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It is the 450th message
In truth, if in this generation the men are much more victims of jealousy, mockeries, calumny, insults, despise, racism, attacks, stealing, robbing, rape, bewitchment, witchcraft, assassinations, human sacrifice, the selling of human organs..., it is because they are too poor and miserable, not in the lack of things that their hands have transformed or fabricated, but in the lack of the heart of God, the heart which is righteous, great, glorious and rich in pity, love, forgiveness, humility, simplicity, goodness, self control, patience, peace, joy.
In truth, from the kings, the head of States, the queens up to the least, it is good for all the men to ask God to prefer to refuse or to deprive them of everything of the earth, except his heart; because to possess the heart of God is to possess the veritable deliverance. If the men were endowed of this heart, evil would be too rare, and the fear of his neighbour would also be less.
Possessing the heart of God is to possess the veritable deliverance, and this deliverance is greatly lacking today. Majority of the men of God in the midst of this generation operate in the fleshly deliverance by casting out demons and diseases in the human body, and not in the deliverance of the soul by the transformation of the hearts. There is lack of the deliverance that will make you possess the heart of God. That is why evil is in full swing or increases day after day.
God willing to deliver the people of Israel and the entire world from evil, wickedness or sin had promised to give them a new heart where a new spirit also had to dwell as it is said: “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh” (Ezekiel 36/26). With the heart of stone, we are not delivered to owe jealousy, hatred, mockeries, despise, rancour, evil, diseases, failure, stealing, robbing, death... to our neighbour; meanwhile with the heart of God, we are delivered to owe respect, pity, consideration, love, humility, justice, goodness, success, blessing, good health and the life to our neighbour both in the spirit and in the physic. If all the men on earth beginning from the head of States, kings, queens up to the least were possessing this veritable deliverance or this heart of God, there would have been less evil and more goodness, and the men would no longer be afraid of their fellow men as it is the case today; because in them, which is to say in their heart, there will not come out calumnies, poisoning, in short, evil and death, but rather success, good health and the life both in the spirit and in the physic.
In truth, all the men of the earth were to ask God to deprive them of everything of the earth, except his heart, telling him that without this heart, they will be nothing else than wicked people and people of evil in front of him and in front of the men; for without this heart, they will remain poor, miserable and misfortunate no matter the fact that they possess all what their hands have fabricated, as well as the ground. That is why they must prefer that the creator should deprive them of all except of his heart that will make them be eternally in joy.
In truth, if all the head of States, kings, queens up to the least of men were possessing this heart, the human being would no longer be sold or sacrificed, he will no longer be taken as an object and despised, he will no longer be a bait for other men that use him to catch fish which is money, the nomination, the maintaining in power, the glory of man... Without this heart, we will not be dominated by the owing of good to our neighbour. For with this heart of God, seeing somebody suffering also make us to suffer, seeing him sick also make us become sick; and us, not willing to suffer or to be sick, we will wish peace, success, and good health to all men.
In truth, it is poverty and misery in the lack of the heart of God which is at the origin of evil and brings the man to be victim to the deprivation and destruction of what belongs to him by his neighbour. In this world, people rush for the deliverance of fleshly things that the devil has blocked; but nobody will seek the veritable deliverance that comes from the new heart according to God. That is why in this generation, demons are cast out from people’s bodies, diseases are cured, but evil increases day after day because the heart where this evil comes is not delivered. Evil comes from the heart. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander” (Matthew 15/19).
In truth, the deliverance that does not come from the heart is a false deliverance; and it is this false deliverance that has filled this generation where the men of God operate prodigies and miracles, they heal and deliver the flesh, but the hearts remain uncircumcised of the righteousness, the pity, the love, the forgiveness, the humility... of God to owe jealousy, despise, mockeries, calumny, racism, fake, swindling, stealing, attacks, robbing, diseases, bewitchment, witchcraft, killing... Therefore, without the deliverance of the heart where comes all the evil, any other deliverance is useless and remains useless. That is why almost all deliverances that the men of God do today do not act as a brake against evil; because they themselves have the heart dominated by the material and the glory of man.
