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It is the 424th message


    In truth, the beast is at the centre of power, the glory, greatness, strength, force, protection and richness of the men of this world. The beast has the power to raise the men at the summit of vanities and the people run behind him continuously to obtain his favours; for this reason, this last (the beast) ask them to fulfil certain conditions in order to come in possession of vanities for which they sell their souls to him.

    Superstars are in a very high dimension of Satanism since they want to be famous and gain the hearts of the public. But all this is to gain what if not vanities. In truth, almost all the superstars that we see today make too pity spiritually and not physically, for they have all what their flesh desires which is only dust and will serve for nothing in the end times. It is even for these vanities that they have turned towards the power of the beast. Spiritually, they have nothing of what their soul must put on, eat, drink and store, the souls for which the Lord Jesus came to suffer on earth, sacrificing himself for their redemption.

    In truth, at what level of blindness and deafness are these superstars who sell their souls to the devil against vanities that they want to reach and touch? The devil proposes them ways or conditions to reach and to possess earthly goods, to be admired, envied and to become a dream for many who want to touch them with the finger, to have a hand shake with them, to have an autograph and to take a picture with them. The more these superstars embrace the devil, the more they become famous, glorious and rich in the flesh which is only dust or a carapace; but in return, they impoverish themselves in their souls for the eternity. In truth, for a veritable child of God, when he sees these stars today, tears start flowing in his heart, for he sees how these superstars are handicapped by their state of blindness and deafness, and have sold their souls to the devil so that their flesh should be greatly cheered, admired and envied by their fellowmen because of what their fingers will touch like papers called money that man’s hands have manufactured, or what their body of dust put on, eat and uses daily.

    What serve these blinds and deaf to reach and gain all vanities, to cause the admiration of all the small blinds and deaf like them if for that, they sell their souls; the souls for which the blood of Christ has shed? In truth, how can these superstars tell the devil that their souls are nothing compared to vanities that he must give them? When I was small, I was seeing and feeling that the superstars of this generation of end times are people who have succeeded; people that God has loved more than me; and in my spirit of child, I found that I came to accompany these last in this world. I was talking to myself that if the Lord had made of me the brother or cousin of one of them, I would be happy because I will benefit of their goods to live better. In my thought, I was greatly entering into judgement with God. But today, I endlessly ask him to forgive me. When I was small, I thought that God’s love towards the man is manifested by the possession of the material, because superstars have many of this material, but also the celebrity; for this reason, I was taking them for the people that God has greatly loved and I was taking names of many stars to be my nicknames.

    I was taking them for people who have everything to be happy, and I was asking myself the question to know what these stars might still ask God. When I became big, I did not only start to see and think like a big person, but I have known God’s love, looking closely these superstars that I envied yesterday and looking at their spiritual state, it threw me a cold in the back, and I had a great fear and pity seeing that they are naked, leprous, lacking what to eat and drink, and are blind, deaf, poor and miserable, not in the flesh which is only dust or a carapace, and which must return in the ground in a short while, but rather in the soul which is eternal.I started seeing that these superstars are too insane, because for the little dust and cheering of men’s hands, they have preferred to sell their souls to the devil. Looking at these superstars today, I do not only shed tears without end, but I scream to the Lord to help them, asking him by grace and pity to open their eyes of the heart a little bit so that they should see the value of their souls that they have changed against vanities. They are like a mad person who, because of his lack of reasoning, gives veritable gold in exchange of cheap junk,  or give false money in exchange of good money.

    Yesterday, when I was small, I kept the superstars deep in my heart because I was taking them for the people who veritably have the glory, celebrity and richness; but today that I have become big, they have come out of my heart because I take them for the veritable poor, miserable, sick, insane, without value for the end. Today, I find that they never had something of veritable and eternal value; nothing that needs to be cheered and approved by God, if not what is cheered, envied and admired by the men like them. I still understood why this generation of the end is too miserable, because it seeks to be cheered by the men and not by God who is the only judge.

    Being big, I have understood that God’s love for the man is first the call that he makes for him to come out eternally from blindness to sight, from deafness to hearing, from death to life, from sickness to healing, form leprosy to the purification, from the prison to liberty… Nothing can be compared to the word of God because it is in this word that we gain and become all what is valuable and eternal for the kingdom of heaven. That is why when the Lord Jesus asked the apostles: “Why do you not go as the others to separate from me?” Apostle Peter answered him: “to whom shall we go to seek the life, the glory, the celebrity, power, the richness, because you have the word of the Kingdom of heaven that makes possess everything of the everlasting kingdom” as it is written: “Jesus answered then to the Twelve, “Do you want to go as well?” Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whomshall we go? You have the words of the eternal life” (John 6/67-68). In this present world, people think that God’s love is found in the material and not in the possession of the creator of the earth, where come things that man’s hands transform or fabricate, and which gain their hearts so that they become spiritually poor. The trumpet of God will soon sound in heaven for the descent of Christ who will come to take those who have notonly accepted to believe in him, but to suffer for him.

    Superstars, the end time is almost there. You have refused to take Christ for your life, celebrity, greatness, glory, power and richness, but you have rather ran behind Satan whom by the power of the beast, has lifted you at the summit of the celebrity, of the glory, of the richness, of the greatness of vanities, and you belong to him because you have signed a pact with him in order to gain his goods and to lose your souls. For these seconds that are left for you, God wants to redeem you by his Son who is the Lord Jesus, if you accept him. For this reason, you should dominate the shame and you have to repent. It is better to become physically poor for the rest of your life on earth and to be spiritually rich, because if you repent, your souls that are in the hands of the devil will be freefor the eternal life, and he also could take back vanities that he gave you. But in this poverty of vanities, be happy because you have your souls that are alive and you have obtained an everlasting richness. The Lord Jesus said to a rich young man to sell all his goods of vanities and to give the fruit to the poor, and he will have his part in heaven while following him as it is said: “…If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me” (Matthew 19/21).

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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