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It is the 427th message


    In truth, in these end times, we are going to hear and see all, just because people run behind the devil to gain easy money, and this last torture them by submitting them to horrible conditions. When somebody run behind the devil to gain his favours, he forces him to fulfil conditions that will defile his soul in front of God, such as to sex with an animal, to sex with a mad person, with his own child or mother, to lick incurable wounds, to eat faeces, to drink the human blood, to eat the human flesh…

    In truth, what promise can the devil make to people to bring them to eat faeces? It is too astonishing and touching to see that the pig which is omnivorous does eat faeces of another pig, but certain people who live in the admired, envied and dreamlands eat faeces of other men. How can somebody stoop to shit and that another person opens his mouth behind or under his anus to receive his faeces and to eat them, thus transforming his mouth into a bidet!

    In truth, it is terrible to see what is happening in these end times especially for those people that I was taking yesterday to be the cleanest, wisest, greatest, richest…, today, I find them to be the dirtiest, lowest, poorest, most miserable… In truth, how can they go lower than a pig in consuming faeces of their fellow men, what the pig which is omnivorous does not do? The mouth that consumes faeces is the same that often say not to like dirtiness, it is also the same mouth that will make kisses, and other ignorant people will come and suck it.

    In truth, the devil is showing his great domination over many people through these crimes, abominations and defiles… The devil has made that the man should take money for God and valorises himself in passing glory, greatness and richness; and to possess all this, he put himself in the seeking at all cost of this god which is only papers, submitting himself to horrible conditions such as to eat faeces… In truth, how can somebody open his mouth to receive faeces that directly come from the anus of another person? When faeces come out of the stomach, they are hot, but the man supports this hot vapour and also these stinking odours.

    When the man eats food, part of it will go in the blood and the rest comes out like toxic waste, and it is this waste that certain people collect in opening their mouth behind or under the anus of other people to eat it. What courage for these last! In truth, if the men of this generation up to the head of States were accepting the word of the Son in order to gain the Father, or again, to suffer in the practice of the commandments of God to gain his consideration as they accept to suffer into horrible conditions of the devil to gain papers called money…, therefore, this generation would have been full of men of good. But in this generation, people rather support to live in horrible conditions of Satan just to gain passing things; meanwhile, if they were doing it to gain useful and everlasting things, the glory of God would have been full in the hearts and evil would not be high.

    In truth, it is time for the Lord Jesus, the King of kings to be testified in spirit and truth; and whoever does not have the Lord Jesus for greatness, glory and richness has nothing and is nothing no matter his social class, his skin colour, his nationality, his material power, his diplomas… The man must seek the supreme consideration in front of God and not in front of the man. In front of God, it is to have or to receive Jesus Christ that makes the consideration; in front of the man, it is to have or to possess money. Therefore, it is time for all the veritable children of God to work in order to despise what is not and glorify what is. In this generation, whether the man is head of State, minister, chancellor, diplomat, superstar, great business man, governor, general, divisional officer, colonel, attorney, senator, deputy, lawyer, sub divisional officer, commissioner, commander, bailiff…, if he does not have and does not take Jesus Christ for richness, glory, greatness, treasure, wealth, he has nothing and is nothing.

    It is time for the veritable children of God to bear witness that if somebody live in the United States, in England, France, Italy, Germany, Canada, Spain, Belgium, South Africa, Brazil… and does not have or does not take Jesus Christ for glory, greatness, fortune, richness, treasure and wealth, he has nothing and is nothing. Let the man be a white, yellow, half-breed, black, albino… if he does not have and does not take Jesus Christ for greatness, glory, richness, fortune, treasure, wealth, he has nothing and is nothing. Veritable children of God, the Lord is waiting to see and manifest this testimony before his coming in a short while. You, veritable children of God, you are not of this world, but of the kingdom of heaven; and being on earth, you must bring those who are of the earth to believe and to find that if they do not have and do not take Christ for all, they have nothing and are nothing. Whereas today, they are the ones (those of the earth) who make you believe that if you do not have things of the earth you are nothing, and many fall in this trap meanwhile it is the contrary, because if we do not have Christ for all, we are nothing in front of God who is the creator and who abide for the eternity; and if we do not have money, we are nothing in front of the man who is nothing because he only has a little breath, and he glorifies what is passing.

    Veritable children of God, if you now believe that whoever does not have Christ for richness, glory, greatness, fortune, treasure, wealth, power, force has nothing and is nothing in front of God and in front of you, no matter his title and quantity of material, you will see how evil will start decreasing in profit of good, because it is through evil ways that the men want to become rich, great, glorious, powerful, famous… No body will ever stand in front of you glorifying himself to live or to be a citizen of this or that country for you to consider him, but you will make understand this last that the glory that you have is from heaven and not from the earth, therefore, it is ten billions times greater than the glory that he wants to manifest in front of you. You will make him understand that the country from where he draw his glory because he has visited it, lives there, or is a citizen,is not the kingdom of heaven, but rather a Sodom and Gomorrah State where the homosexual marriage is officialised, where prostitution is no longer practiced between humans, but rather between a human and an animal, where people consume faeces…

    In truth, even the pig which is omnivorous does not eat faeces of another pig, but certain people in countries that are envied, admired, sought and considered for dreamlands eat faeces of their fellow men. But what a deception for God and for the men of integrity in front of him! In truth, eating faeces is a veritable spiritual madness, because if somebody is mentally mad, he cannot eat faeces, but if he is spiritually mad, he does it as we can see. That is why in this world, I am too touched and I feel very atrocious pains when I see the influential, admired and envied head of States in this world legalising the homosexual marriage in their countries, when the mayors in these countries put on the scarf having the colour of the flag of their fatherland to celebrate an unnatural marriage, when I see people who live in the developed countries and dreamlands making prostitution with animals and getting married to these beasts, eating faeces, are urinated in the mouth, kill, behead their fellow man, cook him and eat; it hurts me a lot and brings me to cry without end.

    All what remains to me and that the Lord waits from me is to demonstrate to these last what is waiting them in case they die in this state. That is why speaking in the name of God, I am not afraid of any man. I do not worry for the time that I will spend on earth, but I rather worry for the fact if I do not transmit what the Lord has given to me, it would have not been good for me to come on earth.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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