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It is the 414th message


    Cries of Lamentation and of deliverance; these last hours are more and more difficult because the devil seeing the end of his mission approaching, wants to drag all this generation with him in the eternal lake of fire.

    In truth, veritable children of God, it is time to pray firstly for the head of States and to do something for their souls, because they are the ones who have become the entry and exit door of the devil in these nations. Do not trust on their fleshly power, glory, greatness, richness, celebrity which is only a shell. They are called authorities, but are not authorities that refuse to legalise the law that fights against God to lead the people in the justice, but they are rather authorities that glorify the devil, leading the souls to the destruction. To pray for these leaders and their people is the duty of the veritable children of God.

    It is better to feed on locusts and wild honey, while your soul feed on the justice, holiness, and purity of God like Prophet John the Baptist, than to feed on smoked salmon, stuffed steak, caviar, cassoulets… so that your souls should feed on the abomination, defiles,... It is better to be poor in the flesh for few days on earth with a skin covered of ulcers or wounds like the poor Lazarus in the parable of Jesus, and to be eternally rich in the soul near God, than to be rich for few days on earth with a beautiful skin which is washed with mineral water and perfumed with big luxurious perfumes, and to be eternally poor, miserable and leprous in the soul to gain the pond of fire like the bad rich in the parable of Jesus.

    You who are in Haiti, the poorest country in the American continent, in Moldavia, the poorest country in the European continent, in Burundi, the poorest country in the African continent, in Bhutan, the poorest country of the Asian continent, in these last seconds, stay where you are and seek the eternal life of your souls near the one that God had sent, Jesus Christ, who is the judge of the living and the deaths. It is good for you to rather seek better conditions of life for your souls near him. You should no longer waste time saying: “I am going to live in countries where we can gain papers called money, to have better conditions of life of my flesh”. For this flesh which is only a carapace or shell must return in the ground in the next days.

    In truth, it is terrible! While the end of everything is almost there, the people waste their time worrying, lamenting, becoming anxious and sacrificing themselves for their flesh; and this glorifies the devil and his angels. The time has come to worry, to lament, to become anxious, to sacrifice yourself and to spend the time more than ever for your soul. Running towards these countries to settle and to become naturalised for the wellbeing of your flesh which is only a carapace ready to make its return in the ground without warning, will be useless to you for the eternity; because they do not have the life and the wellbeing of the soul. If these countries that are mostly envied, admired and sought had the wellbeing of the soul, they would have not become endowed of a law that authorises the homosexual marriage where two people of the same sex officially get married, and obtain the marriage certificate. How do the men have left from penetrating where God has set for them to prefer penetrating the anus of other men, and sometimes the anus of dogs, horses as well as their sex? For other men, the fact that they are penetrated by the men through the anus, it has pushed them to also expose their anus so that the dogs and horses should penetrate them; it is an abomination, dirtiness, rottenness and a serious and very high disease. The authorisation of the homosexual marriage by the law in these most developed, envied, admired and glorified countries have incited people to make boulevards of sodomy.

    In truth, it is not a shame to show the sex of these men who penetrate the anus of other men and those of animals. You, spiritual blind and mad men of the lowest social class up to the head of States, you have known science in big universities of this world, but this passing knowledge cannot help your souls. You should now understand that God has created the mouth so that food should pass through it to reach the stomach in order to strengthen and feed the flesh, and later on, waste of this food should be liberated through this anus. Therefore, the anus has been created to liberate waste of food that we consume. Meanwhile it is this anus that you the most envied and admired men of the world of blinds have transformed into the vagina. You penetrate these anuses, ejaculate in them, suck these exits of faeces. What dirtiness, rottenness and abomination!

    In truth, yesterday, when I was small, I believed that when we have a white skin colour, it means that we are clean like God. But when I became big, I found that the pig is preferable to some. How does it happen that it is their tongue that cleans the anus where faeces are liberated? What degree of dirtiness these mouths and tongues carry! They suck anuses, sexes of animals that pour their liquid in their mouths. In truth, if the law of God which yesterday, gave the authorisation to kill all men of the same sex who had sexual intercourses was applied today, the most envied head of States would be the first to be killed. As such, certain countries would be found with half of the population because all the gays and lesbians would be killed. Here is therefore what God was saying yesterday: “If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them” (Leviticus 20/13). But today, this abomination no longer brings them to be physically killed, but to be gained in the lake of eternal fire.

    Mr gays, Mme lesbians, dear zoophile and adepts of sodomy, the anus is reserved for the evacuation of faeces, for the tongue is the sense organ of taste. Can I knowwhat you feel every time that you suck the anus? When your tongue sweeps, cleans and washes the exit of faeces, it makes the angels of Lucifer to make acclamations. As long as we will always consider to be clean the one who is clean in his flesh and clothes, we will never recognise the veritable men who are clean and those who are dirty; as long as we will always consider nations to be great and rich through papers called money and the development of the ground and things of the ground, we will never know countries that are rich and those that are poor in truth.

    This generation makes me too pity. When we find somebody who was not in school, they laugh at him saying that this last does not have certificates, it seems as if it is a veritable glory to know things of the ground; meanwhile what is important is to know things above that can bring us to pass an eternity in the kingdom of God.

    If the head of States and other certified of big schools had the knowledge that lead to the veritable glory they would have not be in what they are in authorising the unnatural marriage. These people would have not given money to people to force them to do prostitution with the beasts. The glory is for he who has attended Jesus.These last in their language say: “that one has nothing in the head”. But if we have nothing in the head and that we have something in the heart which is Christ, and that those who have something in the head attested by papers or letters (certificates) suck anuses of men, penetrate animals, are penetrated by animals, drink the human blood… because they have nothing in the heart, therefore, in truth, their knowledge is useful for what? Does God live in the head to qualify it to be empty or full? God rather live in the heart to qualify it to be the heart of flesh or of stone. It is said that we should keep the heart more than any other thing and not our head. It is sad to see that the dream, the worry and sacrifice of parents is to see the heads of their children full of knowledge of things of the ground, even if the heart has nothing.

    These men who suck anuses of other men are spiritually mad, and when somebody is mad in his flesh, if he is naked, even if people see his sex, it does not disturb him. But if these spiritually mad people see that it disturb them when the people see their sex penetrating the anus of men, they only have to repent and to become spiritually wise. It is not the richness of the ground that I want and cry nor papers that give me the nationality in another country, nor the cheering of men, an officially spoken or written language, the wife, children,land, houses… but what I want and cry is the deliverance of the soul from the eternal death.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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