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It is the 477th message

     Italy is too dangerous because of Rome; for Rome is the town where the devil has built his altar, his house and dwelling to drag the entire world in the lake of eternal fire.

       The false beliefsthat dominate this world come from Rome; the feasts that make this world to shake come from Rome, the images of the man who is taken for Jesus come from Rome. In the middle of men, the devil seats in Rome, in his place which was built first to govern the world, next, to lead it (the world) in the lake of eternal fire. The city of Rome is the capital of Italy, a sovereign state that has another sovereign state within it which is the Vatican. Therefore, the city of Rome is the capital of two sovereign states. The Vatican being a sovereign state in another sovereign state which is Italy, many sovereign states have two ambassadors in Rome, one is joined to the state of Italy and the other one to the Vaticanstate.

       The world believes and lives the roman customs as coming from God, they are neither stable nor steady because the devil who seats in Rome lead and drives the world, he changes the manner or strategy to drive, and brings the men to take these roman customs and traditions as coming from God. For the devil, these customs and traditions are a very offensive weapon to fight against the justice of God. These customs and traditions are against God, and the romans have given to themselves and to these customs and traditions the name of “roman catholic church”. These roman customs and traditions for some, consist in pouring drops of water on the head of babies and little children as being the baptism, giving an amount of money; meanwhile the unique baptism comes from the listening of the only word of Christ; the decision to repent, to regret and forgiveness of sins, to die with Christ, being buried with him in the waters and to resuscitate with him in the newness of his life. That is why he who abandon the heart of stone for that of flesh, who decides to no longer wish sickness to others, bad curse, failure, death, but rather wishes them good health, success, life, he who abandon evil for good, death for life, is the one who must be baptised. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16/16).

       The baptism of babies, little children by giving an amount of money does not come from Jesus the saviour of souls from the hands of the devil; it neither comes from Judaism of the Jews, but it rather comes from the romans; and this baptism has carried along majority of the head of states, ministers, chancellors, senators, deputies, big business men, stars… of all the nations.

       The devil in his embassy in Rome recognises that God gave the order that all those who want to enter the kingdom of heaven must abstain from making any carved images and representations as he says: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth” (Exodus 20/4), or as he still says: “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 26/1); but through the romans, he drags the entire world to consider the image of Robert Powell, the British comedian and actor as being the image of Jesus Christ and that of Olivia Hussey, the Argentinean actress as being that of the virgin Mary, and these images are made on blocks of cement, on pieces of wood… in front of which people come to bow down, on rosaries that people wear on the neck, on calendars that are hung in houses, on stickers that are stuck in vehicles and other things.

       The devil recognises that the Lord had asked the people to whom will they compare him as he says: “To whom then will you compare me,
    that I should be like him? Says the Holy One
” (Isaiah 40/25); or to whom will they liken him to make him equal as he says: “To whom will you liken me and make me equal,and compare me, that we may be alike?” (Isaiah 46/5); that is why he has pushed the romans to take the image of Robert Powel on the blocks of cement and on pieces of wood as the image of Jesus and to make it equal to him. 

       The devil recognises that nobody has ascended in heaven after the Lord Jesus descended and ascended as it is said: “No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven, the Son of Man” (John 3/13). But he has brought the romans to bring the world to believe that Mary by whom the Lord passed to come in this physical world ascended in heaven on the 15th August; and this day has become a big feast which is celebrated, thus playing with words in the appellation of the assumption. Recognising that it is the spirit of God in the man that he has received who must bear witness that this last is the child of God as it is said: “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8/16), recognising that it is this same spirit that help the man and intercede for him as it is said: “Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words” (Romans 8/26), the devil has brought the romans to make the entire world to believe that Mary ascended in heaven and that she can intercede for them near Jesus. That is why you hear people reciting: “Hail Mary…”.

    These romans have changed the day of the feast of the sun which is the 25th December into the feast of the birth of Jesus, the feast of children, of nativity and of Christmas. And the entire world has believed in this lie of the romans; that is why each year, in December, from the 24thDecember to the night of the 25th December, the entire world vibrates of joy and enjoyment. There are many things to say concerning these romans that drive, lead and dominate this world, but the men in their blindness are always ready to say that “All roads lead to Rome”.

       All the head of states and other authorities are under the dominating power of Rome. Rome is the cause of ignorance in this generation; it (this generation) lacks the knowledge of the truth of Christ that spare men souls from the wrath which is to come in the lake of fire. These romans have fought a lot so that the truth of Christ should not be known, in order that their customs and traditions that are taught should be considered and taken for the truth of Christ. I see people being very happy when they say by ignorance that they belong to the liberal customs of romans, or that they are under the veil of the roman catholic church; and the men who are mandated to teach these roman customs up to the pope have the courage of their master in them. If not, how can somebody take a block of cement which he himself has given a form and consider it as his creator?

       The Vatican, sovereign state, the place of the holy seat, holy father, the Lord in these end times wants to operate a big miracle so that his blood that has shed on the cross should not be vain for the souls of this generation. This miracle is to demonstrate the power of the slow poison that the souls are consuming by ignorance, believing that it is the medicine that is given and which is appropriate to cure their souls from the eternal sickness; this poison is constituted of the liberal customs of the romans.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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