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It is the 298th message.
The world of today lives much more in the confusion of the two types of spiritual clairvoyance. Let’s talk firstly of the physical clairvoyance which consists in seeing and distinguishing things and colours by man. This physical clairvoyance which is done by our eyes permits man to make his physical body to become clean because he sees it, to embellish it, to dress it in the way he likes or he can do. Therefore, this clairvoyance is the most common one and it is the mostly seen because all the men have eyes through which they see (except the blind and the partially-sighted persons).
Let’s talk secondly of the spiritual clairvoyance by the spirit of Satan which permits to see the invisible things. This spiritual clairvoyance is mostly confused today by the ignorant who take it to be the spiritual clairvoyance by the spirit of God because this spirit is mostly found in the majority of the prophets, prophetesses, brief; those who are called men of God or servants that do prophesies, visions, the revelations and divinations. It is with this spirit of Satan that the marabous do clairvoyance, the witches see, as well as the magicians. This spiritual clairvoyance by the spirit of Satan that the people who do clairvoyance possess and use to do visions, to make divinations, the revelations and prophecies can come from the spirit of the waters, a totem, a spirit of the ground, a spirit of the forest, a death or living spirit of a human, a spirit of the air. Among the people that do clairvoyance, visions and divinations, some of them are exorcists, prophets or prophetesses, brief; men or servants of God. Their clairvoyance comes from many horizons and they differ from one another, but it is still by the same master of the perdition.
There are also some people who do clairvoyance, and they treat the sick people by the spirit of their family member who is already death and who has either given them a basket or another material through which they treat people and in the same time, they see the spiritual things and reveal them to others. There are some marabous that have gone in search of the spirits of the forest, of the air, of the waters or of the ground in order to do clairvoyance and to reveal the invisible things to the people. That is why you will find certain marabous that have the sand in their laboratories and when you arrive so that they should do clairvoyance for you, they will ask you to put your two palms on that sand and next, they will ask you to remove and to shake them on that hip of sand. Then, they will start revealing what they are seeing concerning you. Some marabous do clairvoyance with the horn of an animal.
This horn is suspended on a rope that is held with the hand, making the tip of the horn to point on the ground, when they start questioning the spirit on what they want to know, this horn remains fixed no matter the repeated words pronounced to affirm the negativity, and if it is the positivity, the horn will turn. Others do clairvoyance with a half machete without handle, with a small iron that they place on one end of the machete while holding the other end. When they will ask a question to the spirits on a particular situation, this small iron will show no resistance when it will be removed from the machete if it is the negativity, but if it is the positivity, this iron will remain fixed on the machete as if it had a magnet. Others do clairvoyance through a mirror fixed in their laboratory. They look through the mirror in order to reveal all what happens in your carnal life. Others use cowries that they throw on the ground. There are many, but I have mentioned just these few ones.
Some people fill certain conditions in order to have these spirits of clairvoyance. This clairvoyance through the spirit of Satan which the marabous possess is found in most men and servants of God today; because the devil seeing that many people have discovered that going to the marabou for their consultation was of him, he has thus transposed his spirit used by the marabous to many exorcists, prophets, prophetess, pastors… who make visions, divinations, the revelations and prophecies on earthly things. Therefore, the people find that those ones are not called marabous, that is to say; being of the devil, but instead of God (men and servants of God). There are also some witches that have spiritual clairvoyance because they carry an animal spirit in them, and it is with this clairvoyance that they sometimes intercept people’s things so that they should not manifest in the physic. It is with this spiritual clairvoyance by the spirit of Satan that the devil in person glorifies himself because he brings terror in the families, homes… All this clairvoyance by the Spirit of Satan is of the type: “it is this one or that one who has done it to you because you were to be a person today; it is that one who has blocked your marriage, your job, your childbirth, your travel, your money… she is the one that has prevented, has made you to be sick, wants to kill or to sell you, who does not want your good”.
