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It is the 428th message


    The devil knows that money has become the god of men, especially in this generation where, because of these papers, they are ready to accept all and to make all in order to possess this vanity. As the devil is too cunning, in his strategy to fight the man, he knows that there are countries in this world where many people find the success at all cost,other people also go there to have the consideration, the glory and the material comfort in front of their fellow men; and in these dreamlands, he has given much money to his servants, and has confided them the mission to defile men’s souls, this mission consist in proposing money to the men in order to submit them to horrible and abominable conditions.

    These missionaries of Satan often propose money to the men in exchange of conditions of the kind: to eat faeces of their fellow man, to be urinated in the mouth, to sex with dogs, horses… In these dreamlands, the devil has given much money to his servants to make many people to fall in his traps, and majority of those who fall in these traps are women; that is why you see them much more in the consumption of faeces, they assure the recovery of hot faeces with their mouth behind the anus of the person who is sending out these waste to eat; they also sex with dogs and horses. For these women, it is the gaining of money at all cost that counts, they do not care about the conditions. That is why for the majority, if they find a thief, an exhumer, a magician, as long as this last give them money, they do not care about the rest.

    There are many abominable acts that bring in much money in these dreamlands, and many people run behind them to gain this vanity. In this generation, what counts is not the seeking of the justice, holiness and purity in front of God, but rather the seeking of money to be seen by the man. Vanity of vanities. In truth, how doesit happens that because of papers called money that the men have manufactured, they go up to eating faeces, to be urinated in the mouth, to sex with animals? Up to when will the men understand that it is not this paper called money that has created or made them by giving them the shape that they have, but that they are rather the ones who have manufactured this paper, giving it a shape, a number and the name money? How can the man be despised by the work of his hands up to the point where,for example, he eats faeces of his fellow manin order to touch these papers? But he has thus gone lower than the pig! No animal can accept to open his mouth for another animal to come and shit in it, but because of this paper, the man accepts to sex with dogs and horses, to eat faeces, to sell his fellow man or to sacrifice him.

    Yesterday, when I was far away, I was deceiving myself seeing people in the developed countries and dreamlands for many; I was taking them for the cleanest people, just because at all time they were confessing from their mouths that they do not like dirtiness. But when I came nearer, I was undeceived because the mouths that say not to like seeing dirtiness are the same mouths that suck the sex of dogs and horses that ejaculate in them, it is in these mouths that they are urinated, it is with these mouths that they eat faeces and it is their sexes that dogs and horses penetrate and pour their liquid. Therefore, if I understand well, these people who do not like dirtiness, money has rendered them dirty and less than animals.

    Where I still saw the veritable madness of men, especially those ones that the blinds and deaf envy today, is when these last, in the aim to touch the work of their hands which is nothing else than papers called money, they sell their fellow men, kill the human beingwhich is greatest creature of God on earth in exchange of what their hands have manufactured. But what great madness!

    In truth, when I look at the state of this generation up to the men of God, I do not see the true deliverance; for the beginning of the true deliverance is to bring the man to be above the power of money, in short, above the material; because it is money which is at the origin of all evil that invade this generation which is more wicked than ever; it is this deliverance that is lacking today, and not the deliverance of demons and other problems of the flesh. This deliverance must first start in the churches where the multitude of pastors, apostles, prophets, evangelists, doctors, priests, bishops, archbishops, cardinals… must be delivered from the power of the material. The devil uses money as his biggest trap, his fatal weapon, his bomb…, that is why all these men of God go in many nations to seek the power to come and operate prodigies and miracles in order to gather money, they do not have domination over the material and money and therefore, they cannot lead their fellow men to obtain this deliverance. That is why many people often ask themselves the question to know why with many men of God and churches, evil is always increasing? As long as money, in short, the material which is at the origin of evil dominates even the men of God, evil will never be braked down; it is the key of all deliverance.

    The men of God will preach everywhere, even through radio and television channels, they will put their pictures on broadcasting boards, on stickers on electric poles and walls, they will make visions, will cure diseases, will cast out demons, will operate prodigies and miracles, but evil or the devil will not even be a little bit worried. Evil will not reduce just because the material which is at the origin of evil also dominates them. It is not to dominate the power of money that the men of God go to seek the power to make visions and miracles because, it is not free of charge that they bless water, handkerchiefs…, and sell them; they tell people that he who has this or that amount of money should come to them in order to receive a prayer of blessing, it is not for nothing that the others ask people to write their names on envelopes in which they have put their tithes, not to put yellow coins in the offering basket, it is not for nothing that they make many turns with the offering basket during Sunday worship, it is not for nothing that the men of God sell the baptism of babies and of children to parents, titles of deaconess, church elder… It is not for nothing that the influential head of States in this world pass through measures of troubles and of destabilisation of certain countries to exploit the richness of their underground. It is not for nothing that the men sell their fellow man, it is not for nothing that the women make prostitution, people attack, rob, steal; it is not for nothing that you see people in dreamlands eating faeces, are being urinated in the mouth, sex with dogs and horses…

    As long as the power of the material will always be above the men of this world up to the men of God, evil will not be worried and there will not be the veritable deliverance. That is why, instead of the men of God of this generation to preach the word which brings the man to dominate things that he has manufactured, they rather preach the prosperity of these things that make the glory of the devil, for he (the devil) gain the hearts of the men by their attachment to these vanities.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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