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It is the 425thmessage


    The word of God is a light that must enlighten the man so that this last should no longer walk in darkness, and for him to no longer confuse the devil to God. We are in the last days where the devil passes by certain people to act as if he was God; and this become very easy for certain people to confuse him to the veritable God. During this time, God in his will to bring the people in the knowledge of the truth of Christ in order to become free or saved by this truth, he also passes by certain people to talk of him. When the messengers of the devil makes believe to the people that it is God who has sent them and that later on, the messengers of God come to make the truth to be known, it creates a great confusion; and few people are attentive to examine nearly what happens. Many people find the pleasure in what rejoice the flesh, making it to dream in promises of what they hear.

    I do not come to denounce, but to draw the attention of the adepts of these prophets, as well as prophet T.B. JOSHUA. How can he make millions of flasks of liquid packed in cartons and makes believe to the people that it is morning water anointed by Jesus Christ to cure, bless and save? I ask the question to prophetT.B.JOSHUA as well as his adepts: Does Jesus Christ has a flask containing a liquid or another material and did he tell the people to come in possession of it by buying or through other means, in making them understand that it is anointed by his father to cure, bless and save? The Lord Jesus tells the men that even his flesh serve for nothing, but the words that come out of him are Spirit to cure, bless and save as it is said: It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63).

    Therefore, the Lord Jesus who God has sent to cure, bless and save the men did not come with a material to tell the people that this material possess a miracle of healing, blessing, deliverance and salvation, but he says that even his flesh serve for nothing so that the people should not trust in this flesh of dust, but rather to words that come out of him. That is even why it is saidthat he who love him will keep his word of healing, of blessing and of life, and the Father will love him and they will come to dwell in him as it is said: “Jesus answered him, “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14/23).

    When the Lord Jesus talks of the water, he refers to his word and not the water which is urinated. That is why he makes understand the Samaritan woman that if he drinks of her water, he will urinate it, and this vanity, no matter the blessing that it can have, it will come out; but that in contrary, if he gives her his water which is his word, it will dwell in her till eternal life because it is not a physical liquid for it to be evacuated as it is written: “...Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again,  but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4/13-14). The water of Jesus Christ is his word, and drinking this water is to believe to this word, to live it in order to no longer be thirsty for the eternity. That is why it is said: “...and whoever believes in me shall never thirst” (John 6/35). The Lord Jesus calls the people to come and drink his water that cures, bless and save for the eternity, which is to say that he calls the people to come and listen and to believe in his word so that these last should be veritably blessed and saved. That is why it is said: “On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, asthe Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’  Now this he said about the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were to receive, for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified” (John 7/37-39), and the Lord did not have a material which he was using to cure, to bless and save, and not having this, he neither left it to the apostles whose names are written in the bible. Prophet T.B. JOSHUA makes the people to believe in what neither the Lord Jesus Christ nor the apostles did not teach nor left. The apostles rather had the word of Christ and his Spirit to operate.

     There is no apostle who was using a product to tell the people to come and buy it or to pass by other methods to possess it free of charge and to be healed, blessed, protected and saved by it. Just as their Father in heaven operated and still operates, that is how the apostles also operate. Apostle Paul who knew that it is the word of the Lord Jesus which is Spirit and the water of healing, blessing, protection and saving said: “But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him” (1 Corinthians (6/17). He knew that the Lord is Spirit and not the material like water, soap, perfume… and that, where his Spirit dwells, there is the veritable healing, blessing, protection, deliverance and salvation as it is said:  Now the Lordis the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3/17).

    The apostles neither said nor showed the people that they had a material that the Lord Jesus left to them, nor had to take his power and put it in water and flasks, as it is the case today where many people do it especially prophet T.B. JOSHUA who is recognised as a big prophet by the people of this world. Therefore, the Lord Jesus himself who is the word and the veritable water nor the apostles whose names are written in the bible never used the water that must be urinated, nor to sell it, saying to the people that it is morning water anointed by Jesus Christ to cure, to bless and save as prophet T.B. JOSHUA makes believe to the whole world today, bringing thousands of people to meet him in order to acquire the powers that are in the flasks and other objects. He makes believe to the people that it is morning water anointed by Jesus Christ, that is why it has the power to cure, to bless and save those who possess it no matter the cost price or the sacrifice which is done. What is found in this flask, no matter its power; it is only urine that neither the Lord Jesus nor the apostles whose names are written in the bible, nor us today in the truth, no one had ever used it, never uses it and will never use it.