Sometimes, these clairvoyants describe some people that are either in your family, in your job place, in your neighbourhood… thus raising rancour, hatred, calumnies, pushing some of them to vengeance. The devil seeing that these revelations and divinations are not in the glory of God but instead in his glory, multiples them everyday. Meanwhile the Lord wants that the heart of man which is the heart of stone should become the heart of flesh through the revelation of his life (Ezekiel 36/26); but the devil has instead made of this heart the heart of iron through these people that do the divinations… thus pushing people into great rancour, hatred and calumnies. These people that have this clairvoyance and who reveal the things to others are more solicited and sought after. I the same way, the devil seeing that the Lord Jesus does not more want the people to get attached to the earthly things (the material), he (the devil) has thus multiplied these prophets, prophetesses that prophesise on the future of the achievement of the material as well as other things of vanity, and these lasts are very solicited and sought after.
Thirdly, there is the spiritual clairvoyance by the spirit of God. This clairvoyance is very rare and it operates according to the dimension of the spirit that we carry. She instead regards man in his soul to see him small or big, poor or rich, death or alive. It is through this clairvoyance that we veritably see the value of the material considered by most people in this world like a big treasure for which others sacrifice their soul and all their time without rest. Those who do not have this clairvoyance are the veritable blind because they do everything to embellish, to enrich, to dress and to nourish their physical body while forgetting their spiritual body (their soul) which is more important and was to firstly receive all care. If the people had this clairvoyance, especially the rulers of this world, the stars, the artists… they would have not sold their souls for the power on the men, the glory, the celebrity and the physical protection. Most men of God that we see today in the world and that we consider to be great prophets, pastors, apostles, priests… making great divinations, prophecies, prodigies and miracles do not possess this clairvoyance. Therefore imagine the consequence for those who follow them. That is why many people today are poor of God’s richness just because they do not see, if not the physical or the spiritual clairvoyance by the spirit of Satan.
If the people were seeing spiritually according to the spirit of God, evil would be less in this world, because it is the dust (the material) and the acclamations of the hands of men that are at the origin of all type of evil; but with the clairvoyance by the spirit of God, the ground and all what comes out of it, transformed and embellished, or again, the glory of man is seen in its deeper state of vanity. We count at the tips of fingers the veritable men of God that have the spiritual clairvoyance by the spirit of God. Because if the people of Israel in his time just as the case today had the clairvoyance by the spirit of God, they would have seen that the Lord Jesus without the dust (the material) is richest and greatest than any other person. Even today, there are the veritable men of God who are full of the greatness and richness of the Lord, but not having the material; they are considered like the poor in front those who do not have the clairvoyance according to the spirit of God.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 290th message
In truth, God in his word does not change his manner of acting, but he operates with people who carry the assurance, the value and the obedience in them. God was operating great things yesterday because the people through whom he operated were not having a corrupted believe as it is the case today.
We start firstly with the patriarch Abraham to whom the Almighty asked to sacrifice his only Son. Abraham had found the value and the richness in the obedience to this will and nothing else could divert him. With this believe, assurance and obedience, how the Almighty God was not to operate great things with Abraham? It is difficult with us today meanwhile all what is good and agreeable to God in this world is to see everyone know the truth and be saved. That is why he asks us with hurriedness to announce his richness to the poor so that they should also become rich of him. Therefore, while the Lord waits his good news to be spread, we instead talk to him of our time, our stomach, our children and our families. Meanwhile when the Almighty God asked for the only son of Abraham, he brought him in front of him but to us, while God waits his richness in front the poor, that is where we find the value in the material up to the point where to sacrifice this dust becomes difficult for us. If leaving the children and the family for a little time or to sacrifice the material for the contribution to the sharing of the richness of God to the poor is very difficult for us, therefore will the sacrifice of his only son like Abraham be possible for us? That is thus how the believe, the assurance and the will that great men like Abraham had, were bringing the Almighty to do great things with them.
We have to know that this century is the poorest no matter the inventions and advanced technology, and this poverty is the evil. The Lord Jesus want that his richness should be given up to the head of states and kings of nations, because money and the people are not richness, but rather life and the divulgation of the good news of God are. That is even why the Lord Jesus talks of saving his soul by losing his life in the physic for his good news when he says: “...but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel's will save it” (Mark 8/35). And the Lord continues saying: “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfoldand will inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19/29), and more: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14/26).
Because we have to know that Joseph in Egypt knew that the wife of Potiphar was poor and because of that, she had nothing to give him in the case he was to satisfy her request, but she would have instead steal what he possessed and which had no price. If it was us today, we would not see that the word that we carry or the God who accompanies us is the one who has everything. Seeing the material that this woman had in possession, we would rapidly fall under her request or proposal saying that she can change our life. But Joseph, having known a double sale, firstly of his brothers to the Ishmaelites, and secondly from the Ishmaelites to Potiphar, officer of Pharaoh and head of the guards in Egypt, was always keeping the assurance and hope in the fidelity of his God despite the pain and suffering. How then the Almighty was not to accomplish great things with the believe and the assurance that he had for him?
