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It is the 395th message.
In truth, the bewitched of the material and of the glory of man deceive the parents without pity by selling them a handful of water that they pour on the skull of their babies for baptism.
In truth, the mercenary leader of the man of Satan, in his small cunning and lie, after the dead of the apostles whose names are written in the bible, presents himself in front of the whole world as the representative of Apostle Peter. This uncircumcised mercenary, enemy of the truth of Christ, says to represent Apostle Peter. Where did he read that Apostle Peter had received a handful of water on the hair when he was a baby, and more at the price of money? Did the Lord Jesus himself who is the way that brings us to his Father receive the baptism when he was a baby? In truth, this mercenary leader is established to prevent the people to know and to live Christ in spirit and in truth. What use are the big diplomas and the time that they spend in seminaries if they cannot read and understand that the Lord Jesus came towards John the Baptist to ask the baptism, which was not at the price of money and which was done by immersion in water! Mercenaries and fighters against God’s truth, it is written: “In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And when he came up out of the water, immediately he saw the heavens being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove” (Mark 1/9-10); and the baptism is for the believers. Therefore, those who have believed in the word of God must change their thought, feeling and life by taking the engagement, confessing their works of the devil in front of God and in front of the men, to enter in the water and to be baptised. Therefore, the baptism is for those who have believed in the changing; that is why the Lord Jesus says: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16/16).
The Lord makes us understand that he who will believe to his word and who will be baptised will be saved. Mr Enemies of the durable and everlasting good, these babies that you deceive to have baptised by even swindling their parents, have they listened to your words or speeches of lies? It is terrible this fight against the will of God! In addition to this, they make these babies to be carried by people who are sometimes witches and who are declared to be their godfathers or godmothers.
Usurpers of the representation of Apostle Peter, do you not know that when Apostle Peter was preaching Jesus Christ, many people who were cut to their hearts by this word of life because of the death that they were living, asked Apostle Peter and the rest of the apostles what to do in order to come back to life? And Apostle Peter asked them to repent and to be baptised as it is written: “Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2/37-38). Representative of Apostle Peter, from where then comes the baptism of babies who cannot even listen to your lie to repent? In order to be baptised, you must listen to the word of Christ and believe that it (this word) is the saviour of your soul; that is why the Ethiopian eunuch, after having listened to Philip, he asked to be baptised; and Philip told him that if he believe with all his heart, it is possible, he believed and was baptised as it is said: “And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?” And he commanded the chariot to stop, and they both went down into the water, Philip and the eunuch, and he baptized him. And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord carried Philip away, and the eunuch saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing” (Acts 8/36-39).
In truth, the enemies of the truth of Christ make me laugh and in the same time, they make me become sad in their fight against the truth of Christ. The baptism is the engagement of a good conscience towards God (1 Peter 3/21); for the word of Christ heard and practiced, sanctifies and purifies by the baptism of water as it is said: “that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word” (Ephesians 5/26).
In truth, the pope takes himself for the representative of an apostle and is called pope; and the group of women that accompany him are called apostolic ladies and not papal women, meanwhile these mercenaries are not called apostles.
The whole world, understand that the lie of these fighters against the truth is at the origin of the chaos of this generation. These children, on whom they pour a handful of water on the head for baptism, grow up without listening to the gospel of Christ and without taking the engagement to go and bury the heart of stone or the animal heart in the water of the baptism and to put on the heart of flesh or that of God. Among these children who have been deceived, we find the head of States, ministers, diplomats, chancellors, great business men, super stars, governors, generals, divisional officers, sub-divisional officers… Therefore, these influential men of this present world who were deceived and swindled in the baptism from the early age, none of them have believed to the sword of Christ to circumcise his heart for it to become at the dimension of God’s heart. These last seduce themselves to be Christians because being big, they tell them or make them understand that they had already received the baptism; and believing to this lie, they have remained in the state of the old man. How then, these leaders who have remained in their state of animal spirit will not find or believe that the human blood or the blood of an animal, the sacrifice of a human being or that of an animal will bring them more power, force, glory, greatness… than the sacrifice and blood of Christ? How do ritual crimes will not flood this generation? How do these last will not find the material to have more value than the human being? How will they not see that to be a Rosicrucian; freemason, homosexual, brings them all compared to the gaining of Christ?
