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It is the 426thmessage


    In truth, the only most important thing that I have received from the Lord Jesus is his love which is brought first to the soul, it is this love which is my richness, my fortune, my treasure and my everlasting goods; and in the feeling of this love, I prefer to see the man in his flesh lacking money, having difficulties to find what to eat, not easily possessing spare clothes and having difficulties to find a place to sleep, than to see him lacking everything in his soul.

    In the clairvoyance of Christ, when I look at President Paul Biya, I see his flesh full of power, force, glory, greatness, honour and richness, and I also see his soul being miserable, poor, needy and naked. His state does not make me smile, but rather dive me into sadness. It does not make me laugh, but rather to cry. The flesh of President Paul Biya is only a lump of soil which only has a short life span before returning where it was taken, though, it is this flesh or carapace which is endowed of power, force, glory, greatness, honour and richness, meanwhile the soul which is eternal, the soul for which the Lord Jesus came to sacrifice himself by shedding his blood so that it (the soul) should be redeemed from poverty, misery, leprosy and eternal death, if we put him ( the Lord) on and take him for our power, greatness, glory, honour, richness and eternal life, that of President Paul Biya (his soul) has nothing at all.

        Mr President, the love that I have for you and the best gift that I bring to you and which is above all what you touch and gather is just the truth that will make you possess what is veritable, which is the glory, greatness, the richness, the veritable power and everlasting honour. Mr President, God has limited the life span of the flesh on earth for 120 years. By grace, it can go beyond, but nowadays, it becomes more and more difficult to reach this age. Here is thus what is written: “Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years” (Genesis 6/3). Mr President, your flesh already has 83 years of life because you were born on February 13th 1933. Therefore, in a short while, you will leave this flesh of ground which is only a carapace that has touched, possessed and piled all what is passing; but your soul which must then live an eternity has what? Why do you not worry about your eternal dwelling, because on one hand, there is the lake of fire and on the other hand, there is the kingdom of heaven. Mr President, but how can you worry if you do not see a danger? How can you see a danger if there is no body that will bring you to recover the sight? How can there be these people if they are not sent by God? (Romans 10/13-15).

    It is not the one who decides to come near you who is sent, but it is the one that the Lord sends. That is why it is said: “For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends” (2 Corinthians 10/18). Mr President, I talk to you as a messenger of God, the one who has prophesised at the age of six months on his mission. I do not come in this world to receive, but rather to give. I have the personality of Christ in me and I am endowed of his values. The man on earth, no matter his social class, has nothing to make me change ideas, but in me, I possess what will divert him from the wrong way, and I am afraid of no body if not the one that live in me and who has shed his blood for the redemption of all souls and who wants that I should not shut my mouth, but that I should say the truth to everybody so that his blood that has shed on the cross for the souls of this generation should not be in vain.

        Mr President, by grace, by love and pity of God, you must listen, read and know the truth; the one that freed you and makes you become free for the eternity. Mr President, the first catholic missionaries arrived in Cameroon in the year 1890; these mercenaries never wanted that the people should read the bible and this had a negative impact whose effects are still felt today in this country. Mr President, these last had deceived your grand parents, your parents as well as you yourself. Mr President, by the feeling of God that invades my entire being, I do not want you to die physically in this spiritual state like your grand parents and parents. Mr President, the Lord Jesus in destroying the death, has put life in front of us by his Gospel as it is said: “and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1/10). Therefore, without the gospel of Christ, there is no eternal life. Mr President, Those people who say to have baptised you are only those who trouble and who want to distort the Gospel of Christ; and it is for them that it is said: “not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ” (Galatians 1/7).

    Mr President, these troublers have deceived you to have baptised you, and today the 28th April 2016 when I write this message, you are 83 years old and you still believe in this lie by ignorance, thinking that you are already baptised. Mr President, in God, we do not baptise babies or children because neither a baby nor a child cannot believe in the changing. We only baptise those who have believed or who have taken the engagement, and a baby or a child cannot take an engagement. That is why the Lord Jesus was telling the apostles that he who will believe in his Gospel through what they will announce and who will be baptised will be saved as it is written: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16/16).

        The baptism is not bathing water, but an engagement of good conscience towards God as it is said: “Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a good conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3/21). That is why even yesterday in the time of John the Baptist, the people were coming to confess their sins and they were baptised in the water of the Jordan as it is said: “John appeared, baptizing in the wilderness and proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. And all the country of Judea and all Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the river Jordan, confessing their sins” (Mark 1/4-5). Therefore, Mr President, they only baptise he who has confessed or renounced to his sins; even the Lord Jesus who was sent by God to be our saviour came towards John the Baptist asking the baptism and he was baptised in the water of the Jordan (Matthew 3/13-16). President, with your 83 years of age, you still believe in your ignorance that they have baptised you.