We also have the case of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego who found themselves in Babylon under the domination of King Nebucadnedsar where the King placed them as intendants of the province of Babylon. They had refused to prostrate in front of the statuette of the king which he had elevated for his God,finding that the King and the entire nation were poor and slaves because they were not living or serving the living God. This act considered like an affront or insult, contempt with regard to the king, has pushed this last to question himself on their believe and assurance. The king, after questioning them on their act, these ones told him that they had no need in answering him in that matter. Meanwhile if it was us today, we would tremble in front of the job, money and all what the king had and we would find him bigger and richer than us. But the believe and the assurance in the richness that the three mates had up to the domination of the fire of the king had brought this last and his nation, poor and small of their state face to the three mates and their God, to consider these three mates as untouchable up to the point where the king had given the order that no person of his nation should speak evil to them, but instead to fear their God because there is no other God who can vivify, save and deliver like him.
But us today, face to the people who despise God in all because of their money, we tremble in front of them and we see ourselves small and poor, while in reality, we are rich and great through he who is in us and whom we have to bear witness so that the people who live a life which is not of God, but thinking that they are rich and great because they have material, should know through our richness (believe and assurance) that they are poor and small because it is by the believe and the assurance that the three mates had that the king and his nation knew that they were poor. How God was not to do great things with their believe and assurance?
Us today, we tremble in front the people of money and of bad life with majority of them having sold their souls as if what we carry have less value than the dust that these people possess, or again as if the creative word which is in us has not created all the things that strike our eyes and that render us corrupted. With this believe and assurance today, how will the Lord operate great things through us so that evil people should change? Apostle Paul to whom the prophecy had revealed that he will be tied in Jerusalem in the case he went up, asked those who were crying in his place: “what do you do crying?”, in other words why are you crying?, because for him he was ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem to announce the good news. If it was us today, we would be afraid to be tied or imprisoned, we would find to know who will feed our children, our small family? While, how with this believe and assurance of Paul was God not to do great things through him? All the time, Paul was imprisoned, enchained because of the good news, people were sometimes following those who were arresting him and exhorting them to kill Paul and sometimes signified him proclaiming that they will abstain from food and drinks until he was killed, but all that was not affecting Paul, that is why he was saying: “But I do not account my life of any value nor as precious to myself, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20/24).
There are many examples, but I cited few. The Almighty God made us grace by Christ, not only to believe in him, but to suffer for him. But us today, we want God to operate great things through us as he operated yesterday through others. Why will he do it? What love do we have, what will, what attachment, what sacrifice, what believe and what assurance for him? But as we are still ignorant, that is why we think that we are making a favour to God in giving the material or in doing something, without understanding or without seeing that God is the creator of everything, and the life giver of all death beings, therefore he needs nothing and we are the ones, who are poor and death, who want his richness and his life.
In truth, people today are proud because they think that God is man like them. They should know that even if we give the whole world to God as offering, we should not think that we have given a lot to him because he is not a man. We think that he is in need of what? It is said: “nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything” (Acts 17/25). Even Abraham, when he was opening his mouth to talk to God knew what he is, a less than nothing when he was saying: “…I have undertaken to speak to the Lord, I who am but dust and ashes” (Genesis 18/27). When I see how men want to serve God today in these difficult times taking him like a man, it makes me to have great pity. It is a question to understand that if we have eaten the body of Christ, we have thus become this body. Therefore, being assembled in all places, it is this body which is assembled, and the head of this body is invisible in the eyes of men. He himself is in the middle of those who have become his body and who are assembled being his brothers, his sisters and his friends, fear and respect being felt by all. I ask myself with what believe, what assurance and what respect will God operate miracles through us so that this century more corrupted and wicked than ever should tremble?
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)
It is the 238th message.