These foxes and mercenaries have practiced lies, fake, corruption, stealing, magic, crime through the baptism of these babies who are rulers today, and once they have become big, how do these rulers will not be in the same bad life in the example of their gurus as we notice today: big liars, forgers, corrupters, thieves, magicians…! If you ask Hollande François, Obama Barack, Cameron David… at what age they were baptised, they will tell you that they told them to have received the baptism when they were babies. Among those who receive the baptism without being aware, without speaking or having the age of consciousness, many will tell you that they hardly remember the day they were baptised because they were very small. All these rulers who ignore the baptism of justice, the heart of flesh and life of God will die in this lie. As such, what can we expect from them in this state?
In truth, if a dog is not trained for it to become a domestic dog, it will remain a wild dog. The rulers in this world are not trained by the sword of Christ’s word which gives the form and permits man to remain near God for domestic. But since childhood, they are trained by the lie, fake, corruption, magic through the baptism of deception that has brought them further away from God and has made them become wilder in front of him.
In truth, this blind world makes me laugh and in the same time, is too pitiful; for up to the men of God, they shoot and throw stones firstly to the members of government, ignoring that if these people are in this state of serious lies, fake, corruption, stealing, magic, killing…, it is because of those who have deceived them since childhood. Today, the deception continues and it is accentuated by the one who is considered, cheered and taken for the representative of God on earth, that is the pope, without forgetting his mercenaries. If an investigator in his investigations never catches the thief, but rather the fence (the receiver), it means he is a false investigator: matter to be continued.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 394th message.
In truth, the devil is an instigator to the revolt, the rebellion and the disobedience against the will of God, and he always comes towards the man to give him liberty which is the rebellion against the will of God.
In truth, the woman has the natural glory which is to be the mother of the humanity. But here, I want to talk of those who have taken the veritable engagement to become the body of Christ and who are still in the confusion. Since Abraham up to the arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ, the women did not benefit of the alliance of the circumcision in front of God; for this alliance was only concerning the male, that is, the men (Genesis 17/9-14). When the Lord Jesus started his ministry, in him and by him, the alliance of the circumcision that the women were not benefiting as well as the men who were slaves or pagan, passed from the flesh to the spirit. That is why it is said that in Jesus Christ, there is neither Jew, nor Greek, nor slave, nor free, nor man, nor woman. Women, you are in the same alliance of circumcision of the heart (Galatians 3/28). In Jesus Christ, the man remains the head of the woman, Christ the head of the man and God the head of Christ; that is why it is said: “But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wifeis her husband, and the head of Christ is God” (1 Corinthians 11/3).
The man was not drawn from the woman, but the woman was drawn from the man; and the man was not created because of the woman, but the woman was created because of the man (1 Corinthians 11/8-9). The husband must love his wife because she is the mother of the humanity, and the woman must be submitted to her husband because he is the father of the humanity. It is like the man must love his wife because she is the mother of his children, and the woman must also be submitted to her husband because he is the father of her children. The same, the woman must be submitted to her husband like the church is submitted to Christ. Also, the husband must love his wife as Christ love the Church. Therefore, in the Lord, there is no fire between the man and his wife; because the woman who believes and loves the Lord submits herself to her husband as she should be submitted to the Lord by the obedience. On the other hand, the man who believes and love the Lord must also love his wife as he must be in the Lord by the obedience. As such, for the woman, the submission overflows and on the side of the man, love overflows. In the church, the body of Christ, the man has his place and the woman also have her place and she must submit herself.
The ignorant think that as we are one in Jesus, therefore, there is nothing in the church that the woman cannot do. In their blind thought, they say that the spirit does not have sex. I will like to make them understand by the grace of God that when we talk of sex, we talk of the male or female gender. The spirit of God is the word. Therefore, the word that recommends you is spirit and life. You who want to look at the Spirit of God to see that it does not have sex, you should rather look at the recommendation in order to see if what you do is good or bad in front of God; for his recommendation is the Spirit that we must live, which means in the practice, instead of doing philosophy on things that this little mud called brain cannot know.