The men in this generation are too poor and miserable because they do not possess the heart of God. They have the hearts blinded not to see that it is in what their own hands have fabricated, their work, the material which is vanity that they draw their veritable glory, greatness and richness. Do their hearts see when they sell or sacrifice their fellow mate in exchange of things that their hands have fabricated? Or do they see when they sign pacts with the devil in selling him their souls in the price of what their hands have transformed or fabricated? Do the hearts of the men of God see the value of the word that they carry and that has created everything to go in front of people and to swindle them by the means of flattery, the seduction, the deception...? In truth, the hearts of people have remained poor and miserable while their pockets become full of papers called money or richness. Their hearts have remained blind while their physical eyes see; seducing themselves not to be blind, they do not seek to see.
To dominate evil, you must touch or deliver the heart and not the flesh; because it is from the heart that evil comes. That is why it is said: “But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (1Peter 3/15). It is the heart of David, heart according to God, and not the height and weight of his flesh that brought him to be established king of Israel by the Creator (Acts 13/22). Solomon being established king, asked God to give him one thing, his heart that was all for him (1 Kings 3/5-13).
In truth, what I ask God for the head of States and all the other men of all other social classes in this world, is not to give them long life of good health in the flesh, prosperity in things that they themselves have fabricated by their own hands, but to give them his heart which will make their veritable eternal deliverance, greatness, richness, glory, wisdom and intelligence.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 452nd message
In truth, in this present world, even if the earth, money, vehicles, air planes, ships, companies, women, children... belong to me, I will always be sad in my heart and soul because of the leaders of great powers who incite wars, destabilisations, coup d’état, favour the arming of rebels..., where the blood of babies, children, widows, in short, where the blood of innocent people shed abundantly. Certain people run away from their countries because of wars and troubles, and are sometimes struck down by hunger, cold and worries. It is presently the case in Syria where babies, children and widows are killed by weapons.
We are on the 29th August 2016; the war started in Syria on the 15th March 2011, today, it already makes 05years 11months 14days, and we already count more than 292 817 dead. I also take the example of the war in Libya that started on the 15th February 2011 and that has last 08months 08days, we count more than 15000 dead; and even after the assassination of the Libyan leader till today, we continue to count the number of deaths in this country.
These leaders of great powers fabricate weapons of all kind that are sold like bagel, not to kill animals that are given by God for their food, but to kill human beings. It is everyone who wants to glorify himself in the arming. While the rate of unemployment continues to be high, they put much money in the manufacturing and possession of heavy weapons. Willing to sell many weapons to make money, they incite wars.
In truth, how can war such as that in Syria last so many years? The more it lasts longer, the more thousands of people die. Can Barack Obama of the United States, Vladimir Poutine of Russia, Xi Jinping of China, Kim Jong-Un of Nord Korea, Francois Hollande of France, Bachar El-Assad of Syria... not sit down around a table to find an agreement to limit the bloodshed of babies, children, widows, in short, that of innocent people in Syria? In truth, if these head of States of great powers were becoming great and powerful in the love of the neighbour, hospitality, pacifism, reconciliation, they would also be imitated by leaders of small nations, and there would be less conflicts, polemics, wars, destabilisations, coup d’états, the arming of rebels... In truth, how do these men be unable to seek to imitate their creator in possessing his greatness and power!
God has sent his Son Jesus Christ so that the men should become alive, great and powerful like him through his Son. The Eternal, the Father has shown us the greatness and power in love by giving us his Son for the redemption of our souls from the hands of the devil or the death; and his Son Jesus Christ has shown us his greatness and power by suffering and dyeing in his flesh for us so that our souls should no longer be destined to dwell in the eternal death and suffering in the lake of fire in case we imitate him in carrying the same love and manifesting it towards our neighbour. Meanwhile God has planed that if we become great and powerful like him, there will be less evil, wickedness, war, coup d’état, arming of rebels, killings..., and there would be more love, peace, forgiveness, respect, pity, justice, righteousness, humility, simplicity... That is why the Lord Jesus recommended us to have his greatness and power that are only found in love when he says: “These things I command you,so that you will love one another” (John 15/17).
