter.His praise is not from man but from God” (Romans 2/28-29).

       The same, before the Lord Jesus was coming in the physical body in this world, the white was recognised by the skin colour drawn from the dust (the ground). If, as the Lord Jesus says that the flesh is of no use, therefore, even his skin colour is of no use. But to become white in a new heart and spirit through his word of spirit and life is all (John 6/63). Most men that have been created in the red colour of the ground especially in this generation have rejected the word of Christ that circumcise the heart to pass from the false white to the veritable, and therefore, they have not become the veritable white by the new heart and spirit. They have remained false whites, but glorifying themselves to be the veritable white by the way of speaking and skin colour which is drawn from the dust or the red ground.

       No flesh and skin colour should glorify itself in front of God (1Corinthians 1/29). And he that glorify himself should not be in the skin colour, the belonging to a country or the possession of earthly things, but in the possession of the heart and spirit of God (2Corinthians 10/17). If the false whites were receiving the deliverance that will make them pass from the false white to the veritable white, there would have been less racism, paedophilia, homosexuality, head of States who favour the legalisation of the unnatural marriage, less mayors who celebrate the homosexual marriage, less coups d’états, instigation of wars, arming of rebels, prostitution of human beings with animals, marriages with animals, less consumers of the human flesh, faeces...

       In truth, if the false whites are freed, the rate of the glory of the devil in this generation will drop to 80%; because with what heart can somebody hold his fellow man to kill him, to behead him into pieces, to cook him and eat? I often ask myself the question to know what the people that are killed, beheaded, cut into pieces, cooked and eaten look like! When these cannibals kill the human being and cut him into pieces, they are in great joy because they will enjoy the human flesh. For others even, while beheading their fellow men, they extract the blood to drink and even the intestines are not thrown away. For these last, it is a good meat. But what a big desolation of the creator towards these cannibals!

       When God created the animals, birds, fishes, herbs..., he said to the man that all these things belong to him for food of his flesh. How does it happens that today, with such a great number of fishes, birds, animals and herbs, certain men have refused to consume what is given by God as food of their flesh to consume their fellow men, and these wicked people do not delay to make ham with this human flesh to sell it. But what a generation! In this generation, for the high rate of evil, abomination and defiles to reduce, this bleeding must be stopped; and for this to be possible, the false white must be freed to become the real. In truth, how can a head of State and his parliamentarians be blind to officialise the homosexual marriage in their country? Do they not see that if their father got married to a man or their mother got married to a woman, they would have not come into the world?

       It is too unfortunate for these last! They are too elevated in the flesh, but too low in the spirit. In truth, in this generation, I tried to look where comes racism, paedophilia, homosexuality, kon, famla, ritual crimes, the exhumation of human bones, the traffic of human organs, the stealing of babies, Rosicrucianism, freemasonry, the consumption of the human flesh and blood, the legalisation and celebration of the homosexual marriages, the consumption of faeces and urine, prostitution with dogs, horses, snakes and the marriage with these beasts, the manufacturing of ham with the human flesh as well as its selling, the coup d’états, the instigation of war, the arming of rebels, and I understood that if the false white is not freed to become the veritable, the worst is to come. These false whites are imitated by almost all the remaining people.

       One day, I was speaking with a journalist of Africa Media, and he made me understand that Africa has serious problems. Knowing where he wanted to arrive, I asked him what these problems were. And he made me understand that they were problems of poverty, underdevelopment, the currency, the absence of roads, electricity, education, work, health..., and he also told me that underdeveloped Africa works and other developed countries eat. I answered that problems of Africa are only problems of the flesh, but problems of the soul are more serious and important. I demonstrated him what a State that legalise the unnatural marriage look like in front of God, for the great and veritable problems are spiritual and not physical.

       Subsequently, I asked him that between the place of the bad rich and that of the poor Lazarus in the parable of Jesus, what would he chose? And he answered that the place of the poor Lazarus. I told him that he was not far from the beginning of the understanding of great things. I asked him to look at Prophet John the Baptist who was feeding on locusts and wild honey, and the people who were feeding on fish, having money and houses. John the Baptist was not having pity on his poor flesh which had to return in the ground where it was drawn; but he rather had pity on the poor souls of the men no matter the fact that their flesh had all the necessity. I also took the case of the three mates Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego in front of the king of Babylon and his men.

       The three mates had difficulties to have spare clothes, what to eat or where to lay their head. They did not have pity on their poor flesh which will serve nothing in the end times, but they rather had pity on the poor souls of the men of Babylon as well as that of the king, no matter the fact that their flesh was swimming on oil well... My richness and greatness are the heart and spirit that the Lord Jesus has given me by his grace, and it is through this greatness and richness that I greatly feel pity on the people of Israel of this present generation because the blood of Jesus Christ has shed on these territories for the eternal deliverance of their souls.

       Many people have ignored it to now shed the blood of the sheep each year. My pleasure is not to put my foot step on the ground of big nations of this world, but that this word should reach all the people of the countries of the world. And even on internet, children that the Lord has sent near me, after listening to this word, are the ones who share it through these messages. I never had time to do it on internet.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)

It is the 455th message

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