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    In truth, a man who stands naked in front of another man or a woman who stands naked in front of another woman in the aim to have sexual intercourses, or again, the person who will stand naked in front of an animal to sex with it, his or her sex will be published, because it is a sex without value. The sex of a man only has value when it penetrates a woman and the sex of a woman only has value when it is penetrated by the sex of a man, according to what God has set. From the moment the sex of a man penetrates the anus of another man or an animal, from the moment the sex of a woman is penetrated by the sex of animals, according to what the devil has set, this sex no longer have value in front of God, and for that reason, we have the right to publish this kind of abomination of high scale.

    I am neither rude nor that one who contribute in the perversion, but I am against the people who accomplish what is set by the devil; and I expose in day light these intimacies that worship and glorify the devil. God created the sex of a man for it to penetrate the sex of the woman and not the sex of another man or an animal, and he has created the sex of a woman for it to be penetrated by the sex of a man and not by the sex of the animal.

    In truth, in these developed countries that make many people to dream, you will find some individuals who have dogs, horses…, others have clubs and pay taxes for unnatural acts. These offspring of Satan having much money, organise boulevards of prostitution for the ill-intentioned people, they propose strong amounts of money to the women who come and have sexual intercourses with dogs, horses…in their eyes. With the devil’s heart and spirit that they have, their joy is to see how the dog or the horse penetrates these women, to see how these animals pour their liquids in the mouth of these women. That is then what fills them with joy, since the devil has given them much money to accomplish this dirty mission. Being in these developed countries, the women say to themselves that doing prostitution with animals bring them much money than with men. In these places of prostitution with animals, prices are established. The price to sex with a dog is different from what you must pay to sex with a horse. These animals have lost all attraction towards other animals; they rather prefer humans just by habit…

    Families of these women often believe that the money that their daughters send them from abroad or which they bring to them is the fruit of the sweat of their face, meanwhile it is the fruit of the prostitution that they do with animals. When you meet these prostitutes, they do not take themselves for anyone. Sometimes, you need much courage to come near them because they brag, meanwhile these last are only people who sex with animals, and are carriers of viruses that are vectors of severe and contagious diseases. It is better for these women to remain in their countries or again, to support living with what is gained at the sweat of the face, which means in the justice. We should not wish to live at all cost in a continent or country of dust, to seek to visit it at all cost, for only the kingdom of heaven must be our destination of dream, up to the point where we must do everything in the justice, holiness and righteousness in order to get access to it.

    In truth, what I see today greatly saddens me because, just as Apostle Paul was waiting Silas and Timothy in Athens, seeing this town full of idols, his spirit was provoked within him; the same today, when I see the degree of abomination where people of the same sex do not only have sex, but officially get married because the head of States who are gays and lesbians have legalised what the devil has set, and the men who sex with animals, it greatly saddens me. What has greatly surprised me in these countries abroad is that, you find these white women who are penetrated by dogsand horses that do not only pour their liquid in their sexes, but also in their mouths when they suck the sex of these animals. But by hypocrisy, when you place your hand on the wall of their house, they tell you that you will dirty their wall and that they do not like dirt, meanwhile the mouth that brings out these words pretending not to like dirt is the mouth in which dogs and horses pour their liquid carrying severe and contagious diseases. It is terrible!

    In truth, it is time for the men to become faithful to their wives, and the women to become faithful to their husbands because the outside is rotten, full of diseases that come from those who penetrate the anuses of their fellow men and who sex with animals. That is why I ask you not to trust on the skin colour, the physical beauty, the clothing, the material, but on those who prevent themselves from the abomination and defiles of this world. In truth, with these end times, only those who will become tied to the Lord Jesus will be saved, because the devil seeing his last seconds approaching, if he had the possibility and power to swallow this generation both in the spirit and in the physic, he would have rushed to make it.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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