If we want the greatness and power of God, we must possess his commandment as he says: “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you” (John 15/12). The Lord Jesus has given us a new greatness and power through his new commandment as he says: “A new commandmentI give to you,that you love one another:just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another” (John 13/34). But the leaders of great powers have made their power and glory in the fabrication and possession of weapons to kill and destroy, and not in the love of the neighbour to wish him life like God our creator and the Lord Jesus our saviour. If we are great and powerful in God, we will owe love, peace, success, respect... to our neighbour, that is even why Apostle Paul says”Owe no one anything, except to love each other, forthe one who loves another has fulfilled the law” (Romans 13/8). All the leaders of countries were to seek to become great, not in the fabrication or possession of weapons of all kind, but rather in the possession of the royal law of heaven to owe it to everybody. Therefore, all the nations would be full, not of weapons to kill human beings, but full of love and good. That is why it is said: “If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture,“You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well” (James 2/8).
We should first seek what is useful for our soul which is nothing else than love towards our neighbour before any other thing. That is even why it is said: “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, sincelove covers a multitude of sins” (1Peter 4/8).
Leaders of great nations, instead of glorifying yourselves in front of God through his greatness and power in the love of the neighbour, hospitality, pacifism... you rather glorify yourselves in front of the man through the fabrication and possession of heavy weapons of all kind that serve for the destruction of humans like flies or ants. Instead to be dominated by God to owe or wish the life, good health, success, prosperity to our neighbour both in the spirit and in the physic, you have rather sought to be gained by the material to owe the coup d’état, the exploitation of the undergrounds of other countries by passing through measures of trouble and destabilisations, wars, conflicts... You have refused the consumption of the body and blood of Christ offered by himself for your alliance with him in the spiritual good, as well as for your power, force and strength to consume the human blood, flesh and excrements to become great Rosicrucian, freemasons, paedophiles, homosexuals, to incarnate animals... For some of these great leaders like Barack Obama, Francois Hollande..., they have gone up to legalising the homosexual or unnatural marriage in their countries that they rule, thus diving their people in a Sodom and Gomorrah State. They should understand that they have no lesson to give to their creator. Obama, Hollande..., God in his wisdom knew that your father had to become tied to your mother for you to be born, but in your madness, you have legalised that two people of the same sex should officially get married. But what state of blindness! Your eyes must become opened for you to see the greatness and power of God to praise his wisdom. Look how the devil manipulates you because of vanities. The devil is like an elder in front of you, and you as a little child in front of him. The devil comes in front of you with ten coins of 25 CFA Francs that make 250 CFA Francs, representing earthly things to exchange them with gold that you hold in the hand and which you take to be a simple stone by lack of knowledge of the value of the thing that represents your soul. You have exchanged your soul against earthly things that are only vanities; the soul for which the Lord Jesus has shed his blood for her redemption from the eternal suffering in the lake of fire; she (your soul) is what you have sold in the price of vanities, but what poverty! What blindness! And what spiritual uselessness!
You should not be ashamed, repent! The devil has deceived you because you are spiritually small. But we are sent by the Lord Jesus to go with you in front of this wild beast in order to annul the contract, the pact... For he does not have the right to tell you that the good that has been sold cannot be given back nor changed because they do not sell the soul, and more at the price of vanities; for the soul has more value than any other thing on earth.
My pleasure is not to have a hand shake with you, to have friendship with you in your spiritual state, to profit of your material goods nor to gain papers that give me the nationality in the country, but to wish your repentance and communion with God through his Son Jesus Christ for the eternity.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 442nd message
In these end times, the devil is more than ever motivated to do everything so that the men should be dominated by his powerful prints, marks, signatures, stamps… He uses certain men of enterprises who have signed pacts with him for the prosperity of their enterprises, imposing them to put his marks on the stamp of the product that must be bought and used by costumers. There are many enterprises in the world that have put the stamp, the signature or the figure of the beast on their product; but here, I only want to talk of telephone operators in Cameroon that are ORANGE, MTN and NEXTTEL where high magic is in full swing and where paedophiles and lesbians are leaders.