For the men of the whole world, majority of the population is made of Christians; which means of the body of Christ. But how the devil has been able to raise such a thought that there must be a day consecrated to the liberty of women, day of 08 March called International women’s day? Women, are you and your husbands of Christ? The Lord is the master of peace, of respect and love for all those who are in him; but you, you celebrate the day of 08 March as the day of feast consecrated to the liberty of the woman in the whole world. You as Christian women, is it of Christ? In truth, the devil has always profit of your cowardliness in order to make you believe that you are in the will of God, but it is rather to make you his slaves. And he has dragged almost all the women of the world. Do you know that it is a feast that fully glorifies the devil? What hurts me more is that those who are in the summit being Rosicrucian, freemason women, sometimes put their signs on the fabric of the 08 March, and majority of naïve or ignorant women just wear it without knowing what is happening.
In truth, we should be very careful in these end times because the devil works a lot to drive everybody in the pond of eternal fire; and he stake a lot on the women. That is why in these end times, he has passed in a higher speed through the products of beauty for hairs, eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, eyes, nails, the body… For the devil knows what God does not want the man to do, but he makes efforts to attract his heart in these things so that this last should become untied to the Lord in order to become tied to him.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 391st message
Lump of soil, you who is man’s flesh, you are dust and you will return in the dust where you have been taken or drawn. How then, the men handicapped by their state of blindness and deafness have deceived themselves by giving you more value than the soul up to the point where they consider and love you more than the soul! That is why they only think of your future, give you more care and attention so that even when you will become old, you should lack nothing and you should not suffer. They spend time edifying you in the knowledge of things of the ground; the ground that you are, they spend their time packing the ground as food for you, sweet water such as juices and other drinks like beer, whisky, for you to feed well and to quench thirst. They spend time to take care of you and to dress you with expensive clothes, to build big and beautiful houses for you, to buy motor bikes and vehicles for you so that you should not suffer in your displacements. They do not only work like slaves for this flesh, but they are also ready to do and touch whatsoever to rejoice or satisfy this lump of soil. 99,99% of men in this world have forgotten their souls because of you (lump of soil). But the Lord Jesus knowing and seeing that you are nothing, said: “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life” (John 6/63).
In truth, I see the veritable blind who, because of his handicap, rather see the value of the flesh and not that of the soul. He works like a slave for this lump of soil. In truth, the lump of soil that we call flesh and for which we sacrifice ourselves is only a cover of the soul or the cloth. But if the men say that they are not blind, how can they consider the cloth more than the body, and give this cloth all what it need while forgetting the body! In truth, God made this lump of soil in the image of the soul; and the Lord Jesus did not come to bring back the dead flesh (this lump of soil) to life, he rather came to bring back the dead souls to life. Therefore, he, being the life, the soul that eats him will live by him. That is even why he says: “...whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me” (John 6/57).
Therefore, no matter what this lump of soil can consume, touch, put on, possess in great quantity, it will never inherit the kingdom of heaven, but rather the ground where it comes or where it is drawn. Meanwhile the soul can inherit the kingdom of heaven if we find the value in it and if we give it all what the Lord has brought. That is why Apostle Paul says: “I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable” (1 Corinthians 15/50). In truth, the man would have understood that when we talk of man, it means the soul, because this lump of soil has the ground for dwelling. For the soul, either it remains eternally in the kingdom of heaven in case it lives the life of this kingdom in this body of ground, or eternally in the lake of fire if it lives the will of Satan. The man does not understand that when the soul leaves this lump of soil, it no longer has value, and this rot becomes a very dangerous poison. But if what has value comes back, this lump of soil will still become alive. Unfortunately, it is for the seeking of the possession of future goods for this lump of soil that today, we do not have time for the soul.
When I see a president who does not hesitate to dive all the people in the official practice of homosexuality for him to be accepted for a new mandate in power, when I see how the men sacrifice and sell their similar for money, eat the human flesh and drink the human blood for the glory, become paedophiles, homosexuals, corrupted, thieves, robbers, forgers, killers, magicians, sellers of human organs and drugs, sleep with mad people, with animals, do prostitution, put countries in fire and blood, swindle, cheat…, just to satisfy the flesh, I cry bitterly. My tears flow endlessly in regard of this great perdition, for the flesh will have everything through these ways, and the soul on the other hand will have nothing, if not an eternal suffering in the lake of fire.
