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It is the 429thmessage


    In truth, it is terrible and shocking to see what is happening in these end times! People in countries that are admired, envied and dreamlands, being graduates of big schools and universities,permit themselves to put their mouth under or behind the anus of another person who expels wastes from his stomach to collect it and eat(faeces). In truth, what degree of lowness for these men who are admired and envied by the blinds! They have fallen lower than the pigs. The pig which is omnivorous does not eat faeces of another pig no matter the degree of famine; but certain people who are in countries that are admired, envied, dreamlands and graduates of their state, enjoy eating faeces of their fellow men. What degree of madness! Big university graduates who cannot abstain from eating faeces.

       The mental mad men abstain from eating faeces no matter the pressure they have to eat something, but those who are spiritually mad eat faeces. In truth, it is better to see certain people dyeing physically because of hunger in some countries that are poor than seeing the others in countries that are economically powerful and developed dyeing spiritually in the consumption of faeces. Eating faeces abroad in these end times pays more than having sex with animals. What courage for these men to eat faeces! To gain money, they eat faeces of their fellow men, sex with dogs and horses, and glorify themselves in front of the man while becoming a stinking dust bin in front of God. Because of money, certain people in dream lands that are the paradise of many have made of faeces their delicious meal. In truth, the UNO, WHO, IMF… should help these people who eat faeces to gain money, so that they should live better in their flesh; the veritable men of God should bring the bread of life which is the word of Christ to these people so that they should no longer consume faeces.

       In truth, it is time for the man to see poverty not first in the lacking of the material, but in the absence of Jesus Christ in him. The men who have money because they have eaten faeces, have sexed with animals, have sold or sacrificed their fellow men… are eternally poor and miserable. What they do renders them greatly poor no matter their material wealth. In truth, it makes too pity seeing people in countries that are admired, envied and dreamlands eating faeces, having sex with animals, getting married to the beasts…

       God has sent the Lord Jesus Christ in this world so that the man should no longer be disagreeable in front of him. But many people have refused to become agreeable in front of God and have rejected the Son as their everything; they have preferred to remain in the consumption of faeces, of urine, of soaked sanitary napkins that are already used, the consumption of the human blood and flesh, the sacrifice and selling of the human being, prostitution with animals, getting married to animals… And these last in their state of eternal leprosy, poverty and misery, because devoid of the life of the Lord Jesus, are admired, envied, and taken for models, even by the men of God.

       In truth, this generation of the end times is rotten because of his defiles, abominations and crimes that are too high. It is better to gain one euro, one dollar, 500 CFA F by selling cold water, roasted peanuts, tapioca, fritters… and to seek to please God. Be happy and explode of joy because you are eternally rich and great, than to be among those who pile up money and other materials in eating faeces, having sex with animals, selling and sacrificing their fellow men, seeking to be great and rich in front of the man to remain eternally poor and miserable. Be happy of what you gain in the sweat of your face. Do not despise it. What the others possess must not gain your heart; for you are free without any pressure and condition; but they have pressure, conditions and engagements to fulfil. Gain your piece of bread with joy, and even if you have to eat half bread per day, support it in righteousness in front of God while waiting the day he will call you to leave the earth, than to eat faeces, to sex with animals, to become homosexual, to sell or sacrifice your fellow man… to pile up wealth of vanities and to cry eternally for a drop of water in the lake of eternal fire like the bad rich who was with the poor Lazarus in the parable of Jesus.

       In truth, it is time to no longer envy someone who lives in the most developed and economically powerful countries of the world; for these nations are not the kingdom of heaven. There, they have officialised the unnatural marriage, people even sex with animals, get married to these beasts, eat faeces, are being urinated in the mouth, drink the human blood and eat the human flesh… In truth, it is time for the veritable children of God to understand that the veritable richness is not found in the ground nor comes from the ground; but being the creator of the ground, it is in them like the creative word. Therefore, they are not the ones to envy what the others have and which is passing, but it is to these last to envy what they possess and carry, that is, the everlasting goods.

       I ask myself the question to know how the men do not have eyes to see that these countries where the homosexual marriage is officialised, where people make prostitution with animals, get married to the beasts, eat faeces of their fellow men… are too poor and miserable. Though these dreamlands have big hospitals; but why do their big doctors and psychiatrists do not help these mad people? Because the person who eats faeces is no longer normal, but he is sick. These big psychiatrists were to follow them like people who have lost their sense. In truth, with the level of rottenness in which this present world is found, there is much work to be done.

       In truth, the devil despises the men, especially the most considered, admired and envied men of the world, for he torment and submit them to his conditions in order to gain money, the glory, the celebrity, the greatness, power and force. You who eat faeces, sex with animals, sell and sacrifice human beings, it is time for you to be delivered from the contempt of Satan and it is good news for you.

       Before the coming of the Lord Jesus in a short while, this generation will tremble because of his evilness, wickedness, abomination, defiles… through the light and flame that we carry to bear witness to the veritable.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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