If a person comes with his big diplomas, his professional experience, his capacities and genius, the job interview will take place very well and they will easily propose him a good post, a good salary and a service car, but all this will only be acquired under a last condition of the devil. It is in the same way that the devil had presented the kingdoms, the glory and richness of the earth to the Lord Jesus, and had promised to give him everything on the only condition that the Lord Jesus should bow down in front of him. Therefore, it is the same thing that these sellers of souls against vanities propose to people who are seeking the employment. They will give these last what they want, but on the condition that if it is a man, he will become the wife of this leader, and his anus will be transformed into a vagina; or if it is a woman, she will become the wife of another woman who will then take herself for a man who will penetrate her everywhere with her fingers and all kinds of objects. What degree of Satanism in these companies!
These sectarians themselves have sold their souls to the devil against vanities that are only papers called money that their own hands have manufactured. To gain all the favours and vanities of the devil, this last have imposed the number 6 to these sellers of souls which is used by all the costumers of ORANGE, MTN and NEXTTEL. The mark of the beast is 666; and the devil could not impose these flocks to put 666 in front of every telephone number before dialling it, for he knew that if he does it, the people would easily discover it. Therefore, in his cunning, he wanted that only one 6 should be imposed as the first figure on all telephone numbers of ORANGE, MTN and NEXTTEL, and that this figure should do the trick. The 6 that the great sectarians of the mobile telephone in Cameroon have imposed play the role of 666; and only those who will be under the dominating power of God will not be carried away by the powerful magic of the beast.
In truth, the end times are too dangerous because the devil plays his all-out effort; and the wind that blows or that will blow more will carry along all those who do not have a solid foundation on the rock or on the stone that has been given for foundation to whoever does not want to be shaken or carried away by the eternal death. In Cameroon, all the witches, great magicians, sectarians, marabous… know the role that plays the 6 that have been imposed by these sectarians of the mobile telephone. All these last have sold their souls to the devil, and the 6 does not disturb the flesh but rather the soul that they have sold to the devil against vanities.
If the number 6 that has been imposed by the great sectarians of the mobile telephone was able to damage the flesh, they would have talked a lot about it and they would have found means to protect themselves from it. But since it only destroys the soul that they themselves have sold, they do not talk about. It is like the power of the witches and the power of lies and magic of the priests, pastors, prophets… of this world. We talk a lot about the power of the witches that block the flesh from possessing goods of the earth, we are suspicious and seek how to counteract it; but on what concerns the power of lies of the priests, pastors, prophets… of this world that prevent the soul from receiving what God has sent for his resurrection and eternal richness, we do not talk about it and we are not suspicious, also, we do not take any precaution to counteract it.
Using the telephone is not bad, but living the powerful life that God has sent by the unique mediator between the men and him (Jesus Christ) is all. That is why the Lord Jesus tells us that he has given himself to us as a power so that we should walk over the spirits, snakes, scorpions, over all the power of the enemy, and that nothing will harm us. Or again, if we believe in his powerful life, even if we drink mortal beverages, they will not have any domination on us, even if we touch, consume or use things that have stamps, signatures or the mark of the beast, we will not be dominated by these powers and forces that give the spiritual death. Even if us, veritable children of God use the number 6 imposed by the great sectarians of the mobile telephone, we will neither be disturbed nor affected by the mark of the beast. It is like the three mates in Babylon who were alive by God, and those who were dead by the devil were throwing them in the burning furnace.
The deaths who were throwing them in the fire of death were dyeing by this fire, and they who were thrown in the fire were alive. The imposition of the marks, stamps and signatures on the products of consumption will not have any damages on those who are endowed of the power of the kingdom of heaven; because by this power, they have domination over the power of the beast and his devastating marks.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 444th message.
In truth, in these end times, many people often ask the question to know that as the Lord Jesus said that there shall arise false christs and false prophets in the end times, will they come or are they already there? Yes, they are already present; and the time has come to know them. The Lord Jesus seeing these fighters of the devil coming said: “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24/24). These false christs and false prophets are ignored by many people in this world because in their seduction, they have gained the hearts of the multitude of people who take them to be true; but it is not astonishing because the Lord Jesus himself said that these forgers, through their lie, their deception and magic will seduce, if possible, even the elect. It is to say that they will seduce almost everybody.