I speak like the one who created money and I bring this paper or coin to submit itself or to prostrate in front of me. For, I am and remain the god of my creature (money) and not the contrary. I am the one who has been sent by God to speak in his name and I am not here to justify myself in front of the men, but in front the one who edifies me because he is the one that has been established judge of the living and the deaths (Acts 10/42). For money is the god, the master and the cause of all type of evil in this world. It has become a big barrier that prevents the spiritual body of man to enter in the Kingdom of heaven. Men of God and children of God, be careful! Because in God, nothing is to be simplified, neglected and despised.
Let us speak firstly of the offering that we bring to God. The offering that we bring to God has no constraint concerning what must enter or must not enter in the basket, contrarily to what I see certain men of God doing today, where they constraint the people not to put certain coins in the basket; for this instruction does not come from God but from man. We give the offering to God according to our feeling and good heart as it is said: “The LORD said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from each man whose heart prompts him to give” (Exodus 25/1-2).
The basket of God receives all what is like money (bank notes, yellow coins…) but this must be given with a sincere heart. This offering basket which thus receives all (without distinction of money) is different from the one that select money or which receives special money even when those who give it do not do it with a good heart. Giving the offering to God is something good, but if we do not walk in the ways of God, even if we bring him one billion of francs like offering, it will not be received because our heart is in darkness and is dark. But if we walk in the ways of the truth, our heart will be in the light and will be light. From this fact, even if it is a franc that we put in the basket, it will be approved by God and not by the man to whom money is the master. Therefore, everybody must give the offering according to how he has decided in his heart, without any constraint as it is said: “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9/7).
In addition, it is then better for the men of God to look at people’s hearts to see if the Lord Jesus is up in his form, that is his life in order be in joy, than to be in joy when they see how people stretch their hands or stand up to give the offerings. For, somebody can give 10.000 Frs like offering and another one gives 25 Frs. In the eyes of man, he who has given 10.000 Frs has given much, what is not always the case in the eyes of God. You will even see that it is the person who has given 25 Frs who gave much because he knows that this last has given much with regards to what he possess. In other words, a person can have 50 frs and he gives 25 Frs like offering to God, another with 100.000 Frs and gives 500 Frs or 1.000 Frs like offering to God, among the two, you will find that it is that one who has given 25 Frs who gave much according to God. It is even the reason for which it is said in the book of Mark: “And he sat down opposite the treasury and watched the people putting money into the offering box. Many rich people put in large sums. And a poor widow came and put in two small coins, which make a penny. And he called his disciples to him and said to them, ‘Truly, I say to you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the offering box. For they all contributed out of their abundance , but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on ” (Mark 12/41-44).
Secondly, let us talk of thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is neither an offering nor tithe, but it is something special. It can be thanks that a man gives for something that he asked or something that he has obtained. According to this, he can decide to thank God, not only by words, but with a material thing that he gives according to his will. In addition, the thanksgiving that we give to God can also be the seed of something, but this seed is not given like the prophets, pastors, apostles… of this world ask the people to do in the following words: “the person who has such amount of money should come and give to God in order to receive a prayer of grace!” They give the amounts from the biggest to the smallest. Others say: “the person who wants the marriage, a job, travelling, a house, the childbirth should bring such amount of money in order to receive a prayer of grace”. For, this manner of sowing is from man and not from God. You will give this money and even receive what you want, but it will never be in the justice of God. Men of God, all what we have to do is to guide the man to know God and to fear him because when man is faithful to God or when he becomes a disciple of Jesus, he knows himself how he must sow, as it is said: “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully” (2 Corinthians 9/6).
You should not be that kind of man as it is the case in this world, who asks to the people: “the person who wants to sow one million, let him come and give to God”. For, these things are given in secret. Therefore, if the man wants to give money for his thanksgiving, he put it in an envelope and deposits it in the basket. Only God and him will know what is done or what is given. When we give something to God, either the offering or thanksgiving, we must shut our mouths so that it should be given according to God and not according to man. But if we tell it to whoever wants to listen, we do it in vain. And we must know that even if we give a billion to God, we have not given something great because we owe him all without end.
Thirdly and finally, we will talk of the tithe. The tithe is neither the offering nor the thanksgiving that the man will say that he will give according to his will. The tithe is an order of donation by percentage which is the 10th (tenth) of our income. For the word of God which comes from the servant of God bless the man who listen, practice it and this word is the bread, water or the wine of the soul.
