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It is the 415th message


Sent by God for few days in this generation of the end times which is more wicked, abominable, defiled and corrupted than ever for a mission, I will soon go back according to the will of God and not that of man.

       It is time for the whole world to see how the devil torture and torment the people who despise the will of God. These last who are the most admired, envied and sought in this world, practice unnatural sexual intercourses; the men sex with men, women with women. They also sex with animals, suck anuses, urinate in people’s mouths and eat human’s faeces. When I was small, it was unbelievable for me; but now that I am big, I see, and it seems as if the sky has fallen on my head. It is terrible to see how the devil despises, terrorises and crush the people by his will!

       In truth, in this world, the people that the men admire, envy and seek, or nations where the devil sleeps, are like the churches of today that attract the crowd by the lie, the seduction, the deception and magic; people gather there in thousands for miracles or for the presence of the representative of Apostle Peter.

       In truth, the men who are the most admired, envied and sought in this world eat faeces and are less than pigs; because the pigs being omnivorous animals, they can find that men’s faeces are agreeable to eat; but the pig neither eat his own faeces nor those of another animal. Meanwhile the most admired, sought and envied men of this world eat their own faeces, what is unbelievable in the eyes of God and the men of integrity to God. The pig abstain from eating his own faeces no matter the famine; and the man who was created in the image of God, being the most admired, envied and sought in this world, having obtained all the diplomas in big universities of the planet earth, having much money, living in wonderlands according to the blinds and deaf, eat his own faeces! How can somebody open his mouth and transform it into a bidet for another one to come and sit on it to send out his faeces? The pig would be less dirty than this last!

       In truth, these hypocrites often deceive the blinds up to the point where, when these last see somebody placing the palm of his hand on their wall or vehicle and that it leaves a mark on it, they unleash themselves upon this person, treating him to be dirty, meanwhile it is only comedy. How do people who sex with men of the same sex or with animals, who suck the sex of dogs, of horses that ejaculate in their mouths, who suck anuses, whom they urinate in the mouth,  who eat faeces, pretend to say that they do not like dirtiness? They are less than what the pig is. It is only a deception and comedy.

       It is time for the blinds to open the eyes in order to see that cheap rubbish is not gold. The pig eats everything, except his own faeces; and these people do not eat everything, but they eat their own faeces. It is terrible in these countries of dream! In truth, it is a veritable tsunami of abomination, of defiles, of wickedness, of spiritual madness… in these places where most people dream to enter. What is surprising is that; when you want to enter in these territories, they will ask you the vaccination booklet, it seems as if it is where you are leaving that we find sources of diseases; meanwhile it is where you want to enter that is cultivated the tree nursery of diseases, where the sex of man penetrates the anus of other men, of dogs and horses leaving the seminal liquid inside, where dogs and horses penetrate the anus of men and the sex of women pouring their dirt inside, where the mouths of these people suck the sex of dogs and horses that liberate their liquid in their mouths. There, people suck anuses of each other, urinate in the mouth of each other and eat faeces of other men. There is no other dirtiness above this one and no other source of disease than this one.

       These offspring of Satan give horrible conditions to people who need their money. Since they have it, they demand the men to sex with animals, to transform their mouths into bidet where they will urinate and defecate. How can somebody put a dish of faeces in front of him on a table and start enjoying the meal? These end times are too difficult; the devil want to plunder and crush everybody. This dirtiness must be published and seen in the eyes of everybody. It is neither to be rude nor to be against the will of God  in publishing these images; but the devil does not like when these images are published;images that demonstrate how he is destroying the souls, because he knows that when they are published, many people will be ashamed and will no longer continue this adventure. Looking at the situation of the men held captive by the devil, the veritable children of God will stand more than ever to pray and bring the teachings that will bring these last to the deliverance thanks to these images that they see, touch, and that bring them to no longer sleep. Therefore, publishing these images does not make glory to the devil who will lose the souls of those who will repent, but it rather makes the glory of God who will see people coming to him in his will. No work of Satan, especially in these end times should be masked, veiled or hidden in the eyes of everybody who must know the deepness of defiles, of the abomination, of magic and of wickedness in which the devil is leading those whom he has made prisoners. For I am the one who is dead inthe spirit of the flesh; therefore, dyeing physically or leaving this dust bin which is nothing else than this world is not something sad for me. I am neither afraid of the devil nor his angels and demons nor any man on earth no matter his social class and skin colour, but I am afraid of God only.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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