I take the example of one of the great false christs who is pope Francis; many people in the world being seduced by his lie take him for the true one. There is also one of the great prophets who is TB Joshua; many people in the world being seduced by his magical power take him for a prophet of God. But the Lord Jesus who did not suffer in vain, it is time for the whole world to know the truth on the false christs and the false prophets in order to be freed from what can maintain man in the eternal death. How to know that these two people taken nowadays for great men of God are not in truth? Let us start with the pope who is the false representative of Christ or of Apostle Peter who is Pope Francis. This false christ fight against the word of God which is God and which forbid the men who want to live eternally in the kingdom of heaven to neither make carved images for themselves and representations of anything above nor to bow down in front of it (Exodus 20/4-5).
Have this false christ not read that it is written: “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 26/1)? This false christ, Pope Francis came to fight against this word of God. He fabricates a doll and presents it to the whole world as the representative of the baby Jesus, he perfume it with incense, smells it, kiss it, carry it on his hands…; but what contempt against this word of God! He fabricates idols in the effigy of Robert Powell, a British actor on blocks of cement; he set them on crossed wood so that people should come and bow down in front of it. But what contempt of this false representative of Christ or of Apostle Peter who represents or compare Jesus Christ our saviour to a block of cement in the effigy of an actor of film! This false christ fights against the baptism of God; because in God, it is he who believes in the gospel of Christ that is baptised.
Therefore, in God, the baptism is an act of responsibility of the person who takes the engagement to abandon the life of the devil for that of Christ, to be buried in the water with him by the baptism in his death (Romans 6/4). Those who had believed in the word of Christ through the preaching of John the Baptist were coming towards him confessing their sins to be baptised in the water of the Jordan (Mark 1/4-5). Even the Lord Jesus himself came towards John the Baptist to ask the baptism; and he was baptised by him in the water (Matthew 3/13-16). Even the Ethiopian eunuch, after listening to the preaching of the Lord Jesus by Philip, he asked the baptism. Seeing the river on their way, he asked Philip what was still lacking him to be baptised, and Philip answered him that if he believed with all his heart, it is possible, and the eunuch answered him that he believed that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that he gave his fleshly body to death to redeem his spiritual body from the eternal death, and the two men went down into the water where the Ethiopian eunuch received the baptism (Acts 8/35-38).
The false christ who is pope Francis deceives the parents to come with their children and babies so that he should pour them some drops of water on the head, making them believe that he has baptised them; and this lie is at the price of money. If the baby is of male sex, the false christ will ask the parents to look for a man who will be the godfather; and if he is of the female sex, they will be asked to look for a woman who will be the godmother. This fox sells drops of water as baptism, and the blinds and deaf come and buy this lie for their children; but neither the false christ who sells, nor the blind and deaf parents who buy, none of them will have a place in the house of God (Luke 19/45-46). There is a lot to say concerning this false christ, but I will limit myself on this small lightening that will bring those who are thirsty of the truth to know the false christs of whom the Lord Jesus talk about.
There is also one of the great false prophets who is TB Joshua. This prophet fights against the Lord Jesus with his products full of the magical power. The Lord Jesus has been sent as our power, force, strength, blessing, protection, domination and miracle; he is only the word which is spirit and truth, and it is this word which is a miraculous product. When we keep it in us, the Father and the Son come in us and we become the house or the body of the blessing, of power, of fire, of the domination and the miracle. That is why the Lord Jesus says: “If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him” (John 14/23) or as it is said: “but Christ is faithful over God's house as a son. And we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope” (Hebrews 3/6).
If someone attaches himself to this word or miraculous product, he will become one spirit with God; and God being spirit, where his spirit is, there is liberty and the domination over every stronghold and power of darkness (1Corinthians 6/17; 2Corinthians 3/17). Those who have the word of God in them have the victory over every word that will arise face to them, and those who have the Spirit of God in them have domination over every spirit that will arise face to them. That is even why it is said: “Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” (1John 4/4).