It is this word that blessed Abraham who gave the tithe of all. That is why Genesis 14/18-20 says: “And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. (He was priest of God Most High), and he blessed him, saying, “Blessed be Abram by God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth. And blessed be God Most High, who delivered your enemies into your hand.” Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything”. Even Abraham who has been chosen by God gave the tithe to whom it belonged. Therefore, we give the tithe of all what the Eternal God gives us. And that is why Jacob called Israel said: “and this stone, which I have set up for pillar, shall be God’s house. And of all that you give me I will give a full tenth to you” (Genesis 28/22).
In fact, I speak not because I need money, but what I want is the manifestation of the justice of God in the man who delivers his spiritual body (his soul) from the eternal death. For, not giving the tithe is to be a thief, a crook, an embezzler of someone’s goods and a deceitful as it is said: “Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’ In your tithes and contributions. You are cursed with a curse, for you are robbing me, the whole nation of you. Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. I will rebuke the devourer for you, so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil, and the vine in your field shall not fail to bear, says the LORD of hosts” (Malachi 3/8-11). For we must know that when we are cursed (malediction), we no longer talk of tests nor persecutions because the curse comes from the disobedience to the word of God, what leads without doubt to the destruction and death. In addition, when we give the tithe in the form of money and that we decide to put it in an envelope, we must not write our name on this envelope like certain men of God ask people to do today.
Whereas, many people say that the tithe was in the ancient time, and the others think that it is for the man that we give it; it is one of the reasons for which some people do not give the tithe, and others give it like their heart ask them to give. But I always ask myself the question to know why certain people refuse to remove a share that belongs to God when they have money? Do they do it because they are dominated by money? But you should know that it is better not to give instead of pretending. Do we fear God in order to firstly remove or preserve his tithe in what he gives us? For the person who seizes the tithe of God cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven and his blessing. We have the tithe of God that comes from the monthly work, from the commerce, from the ground such as fruiterer trees as it besides said: “Every tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land or of the fruit of the trees, is the LORD’s; it is holy to the LORD” (Leviticus 27/30).
The same, the tithe of the harvest of the ground can be changed into money if we want, and especially if someone finds that the distance which separates him from the person who must receive the tithe is far as it is said: “And if the way is too long for you, so that you are not able to carry the tithe, when the LORD your God blesses you, because the place is too far from you, which the LORD your God chooses, to set his name there, then you shall turn it into money and bind up the money in your hand and go to the place that the LORD your God chooses” (Deuteronomy 14/24-25). Another thing: Other people say that the New Testament said nothing concerning the tithe, but it is ignorance and wickedness towards themselves. But Apostle Paul goes further by saying: “Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches” (Galatians 6/6). Men, you must equally know that the offering, the thanksgiving or the tithe brought to God by the one that does not teach the truth (the unique gospel of transformation Galatians 1/7) are vain. But what madness for the man to carry a luggage on the head which serve nothing to him!
To God only by Jesus Christ love and pity for the deliverance and life of men’s souls for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 242nd message
This world is in the confusion of the spiritual things through which its deliverance was to come. When they ask you if you know the name of a person, it means that this person has a name. Therefore, when they ask you the name of the one who has saved the world, you will say it is Jesus; it thus means that Jesus has a name. For it is written that whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10/13). But many people think that the true name of the Lord is ADONAI, YAWE or SHILO. Others even say that they are not attached to the name of the Son, but rather to that of the Father who is Jehovah. But the wise of this world lack the wisdom that has been given to the little children. That is why when the Lord Jesus Christ was seeing the wise of this world, he was full of joy because the great things of heaven have not been revealed to them, but they were rather revealed to the little children (Luke 10/21). In truth, the name of Jesus is his life and his will, for the name of Jesus is not just a simple appellation or confession of the mouth, but it is rather a life which must be practiced. Jesus is his word of spirit and life as he says himself (John 6/63). For, everything is in his life and his life is in his word. Therefore, it is in Jesus (his gospel) that the resurrection can come which is the practice of his will. For all comes firstly from the veritable teaching because without the veritable teaching, there is no life no matter the practice of what we listen everyday.