Carrying the bible in order to lie, to flatter, to swindle, to make usurpation of appellation…, the man does all these things to satisfy his flesh. Therefore, he does not only work like a slave, but he uses tortuous paths in front of God in order to satisfy this rot of vanity which only has few days before returning in the ground. For some, when the soul which has value leaves the flesh, and that this lump of soil must return in the ground, they find to dress it with very expensive clothes, to find a coffin which is very expensive and others, while people find difficulties to have what to eat.
This world is miserable because the man does not work for his soul, but for his flesh; and he says to be rich and great through this transformed dust which he has packed. But the Lord Jesus teaches us, saying: “...The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be” (Luke 12/16-20). We had men of glory such as President Mohamed Kadhafi of Libya, President Mobutu of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the president of the Vatican Pope John Paul II… who are physically dead. Their body (lump of soil) which received the greatness and the glory through dubious richness, cheering of men’s hands, once it is laid out on the ground, it is less enviable than the body of a dead hare; because the hare can be eaten, but this lump of soil is a very dangerous poison which must be put in the soil in order to avoid intoxication or the empoisoning of those who are still alive in their flesh.
You, kings of the earth, stars, great business men, diplomats, civil servants, and all men, not only you work like slaves for this rot, but you make it more through tortuous paths. Glory to God only by the Lord Jesus Christ for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 393thmessage.
As the Lord Jesus is a word which is spirit and life, the devil is also a word which is spirit and death. Therefore, a living word of Jesus Christ dominates a dead word of Satan. The Living Spirit of Jesus Christ dominates the dead spirit of Satan. The living life of Jesus Christ dominates the dead life of Satan. When we are in the word which is spirit and life, we have the full assurance that we carry the word of blessing; therefore, no matter the word of malediction that will be confessed in front, it will have no effect on our blessing which is Christ, for they do not curse he who is blessed. We have full assurance that the dead spirit which is in front, no matter the place where it comes, from graves, water, the ground, the forest, air, deserts… will submit itself and bow down in front of us thanks to what we carry and put on. That is even why it is said: “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1John 4/4).
All those who do not live the life of Christ are then dead; they will always be dominated by those who are alive by Jesus Christ no matter what they will manifest, for the death has been swallowed or overcome by the life. Therefore, no matter the number of corpses or deaths, they will never walk on the one who is alive and standing; but it is rather he who is standing and who is alive that walk on the one that is lying and dead. He who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is domination and freedom (1 Corinthians 6/17; 2 Corinthians 3/17).
Therefore, in becoming one spirit with him, it means that we have disappeared in our fleshly and animal feeling, thought, life and conduct, and that only Christ now makes his dwelling in us. At that time, we become the body of Christ or his members; a body or members of supreme and eternal light, fire, glory, greatness, richness, force and power. As such, being in the physic, when they look at you, it is the man that they see, but in the spirit, they see Christ, and it is God. The fight not being physical or fleshly, but rather spiritual, the victory is eternally assured. Recognising to be of heaven, being on earth, if physically you are alone in this world and that the men of all nations are witches, witch doctors…, coming spiritually to fight against you, they will always be defeated because in you, there is someone or a powerful creative spirit which they do not determine the number. If the fight is physical, we will not have power to fight against billions of people in the physic; for the Lord did not give us a physical force or, he is not physically in us. Therefore, being on earth, the richness is not the wife, the husband, children the father, the mother, the material… but it is what we are in the justice, mercy, holiness and life of God by the word that we carry; that is what our richness is. Just as everybody love his richness, attaches himself to it and does not want to lose it, that is how we do not also want to lose our dignity in front of God which is our treasure and fortune.
Being on earth, we carry in us what has created the earth and everything; therefore, the earth and all what comes out of it, being transformed or not, does not influence us, but must rather be influenced by us. For, we do not run after the glory of man because we carry the eternal glory, the glory of God. But it is the glory of man that must follow us. Physically, even if we lack spare cloths, eat whatsoever because of lack of finances, sleep anywhere, not knowing how to speak nor write an official language, we do not have complexes in front of the men because we are superior to them in all what is useful for the end times; for they possess great goods without value and that are useless for the salvation of the soul. That is why we have to believe in our inner man and not in our outer man; because the exterior is the dust and we are nothing in this dust that will return in the ground, meanwhile the interior is what will remain and which is essential, it is by him that we define ourselves. If it was by the exterior, the three mates who are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego would have not been great in front of Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon. But it is by the inner man that they were seeing themselves great in front of the king who had everything from the ground, what is passing.