The false prophet who is TB Joshua rises with multiple flasks and armlets to endow the people of his power, and these ones attach themselves to these magical products, taking them to be powerful and miraculous because they contain a protecting and dominating power over the power of the witches… and not over the eternal death. Many people rush in Nigeria to have this power and force found in flasks and armlets. But what a seduction and misleading! He makes believe the ignorant that these magical products are miraculous; but of what miracle does it mean? The Lord Jesus did not tell us that if we are endowed of flasks and armlets of prophet TB Joshua, the miracle will accompany us, but he has made us understand that if we are endowed of his word which is a miraculous product, the miracle accompany us (Mark 16/17).
This false prophet announced by the Lord Jesus deceives the people. On the package of one of his products, he has written: “morning water anointed by Jesus Christ to cure, bless and save”. But what a lie and seduction this false prophet has! When the people read that this magical product is anointed by Jesus Christ to cure, to bless and save, they rush to possess it, believing that it has the power to cure them, to bless them and to save them in truth. In this world, people want the blessing of the Lord Jesus, as such, believing that TB Joshua has the blessing of the Lord Jesus in his flasks; they rush to have this magical power. People willing to be saved by the Lord Jesus, they rush towards this false prophet who possesses products that save anointed by Jesus. That is why the Lord Jesus seeing their power of lies and of magic said that these foxes and false prophets will seduce everybody and if possible, even the elect.
We do not wrestle against the flesh and blood, but against the dominations, the prince of this world of darkness and also against wicked spirits in the heavenly places. For this reason, it is recommended to us to be endowed of all the armour of God, and not magical flasks and armlets of the false prophet TB Joshua; for it is said: “…we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm” (Ephesians 6/12-13).
The weapons that have been given to us by God to destroy strongholds are not flasks and armlets of the false prophet TB Joshua, but the powerful word of the Spirit of fire of God. That is even why it is said: “For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds” (2Corinthians 10/4).
The power of this false prophet comes from the devil as it is said: “The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders” (2Thessalonians 2/9). Prophet TB Joshua have made believed to the world that his power comes from God like Simon the magician made believed to the Samaritans that his power was coming from God; but from the moment Philip arrived in Samaria, the powerful magic bowed down. But as the spirit that was in Philip is still there today, the future reserves many things.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
It is the 443rd message.
The Lord Jesus did not send us in the middle of this generation to show ourselves great, rich and powerful through relations with the head of States, ministers, chancellors, diplomats, governors, generals, attorneys… or through the possession of plots of land, big buildings, companies, big vehicles, airplanes, bank accounts, the wearing of expensive clothes, or by bringing water, handkerchiefs, armlets… to people for blessed and miraculous spiritual products, but rather through the fall of the lie, the seduction and magic, and the rise of the truth and power of the Holy Spirit. If the Lord Jesus has sent us in these end times, it is because he is tired of being subjected to contempt and mockeries of the Pope.
This last proclaiming to be the representative of Apostle Peter fabricates a doll and presents it on the 25th December in the Vatican as the baby Jesus Christ; and it is seen almost in all the television channels of the whole world. But what contempt towards the Lord Jesus who, even baby in the flesh that he took is compared to a doll! What degree of contempt of this wild beast that divert the souls away from the eternal life! When the pope places his doll that he takes for the representative of the baby Jesus in the Vatican on the 25th December in front of the whole world, he starts making his cinema in kissing this doll which is laid on its small bed, perfuming it with incense, smelling it, carrying it on his hands… But what courage manifested by this film maker of training towards the Lord Jesus! In truth, the Eternal God recommended the men to neither make carved images nor representations, but also not to bow down in front of them (Exodus 20/4-5; Leviticus 26/1).
But the pope, the most stubborn and rebellious man to the recommendations of God has made carved images and representations of the Lord Jesus Christ and Mary by whom the Lord passed to appear like a simple man, and thus brings the men to bow down in front of these objects taken for saviour gods. In truth, how can the pope make a block of cement in the image of Robert Powell, the British actor and next, tell to the world: “here is your Jesus Christ that you must pray and in front of whom you must bow down…”? But what contempt towards the Lord Jesus to compare him to a block of cement fabricated in the image of an actor of film? But what a Luciferian courage for this last!