If we want to be saved, we must seek to call on the name of the Lord; in other words, we must seek to live his life, his thought and his feeling because it is said to us: “For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10/13). It is also to say that whoever will live his life shall have life, whoever will live his light will become the light; whoever will live his power will be powerful and this power neither comes from the recitation of psalms nor from water, salt, the handkerchiefs… said blessed, but it comes from his life and his feeling. That is why it is said: “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2/5). For the Lord Jesus has redeemed us by his blood so that in him, we should be under his power, his domination. It is like a man who gets married to a woman; this last is under his domination which is his will. Therefore, we come to Jesus in order to be dominated by him; for we have to understand that if we want to dominate the devil and his government, it is only possible by the name of Jesus, and for this reason, this name has to dominate us.
Therefore, we should stay under the domination of the forgiveness, humility, self control, patience, love, gentleness, righteousness that are the name of Jesus, and we should be in peace and joy, even when we do not have money, a house, or spare clothes because our peace and joy are not fleshly (things of the flesh), but spiritual (coming from the Holy Spirit). If we want to dominate the devil, we must firstly be dominated or submitted to this name of Jesus which is a great power in front of which the devil submits himself. But if we despise the name of Jesus which is his love, his forgiveness, his pity, his humility, his patience, his self control, his gentleness, his righteousness and his will in front of which the devil tremble, it means that we will not make him (the devil) to tremble because we do not have the name of Jesus, and in addition to that, we are enemies of this name which was to save us and freed us from Satan and his agents. For people should not fall on the trap of the devil which consist to make them believe that they just have to say “in the name of Jesus” to see the situation settling. A person who is jealous, spiteful, slanderous, a liar, a thief, a fake, a crook, a quarrelsome, adulterous, a magician, a murderer…, who despises the name of Jesus will also be despised, either by the evil spirits or by the devil who is a life of the eternal death. That is why we should not fall on the trap of the devil who want people to say or to confess with the mouth “in the name of Jesus” to have a solution to their problem, for in acting as such, the kingdom of heaven will never be the final objective, meanwhile we know that it is said that the end of everything is better than its beginning.
In addition, if somebody is in the life of jealousy, lies, rancour… and says with his mouth “in the name of Jesus”, he simply call on and confess the devil. For, we call on God by the life and the will of the Lord Jesus; and we call on the devil by his life and his will. Therefore, to say with the mouth “in the name of Jesus” serve for nothing if there is not the life of the Lord Jesus which is his veritable name. Therefore, the name of the Lord is found in his life and if we do not enter in this life, we will not be able to possess it, for this name must be our assurance and hope at all time and everywhere. Being in this name which is a life, we can say without fear: “in the name of my friend, in the name of my brother, in the name of my father, in the name of my love, in the name of my forgiveness, in the name of Jesus…” and the enemy will submit himself to the order to the Most High and the dominator who is in us and us in him (1 John 4/15), For the name of Jesus which is himself, is our brother, our friend, our love, our forgiveness as he says himself (Mark 3/35; John 15/14).
The one that we are fighting is neither physical, nor flesh or blood, but instead the spirit of evil and the prince of the world of darkness (Ephesians 6/12). When he is face to us, he does not take our physic into consideration, but rather the spirit of the Lord in us which is his name. For if we live the name of the Lord which is his life and that we say with our mouth “Satan save me”, Satan will say to himself that we are mocking at him because he knows that if we want that he should save us, we have to come out of the life of Jesus which is his name. To say “in the name of Jesus” or “in the name of my friend” is the same thing, especially when we are in the life and the will of the Lord; for it is in this last that the power of God rest. What we have to know is that Jesus is also Peter, but having the appellation “Jesus” in front of the people. It was necessary that the name of Peter should be carried by one of his disciples. That is why Jesus gave Simon the name of Peter as it is said: “He appointed the twelve: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter)” (Mark 3/16).
The Almighty God is also called Israel, but for him to be known in the name of the Almighty God, It was necessary for a nation to carry his name which is Israel, he gave it to Jacob, from whom came out 12 tribes that became a nation in the name of Israel as it is said in Genesis 35/10: “And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; no longer shall your name be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.” So he called his name Israel”. And it is also said: “Simon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name” (Acts 15/14). For the Creator appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the name of the Almighty God, and he also appeared to Moses in the name of “LORD”, but all these names constitute only one name. That is why it is said: “God spoke to Moses and said to him, “I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the Lord I did not make myself known to them” (Exodus 6/2-3).