When we are in this state, the devil tremble in front of us. In truth, the devil does not tremble in front of the men who limit themselves in casting out demons, but he rather tremble in front of those who can bring the blinds to the recovery of sight , that is, in the opening of the spiritual eyes, because they take him for God the saviour due to their state of blindness. That is why the devil is afraid of those who come with a powerful word of light to enlighten the visually impaired; for the casting out of demons is his affair, and for it, he has put his power at disposal which act in most prophecies, miracles and prodigies today.
Pastors, prophets, apostles, doctors… make people to carry pebbles or stones during prayer sessions, while making them understand that once they finish praying, they should throw this stone that will go and crush the person who block their job, traveling, finances, promotion, childbirth… Therefore, for them, throwing the stone is to finish with their enemies. As such, raising the leg to hit the ground strongly while saying: “Satan I crush you in the name of Jesus”, to send a blow… saying that we do it against the devil becomes an amazing cinema. These men of God bring these last to understand that they are fighting against demons that have been disturbing them for long, that they should crush, beat and atomise them. They also tell them that demons must feel bad so that the next time, they should no longer disturb them. They still tell them: “you should also send them fire, even if it is your father, mother, aunt, uncle, grandfather, grandmother, witch doctor… who disturbs you, send him fire even in his mouth, in his heart, in his stomach for them to understand that they do not joke with a child of God”. Sometimes, you will even find that majority of those who are in the hall are witches. These actors and comedians also make them understand that they should recite this or that psalm 4, 5… times before sleeping, but what seduction and deception of Satan!
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 390th message.
Just as the Lord Jesus was in front of the sepulchre of Lazarus and asked the dead to come out, the same, we also carry his word in front of these sepulchres and preach to the deaths by asking them to come out of this place of eternal condemnation (state of bad life in front of God).
In truth, the veritable knowledge of God’s will comes from the hearing of the gospel of the Lord Jesus, and from this hearing, comes the spiritual clairvoyance; it is therefore the gospel of the Lord Jesus which is the source of eternal and supreme life, greatness, glory richness…
It is time for the people to understand the will of God and the mission of the Lord Jesus on earth. After Eve and Adam had disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, the death started to reign over men’s souls, therefore, all those who were born were dead. But the Eternal since heaven, saw the men alive in their flesh (which no matter its life span will return in the ground) but dead in their souls which in this state, will inherit the lake of eternal fire. Therefore, not willing that this should happen in the end times, he has sent Jesus Christ so that he should bring life to all those who are spiritually dead. The Lord Jesus came in this world through the stomach of a woman named Mary, becoming therefore in the likeness of men, appearing like a simple man. In the flesh that he took, by his affection and great courage, he preferred to suffer for few times in order to pay the price which is to avoid the eternal suffering of men’s souls. Therefore, the suffering and dead of the Lord Jesus in the flesh that he took was the ransom to save us from the eternal death.
The men are in error because they lack the understanding of the Scriptures of God; for they have believed that as the Lord Jesus Christ suffered and died in the flesh for them, it is sufficient; but it is because they ignore that it is in the life and practice of the word that he has brought and which is spirit and life that they will no longer suffer eternally. That is why the bible tells us that while the Lord Jesus Christ destroyed the death, he has put life to light by his gospel. It means that without the gospel of Christ preached firstly, there is no hope of life. The faith and belief of this generation are too limited because for it (this generation), the Lord Jesus Christ has paid our eternal death and suffering. That is why many people in this belief say thanks for this redemption; and it brings them to dance, shout in the name of their saviour, while ignoring that when the Lord Jesus destroyed the death, he replaced it by a life by his gospel, and it is through this life which has been given that we become alive, rich, glorious, great, strong and powerful.
If it was through the faith or belief in this life that the people were given thanks, cheering, praising, worshiping, dancing, shouting God today, the evil, would have been too rare or less; the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus would not be in vain for the men of these end times. But it is the consideration of Jesus as a man that the people in their human faith and belief see that he has paid the price that will prevent the eternal dead and suffering of men’s souls, that he has redeemed and saved us, and they therefore think that we have nothing else to do for it; that is why they say thanks to this international hero cheering him and dancing for him.