    It is only a big business for him to have much money and to be considered because of what he reveals like marriages, travelling, finances, promotions, diplomas, work… and what he unlock for this flesh of dust that he delivers; but what about the soul? It makes himearn much money. For this flask which is called morning water anointed by Jesus Christ is not free of charge. If you buy his CD at the price of 5000 nairas or his sticker were you find his picture at the price of 2000 nairas, at the end of the meeting, you obtain a bottle of this water. Or again, according to your status of minister, diplomat, star, business man… According to your country where you come from; France, USA, England, Belgium… you will have this flask knowing that you will contribute to receive a bottle of this water. It is only a big enterprise. But what does it serve to gain much money, the admiration and the consideration if in the end times you will eternally ask a drop of water like the bad rich in the parable of Jesus? (Luke 16/19-25).

    The fact that this liquid contains a power that cast demons away, cures sick people, unlock situations, for the blinds and deaf, it proves that it is of God. These last seek the unlocking of things of the flesh, the curing of this flesh and its deliverance. What then of the soul? Whole world, read carefully what is written on that package, you will see the cunning language of the man who torments this world, especially this generation, in making believe to the people that this liquid called morning water is anointed by Jesus Christ to cure, bless and save the men. But what a big lie! People leave the four corners of the world to go in Nigeria for the purchase of the water that they declare to be anointed by Jesus to cure, bless and save. Since everybody want to be cured, blessed and saved, the blinds and deaf seeing that this product can solve the problem, they rush in Nigeria to meet prophet T.B. JOSHUA for his power. How will the people still accept to suffer in the practice of the word of Christ which is the water that must in truth and eternally cure, bless and save them if they rush in Nigeria to meet a prophet who will give them a power which has no value for their souls? The people do not want to suffer in the practice of the word of life which is Jesus Christ; God’s justice; therefore, not desiring this word of good that brings the man to do the good, how does evil without brake will  not remain high in this generation of end times? This generation of end times witnesses big prophets. Do they carry the word of life for the transformation of the heart of men or they bring the spiritual material to be used?

    But they only give what they have received from their father. In truth, the people need to be wise to ask God to talk to them even through visions, dreams… for him to lead them towards his servants that will bring them to the veritable curing, blessing and deliverance that come from his word of truth and not from flasks containing liquids of powers of lies. In these end times, there are many men of God who cast out demons, cure the flesh, make visions, miracles, prophesy, confess the name Jesus with their mouth meanwhile they are not known by Christ or they do not know Christ, and they are the ones to whom the Lord Jesus says: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’  And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness” (Matthew 7/21-23).

Many people will tell me that I like judging people, and more, the men of God or the greatest prophet, and that the Lord Jesus said that we should not judge. What I say is only the truth and a judgement justified by God and which is well founded because the Lord Jesus says to judge according to his justice and not according to the appearance as it is said: “Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment” (John 7/24). It is because we want to be billionaire and admired or considered that we are ready to possess forces of Lucifer and to drag the multitude by giving them flasks that only have the power to fight against the Holy Spirit. It is said that those who are with Christ have overcome the power of malediction and the death of the prince of the lie because there is something which is spirit in them, and not things with which they have anointed themselves, have tied and drank to submit a fortress of darkness (1 John 4/4).

Prophet T.B. JOSHUA sells his image on stickers. Did he see the prophets, the apostles whose names are written in the bible or Jesus doing that? Meanwhile it is their teaching that must be our foundation (Ephesians 2/20). With his picture on stickers, he drags the people in idolatry… People come from the four corners of the world to gather in the synagogue of prophet T.B. JOSHUA, not for the word which profit to their soul, but to solve fleshly problems, and recently, there was a collapse in these places where 80people were sacrificed or died.

Prophet T.B. JOSHUA should have courage of Simon the magician in the bible faced to Philip. Simon the magician had so long deceived the Samaritans who were seeing him like somebody who has a big power coming from God, and he was so admired by these blinds because he has so long astonished them with his magical power. But the day Philip went down in Samaria to demonstrate the veritable power of God, all the Samaritans believed to the veritable as well as Simon (Acts 8/5-13). These days of end times reserve us many surprises, live and see. But to God only love and pity to deliver all these adepts of prophet T.B. JOSHUA as well as he himself, as he delivered the adepts of Simon the magician yesterday and he himself for the eternity.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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