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It is the 458th message

    In truth, in the small corner where I am found, I feel deep pains in my heart that make me cry bitterly. For me to stop crying and shedding out tears, the intensity of this pain must become low; and for it to happen, man who is the dearest work of God’s hands should stop being killed and destroyed in Syria. The suffering, cries and lamentations of these victims deprive me of the joy and peace in my heart, as well as the smile. Why do the human beings who are the dearest work of God’s hands can be crushed like ants in Syria? This war started on the 11th March 2011, and up to today the 21st September 2016, it already makes 05years, 06months and 05days, it does not present signs of the end. Meanwhile we already register 430.000 dead, 2.000.000 injured, 20.000 missing and 4.700.000 refugees overseas.

     The human blood greatly flows in Syria because of this war; bodies without life are picked up like sand to be buried in common graves that are dug for this purpose. I ask myself the question to know why Bachar El-Assad, president of Syria cannot resign from power, he who is contested since the beginning of the conflict on the 11 March 2011; because it is due to his governing that the war exists since more than 05years. In addition to this, he is supported by certain head of States of powerful countries in this world, and facing this, the UNO is unable to assure the defence of this country. When the Syrian, American, Russian, French, Chinese, Turkish... presidents see how people die every day, what do they feel for these losses of human life? Certain head of states are behind President Bachar El-Assad, and others behind the camp of the revolutionaries; as such, weapons are delivered in these two different camps.

     The solution to the Syrian problem calls on the entire world to avoid a third world war that will make more deaths. These authorities of big nations fabricate bombs, heavy weapons, war planes; and all this aimed to destroy human beings. They fabricate bombs to target men, guns to shoot on human beings, and war planes to chase and destroy humans. These big authorities do this because of shameful and selfish interests, and then, they cannot agree to stop this human bloodshed in Syria. They prefer the material and the glory of man, and despise human beings that are killed because of vanities.

     In truth, the men of this world did not understand why the Lord Jesus came for them. They have rejected him, disowned him, despised him and still continue doing it; but while rejecting him, they have rejected their peace of heart. While disowning him, they have disowned their joy of mind and while despising him, they have despised their deliverance on evil and wickedness towards man and God the creator. Before the coming of the Lord Jesus in his physical body which he took in this world, we had wars, even between Israel and other nations; and it was through one of these wars that David who knocked down the giant Goliath, the man of war of the Philistine people was discovered.

    The Lord Jesus came so that the men should throw the swords that were and were making their force, power and greatness. That is why, when people came to arrest the Lord Jesus who was with his apostles among whom was Apostle Peter, this one brought out his sword to cut the ear of one of the guards, and the Lord told him that it was no more the time to fight with the swords as it is said: “And behold, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear.  Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place. For all who take the sword will perish by the sword” (Matthew 26/51-52).

     The Lord Jesus came to save us from evil and wickedness towards our neighbour and his Father; that is why the angel of the Lord came in the dream to tell Joseph who was the fiancé of the virgin Mary that the child that she was carrying was of the Holy Spirit, and that he will be called Jesus, for he is the one who will save the entire world from their sins. That is why it is said: “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1/21). Therefore, the Lord Jesus comes with a deliverance by his word through a new heart that will want to see his neighbour alive than dead, in good health than sick, possessing than lacking, blessed than to be cursed, seeing than to be blind, hearing than to be deaf, knowing than to be ignorant...

    Therefore, the love of God towards his neighbour can only fill us if our hearts are sanctified by Jesus. Apostle Peter willing that the love of the Lord Jesus should fill us, recommends us to sanctify Christ in our hearts as it is said: “ but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect” (1Peter 3/15). The Lord Jesus must live in us by faith and the manifestation of his good that draws its foundation in love. That is even why it is said: “so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you, being rooted and grounded in love” (Ephesians 3/17).

     If all these authorities of big nations had not rejected, disowned and despised God’s heart full of love, respect and consideration of his neighbour, the heart that produces the great peace and joy, they would have not grounded their economy and power in weapons aimed to kill human beings. See how chemical and atomic bombs, missiles, explosives, war planes... are fabricated in the world in the aim to kill men and not animals; and since it is a race for the selling of weapons, they instigate wars. These authorities of big nations would have known that if they fabricate all kind of weapons aimed to kill the men, there will be wars and dead of men. Therefore, they would have rather put their greatness in the heart of God where love is carried towards the neighbour, so that this last should no longer suffer of wars and other; because when there is love, there is no longer the fear to be victim of the killing and destruction since evil is not suspected in love.

     It is these authorities of big nations that fabricate weapons that are too dangerous and that serve to kill and destroy the men, they are the ones who instigate wars in order to sell weapons, they are the ones who arm rebels; instigate the coups d’états and many other dangerous things; and it is these big nations who within the organisations like the UNO, NATO... direct their laws and threatening of intimidation to the rest of the world. They have rejected, disowned and despised the heart of Christ that had to deliver and save them by bringing them to treat the human being better than an animal or an insect, and better than a material. But these authorities are delighted in the glory that their nations are developed and powerful in the arming and economy, but forget the heart which is the essential.

     The war in Syria is played between the dog and the cat, that is between the USA and Russia; and the more the war will last, the more the number of deaths, injured, missing and refugees will be high. If the authorities do not respect their souls, the life of their fellow men, the suffering and blood of Christ that has shed on the cross, the love of God, what will they look like? God willing to bring them back will not talk through an animal, but through a man, and it is not contempt towards the authorities, but rather veritable love. I am not a giver of lesson, but somebody who contribute by grace to the seeking of the rise of the glory of God in man’s heart.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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