That is therefore the faith and belief that has filled this generation; to seek the will of God and to live it is not the preoccupation of the man in this generation; that is why there is an excess of evil. But the men have faith that they are Christians and children of God because Jesus Christ has paid all. Therefore, they have remained in man’s state of mind, thought, feeling and life, but having faith and the belief that they are Christians and children of God, because for them, the guy or gentleman called Jesus has paid the price. This knowledge which is peculiar to man exists and is spread; that is why no matter the religion that man practices, especially in the one that recognises Jesus Christ as saviour, he believes to be saved. This generation witnesses more than ever the men of God and places of prayer, but the evil remains dominant; that is why to be recognised as Christian is not to be a muslim, a Buddhist… therefore, Christian remains the appellation of non-muslim and non-buddhist.
It is too pitiful and it brings out tears when people have this belief, meanwhile the Eternal by his mercy has love them so much by sending his Son Jesus Christ to them, who by his pity and sacrifice, by his suffering and death has delivered them from the eternal suffering and death which was waiting them in the pond of fire. Meanwhile, the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus in the flesh that he took was an act of bravery and triumph which has let appear life of heaven that man must live in order to resuscitate in his soul. It is therefore in this life and through it that the men will say thanks to God and to his Son Jesus Christ that he has sent. But they remain in what is of man: the will, the thought, the feeling, the justice… it is also in the name of all what is peculiar to man that they gather to cheer, sing, worship, dance and shout in the honour of God, even sacrificing many materials for offering, thanks giving and others.
Their faith and belief does not come from the fact that the Lord Jesus while destroying the death gave us life, while destroying the suffering, he has given us peace, while destroying poverty, he has given us richness, while destroying the humiliation, he has given us the glory, while destroying lowness, he has given us the greatness, while destroying weakness, he has given us force and power; therefore, we are defined according to what we carry or have in the spirit, and we have it and carry it because he has given it to us, and he has given it to us by destroying what is not. That is why we say thanks to him, praise him, adore and cheer him; we dance for him in an overflowing joy because he has made us to become alive through what he has given to us and that we carry.
It is through what we are and by what we carry in the spirit that we greatly say thanks to God by his Son Jesus Christ who has covered us of his grace and glory, giving us authority, power and domination over everything. That is why being good by the goodness that he has given to us, we say thanks to the giver. Being good by his endless goods that he has given to us, we say thanks to the giver of eternal goods, cheering him, singing and dancing for him. But the people have remained in man’s state of mind which is a spiritual death, and the death being like a tree, his fruits are the evil, therefore, the more the death abounds (the tree), the more the evil multiplies (the fruit).
Today, almost 99,99% of men in this generation are spiritually dead and the entire world is like a spiritual cemetery. That is why spiritually, this world gives an unimaginable cold (in this cemetery) because it is full of the deaths, that is, the men living in the physic but dead in the soul because they are too wicked; this world which is too wicked is a cemetery in the spirit. What transforms itself? Night planes are run with what? Every day, these spiritual deaths eat the flesh; is it the human flesh or that of an animal? Human beings are sold like sweets, or sacrificed like chicken because of the material, power, force, the domination, the glory, celebrity.
The men are empoisoned as if they were empoisoning mousses, they throw bad curses to people as if they wanted to kill a centipede, they incite wars and arm rebels to kill the population like flies, they attack , steal, rob people as someone who is taking something that belongs to him with force and which was refused to him. The landlords keep their totems in toilets to disturb those who rent their houses, and those who rent houses walk with their totems to disturb the landlords. Jealousy, hatred… is the daily life of the man, homosexuality and magic have become the ways that people take to obtain richness, the glory, power and the physical wellbeing. People use pills, herbs… to protect themselves, for their commerce… to flourish. That is why the men frighten; but they hide themselves in their flesh, others in the zeal of the religion that they serve. It often happens that the new born babies, especially twins, when they arrive in this wicked world, they ask themselves the question if they can live in it, for they have the gift to see spiritual things, and one of them often say to the other that if he stays, he returns. But to God only is the glory by Jesus Christ for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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