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It is the 466th message

       In truth, it is touching and regrettable to see how the devil uses the head of States to render official such a very big abomination in front of God and the men who honour him.

       God created the woman from the rib that was removed from the man, that is why the man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh (Genesis 2/22-24). Therefore, it is God’s will that the man and the woman should unite to form a couple, but the head of States who have sold their souls to the devil against a grain of sugar have legalised the unnatural marriage in their countries. The rate of homosexuality increases day after day because of this. It is so sad!

       I will never publish the image of a man and a woman the two of them being naked, because intercourses between a man and a woman being of God, they are natural, and publishing them is to be against God and against nature. But what I publish is against nature and God. The man refuses to become tied to a woman according to God to become tied to another man like him and to transform his anus in a vagina; and the woman refuses to get married to a man to get married to a woman like her. It is the nakedness of these men that I publish. They have refused to honour and glorify God to honour and glorify the devil because God did not authorise the marriage and intercourses between men of the same sex. That is why I am neither afraid nor ashamed to publish these shameful images. I do not make the advertisement of the devil. But what I want to show to the entire world is the high level of humiliation by the devil and the head of States first, then the big authorities and rulers of the world who have approved these shameful intercourses in rendering them official and authorising the adoption of children and these despicable (abject) men who have refused to get married according to God like their parents.

       People do not even measure the danger that will result from the will of these head of States to impose the officialisation of homosexuality in the other nations. For the devil and them, the entire world must be found in this shit. But since it is not a problem that deprive the people of food of the stomach for them to become conscious of the gravity and consequences of this great abomination, it does not worry them, if not the Lord Jesus who has suffered a lot on earth and who has shed his blood so that the man should live the holiness and purity of the kingdom of heaven on earth.

       Great nations like the USA, England, France, Italy, Brazil, Spain, Canada, Belgium, Ireland, Argentina, New Zealand, Holland, Mexico, Uruguay, Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Colombia, Wales, South Africa... have officially legalised the unnatural marriage. It is a serious problem for God who sees the men denigrating the institutions that he has established to lead the people according to the justice, and who are rather helping the devil to fight against him.

       When the Lord sees the engagement of the leaders of these great nations in the fight for the glory of the devil by officialising these practices that are against nature in the entire world, he is affected; in truth, it is a serious problem for him. These homosexuals did not only prefer to adopt children that call them daddy or mummy, meanwhile they are their parents of the same sex, but these last suck the mouth of each other in the presence of these children as if it was by politeness. It is so dangerous! These presidents have let these homosexuals to make polygamous marriages where a woman get married to two women, and a man get married to two men; this type of marriage called the throuple is fashionable.

       In truth, it is terrible and touching to see these things with the spiritual eyes of God! How was Satan able to dominate the world at this level beginning from the head of States? I ask myself what serve the multiple churches that have filled the world as well as servants of God. Evil is not slowed down, but it rather move forward with a very high speed. In truth, if in a nation a woman gets married to many other women like her and a man gets married to many other men like him, what will this nation become as well as the entire world? The Lord Jesus who has so much suffered for all the souls of the head of States sees the abomination taking over these men who have ignored, rejected and despised him. In their ignorance, they are despising the kingdom of heaven; but while rejecting and despising the kingdom of heaven, they will be received by the lake of eternal fire. The devil makes believe the men that life is limited in the flesh and that after its dead, there is no other life. He also makes them believe that for centuries, the Lord Jesus announced his coming back on earth, and he never came back; and it makes people to believe that they can do what they want, seducing themselves in truth that everything is limited in the fleshly life. When I look at the head of States and the great intellectuals of this world, what they are and do brings me to see the limit and vanities of the knowledge of things of the earth that they possess in their small mud called brain.

       The knowledge of things of the earth cannot bring these head of States not to practice homosexuality, not to legalise the homosexual marriage, not to permit the homosexual couples to adopt children. By this, I have understood that the knowledge of things of the earth without the knowledge of things of the kingdom of heaven is madness. The head of states have an intellectual luggage of things of the earth, but as they lack the knowledge of the kingdom of heaven, that is why they manifest acts of madness in legalising the homosexual marriage in the nations that they govern. There, two people of the same sex get married in front of the mayor who establish them a marriage certificate or again, a person gets married to two other people of the same sex.

       In truth, the knowledge of things of the earth that these head of states possess in their small mud called brain did not help them to avoid the great anger of God; that is why even today, when you look at almost all the universities of the world, homosexuality, pernicious acts and magic are in full swing.

       The Lord says that his people perish by lack of knowledge. It is not the knowledge of things of the earth found in the brain and called the intellectual luggage, but rather the knowledge of things of the kingdom of heaven found in the heart of God; it is the knowledge that delivers these intellectuals from abominable and unnatural practices.

       Mr head of States, by the knowledge of God which is in me, the anus of the man is made for the evacuation of faeces or shit that are excrements of the organism; but in your big school of things of the earth, you find that the creative wisdom of God is not the good one. See how these homosexuals walk every time that they operate their anus. God did not make the anus to be penetrated by man, but for the evacuation of excrements. Therefore, every time that a man is sodomised and that his anus breaks up, a surgical operation is needed, and many people die because of it. Only unfortunate consequences arise because of this practice which has been officialised by the great intellectual presidents of the world! These homosexuals wear nappies, and their walking style automatically changes.

       The university has become the headquarter of all homosexual practices; associate professors, doctors and other students are the first to drag the naive students and those who are thirsty of shameful gains in homosexual practices.

       But the Lord who has so much loved the men and who suffered till dead on the cross so that they should come to the knowledge of the truth and to be saved by it for the eternity will not always leave these head of States who have sold their souls to the devil to drag the multitude in the legalisation of the unnatural marriage and abominable acts.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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