For this false christ or representative of Apostle Peter brings billions of people to commit sin against God, and has filled the world with carved images and representations where today, when the effigy of Robert Powell is presented to somebody either on a rosary, a calendar, a block of cement or a piece of wood, he will say that it is Jesus Christ; from the smallest to the biggest, they all know that it is the Lord Jesus just because the pope proclaiming to the world to be the representative of Apostle Peter and taken as a great man of God, valorises this image of Robert Powell taken for Jesus, and the world recognising him as such, believes in all what he says.
It is time to bring down this great lie that put for the worse the image and personality of the Lord Jesus in front of the Men. The pope compares and presents the Lord Jesus in front of the whole world on a block of cement in the image of Robert Powell. But prophet Isaiah seeing this coming asked the papacy the question to know to whom she would compare God, and what image will she make his likeness as it is said: “To whom then will you liken God, or what likeness compare with him?” (Isaiah 40/18). The papacy has compared God to Robert Powell, a British actor dominated by alcohol and tobacco, and they have made his image on blocks of cement making him equal to the Lord Jesus. In truth, the pope has gone too far in the contempt and mockeries towards the Lord Jesus.
Pope, yesterday in the desert, after Moses went up to take the words of life, Aaron made a golden calf and said to the people: “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt” as it is said: “So all the people took off the rings of gold that were in their ears and brought them to Aaron. And he received the gold from their hand and fashioned it with a graving tool and made a golden calf. And they said, “These are your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt!” (Exodus 32/3-4). Pope, yesterday, after the Eternal had chosen Jeroboam as king of Israel, turning away from him, this last made a golden calf while saying to the people: “Here is your gods who brought you up out of the land of Egypt” as it is said: “So the king took counsel and made two calves of gold. And he said to the people, “You have gone up to Jerusalem long enough. Behold your gods, O Israel, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt” (1 Kings 12/28).
And you Pope, after the Lord Jesus had finished his mission in the flesh that he took, and after the passing of all the apostles whose names are written in the bible, you come and present yourself to the whole world as the representative of Apostle Peter, you fabricate idols on blocks of cement, on crossed wood in the effigy of Robert Powell, and you make understand the men that it is Jesus Christ who died for them and in front of whom they must bow down. Pope, you have gone too far in your functions, in your fight, in your battle and conduct to make the people to commit sin against God. Pope, in God, it is those who have believed in the word of changing or of transformation who take the engagement on themselves to be baptised in water; but you, you pour some drops of water on the heads of babies and at the price of money, making parents to believe that their babies have received the baptism. But what degree of deception, of fake, of corruption, of swindling, of magic and of destruction! And these children will grow and die without knowing nor receiving the baptism according to God.
Pope, enough is enough! The Lord Jesus suffered a lot in this world in the flesh that he took so that our souls should no longer suffer eternally in the lake of fire, and you, you want to render his suffering null. The suffering that he had endured in the flesh was to pay the price of the eternal suffering of our souls in the lake of fire. He sacrificed his body of flesh to death just to bring back our dead spiritual body to life, and you pope, today you stand to maintain the souls in the eternal death and render vain the suffering of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ has sent us, telling us to go quickly because there are fighters of the devil who put for the worse his gospel, his image, his goodness and his mercy.
You take billions in the selling of drops of water that you spray on the heads of babies and children for baptism in the entire world to have plots of land, buildings, hospitals, primary, secondary and high schools, radio and television channels, printing houses and statues made of gold, diamond, silver, bronze…, but all this to what end? If the Lord Jesus has sent us because of your lie, seduction…, that put for worse his gospel, his personality, his goodness… it is not to come and admire the earth and things that men’s hands have fabricated or transformed and to be gained by these vanities, but it is to bring down the mission of the devil which is to maintain the souls in the eternal death by using you as his instrument of war, but truth to be continued…
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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