    President, were you baptised at the age of reasoning? Did you take the engagement after becoming aware that you are dead without Jesus? Did you enter in the water of the baptism to be buried? Without doubt, the answer is no. Mr President, they had poured a handful of water on your head for baptism when you were small and these mercenaries sold this lie to your parents who bought this deception. In addition, this lie was accompanied by a godfather. You President, you have received a godfather of baptism! In God, if babies or children were to be baptised, Jesus would have had a godfather. That is why in God, there is no godfather. The baptism that they gave you or which they did on you at the price of money is only a lie, fake, corruption, stealing, magic…

    President, the word of the mercenaries who deceived you did not circumcise your heart to transform it into the heart of God, in order to bring you to despise things of the earth, as well as the power at the summit of the State that you detain since 33 years. These mercenaries did not teach you that the power which makes you dominate over the sin and evil is better than the one that makes you have domination over men. They did not make you know that you came spiritually poor and dead on earth, and that you have to make everything in order to go back rich and alive in your soul; even if your flesh eats locust and wild honey like Prophet John the Baptist or even if you feed on crumbs from tables of rich men like the poor Lazarus in the parable of Jesus. They did not bring to your knowledge that life on earth is only a short trip that begins from the day we are born till the day we give back the soul. For example, if you are to spend 100 years on earth, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year that passes, we come nearer to the exit of this world, and all what we must think and wish first is to avoid the lake of eternal fire to gain the kingdom of heaven.

    All what we do on earth is registered by God, and all this will be in front of us on the last day. When God establishes you to lead his people, if you do not render an account to anybody, you must nevertheless render an account to God to rule the people not as you want, but as it pleases God, for his power is above the Rosicrucian, freemasonry…, this magic that constraint the people to become homosexuals, to drink the human blood, to eat the human flesh, to transform into an animal… Therefore, Mr President, the time has come for you to know that they had deceived you, and now, you should take a wise decision. You should not say to yourself that when you will close your eyes, they will call the cardinal, the bishop, the priests, pastors… who will come and make a prayer in spraying water on the coffin that will contain your lump of soil while you (your soul) are already gone, saying that they are blessing you and are making that your name should be written in the book of life.

        Mr President, Pope John Paul II visited Cameroon in August 1985, he came for the second time in September 1995, and Pope Benedict XVI visited Cameroon on March 2009. Understand that these people brought nothing good for the soul. They rather caused enormous expenses of many billions. Mr President, understand that the pope is just a head of State like you; he is the head of the Vatican State. How can a servant of God makes a sovereign State in another sovereign State where today, we have two ambassadors in Italy; one near the Italian government and the other one near the Vatican State? Mr President, ask the pope the question to know why God has established in his church the apostles, prophets, doctors, pastors, evangelists while he has none of these names? But he is rather called pope and says to represent an apostle whose name is Peter. He should tell you in truth where comes this appellation “pope”. Mr President, the Vatican State is at 75% responsible of the state of ignorance of the men of this generation. In Cameroon, there are more than 47 denominations called “churches” that have the presidential authorisation, and everyone rely on this authorisation to make an enterprise that brings in much money; that is why these liars, crocks, corrupted, visionaries, marabous, magicians have filled your nation.

        Mr President, you should seek to trust on the truth that will set you free and will save your soul, and not in the denominations called churches. I am not of what people call ancient church or awakened church, but I am of the Gospel of the Cross of Christ or again of his truth. Not long ago, a journalist asked me the question to know if I agree with the position of Christian TUMI who asks you to go in retirement because you are already old; I answered him that I do not agree, not because I want you to stay on power, but that this man called Christian TUMI is not eligible to give a lesson, because he is among the group of people who deceived you to have baptised you and in the same time, have swindled your parents, cardinal TUMI who says to be a man of God, he who must teach the people not to take part into lucky games has rent the land of the archdiocese of Douala to the enterprise called PMUC at the amount of 38 millions per year for a period of 60 years. No matter the fact that the douala ancestors gave this piece of land free of charge to the catholic church, in exchange,they (the catholic church) sell them the baptism, and this since the ancestors. On this land, they have set up the direction of lucky games that give them much money to fatten their stomachs. Therefore, they gave you nothing like teaching, but have rather practiced the lie, fake, corruption, magic… on you.

        In truth, I am not that one who cheer those who are dead or poor, and my prayer for you President is not first that God should add you more days on earth in your spiritual state, but it is rather for him to open your eyes so that you should see clearly; and this clairvoyance will be beneficial to you both for your soul and flesh, especially in your functions. I love your soul and those of everybody, that is why I like telling the truth, knowing that it is by this truth that man can be freed from evil and become saved from the eternal death. Mr President, this message is a gift that the Lord gave me to give you and I owe it to you no matter the consequences. It is better to open the mouth and spend few days on earth to live eternally in the soul, than to close it and spend centuries on earth to remain eternally dead in the soul.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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