Jesus is Peter and Peter is his word. And Jesus has been announced to be a stone in which whoever believes will not run away from the devil. That is why it is said: “therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am the one who has laid as a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: ‘Whoever believes will not be in haste” (Isaiah 28/16). And it is for this reason that it is also said: “As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious” (1 Peter 2/4). Ephesians 2/20 says: “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone” If we say that it is the father that we need and whose name is Jehovah; it is just one of the cunning of Satan. But we should recognise that we are ignorant and we should humiliate ourselves while searching for the deliverance of our souls by the acquisition of the knowledge of the truth; and God by his great mercy will make know himself to us by Jesus Christ, not through the biblical schools, but by his word of revelation. I am an Israeli not of the appellation or of blood, nor the spoken language or less of the territory, but I am an Israeli of life, and I am also Peter, not by the appellation of name, but of life.
To God only by Jesus Christ love and pity for the deliverance and life of men’s souls for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 237th message.
The action that we make by sharing or by helping people is certainly good, but God does not take this good deed into account because we do not do it for his glory, but we do it for the glory of man in us. For, the sharing or the help which God does not take into account or does not take pleasure is; after we have helped somebody, we start saying to everybody that: “if you saw him eating yesterday, it is thanks to me because if I have not given him, he would have die of hunger, I am the one who gave him the clothes and the shoes that he is wearing, did he have other ones?” Or, when somebody comes to ask for a help, you tell him: “You do not have the grace because what I had, I have given it to such person who has just gone, for he or she was siting on this or that chair”. Instead to simply say to the person: “I do not have for if I had, I would have given you”. There is also the fact that when we want to make a gift, especially in the prisons, in hospitals and orphanages, we call the medias (radio, television, press, internet) so that they should film this scene and put it at the disposition of the entire world. It can also be the case when you pay the studies of somebody, when you give him money for a competitive examination or when you have intervene (by the relation) so that he should work; you start singing everywhere that it is thanks to you that this person is what he is today. You start saying that this person was nothing, and that it is thanks to you that he became somebody. You will start talking of his good deeds everywhere like a good morning or a salutation.
It is also the same today for those who give the offering to God and they start saying: “I have given such an amount, I am the one who has greatly participated or who bought all what you see in the church”. For, we give and help to later sing and speak a lot of this good deed. Unfortunately, this good deed is not received in front God because he knows that the man does not do it for his glory (he glory of God), but he does it for his own glory near the men. That is in fact the sharing or the help which God does not take into consideration.
But if we want that our share or help should be taken into consideration by God, we should not brag in front of our similar after doing something good; for if we do it, it means that we are looking for the glory of man. If we share in secret, God will see it, he will take note of this and he will also give us in secret; for sharing in secret is to seek the glory of God. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6/2-4) When we share or help our similar, we should not wait for thanks giving or a reward from him. For, we must give and help for God and not for the man.
Giving something to somebody in secret is giving to God. Having the thought of sharing even when we do not have is something that God takes into consideration. When we share or help our similar, we should leave that he should be the one to talk of the good deed that God has manifested for him through us; for it is not us to glorify to have done it. The same, in this world, when the man possesses food, he will not give it to his similar who is in need for fear that he will not give him something in return. For, even when he has a little, he does not give to the one who lacks completely, but he prefers to give to the one who has more than him. That is why when he pays the transport to go and share this food with that one who has more, he will wait a big reward in return which will be superior to what he brings. And when this last, due to smugness neglects him by not giving him honours for his presence, or by giving him just the money of transport that he has spent, he will start saying in him: “seeing the pain that I had to bring him this food, he did not only take pleasure of my visit, but in addition to that, he just gives me money of transport that can permit me to arrive in my home”.
Finally, when this one is victim of this injustice, he will finish by saying: “the rich men always know how to despise the people”. You have thus played the tombola and you have lost. Know that we must give more to those who are lacking and who have nothing to give us in return; for only God will give us back because we give for him. That is why the Lord Jesus was saying to the one who invited him: “When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbours, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid. But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just” (Luke 14/12-14). We should be very careful because God does not take into consideration the help that we bring to the others because we do it badly, which means we seek the glory of man and not the glory of God.
Be careful! The malediction is neither a test nor a persecution, but only the recovery of the view and the understanding will help the blinds and the deaf to become great in the spirit of God and his work, and not in the spirit of the man and his work.
To God only by Jesus Christ love and pity for the deliverance and the life of men’s souls for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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