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It is the 461st message


    God took the dust of the ground to form our physical (fleshly) body and after giving the form to this lump of soil, he breathe a breath in its nostrils that gave it the breathing, a movement, in short, a life, and the man became a living being. God still gave the order to the first men who are Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and that the day they will eat it, they will die spiritually and not physically. After Eve and Adam had disobeyed God, they died spiritually; and all those who were born of Eve were dead spiritually. And by the disobedience of the first men, evil took assault on those who were born. God found good to limit the time that the soul had to spend in this lump of soil to about 120years as it is said: “Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years” (Genesis 6/3).

       After having destroyed the world by floods while leaving Noah and his family as well as other living beings two by two, male and female, God chooses Abraham, next Isaac, and then Jacob whose name was changed into Israel by God as it is said: “And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; no longer shall your name be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.” So he called his name Israel” (Genesis 35/10). One of the sons of Israel called Joseph was sold and he was found in Egypt where he was named Governor by Pharaoh King of Egypt. Due to his position, he made his father and the rest of his family to enter Egypt to live there with him. God appeared to Israel in a night vision to ask him to go down to Egypt without fear because he will be with him as it is said: “And God spoke to Israel in visions of the night and said, “Jacob, Jacob.” And he said, “Here I am.”  Then he said, “I am God, the God of your father. Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make you into a great nation” (Genesis 46/2-3); Israel lived in Egypt till his dead; and his body was brought back to Canaan to be buried there. After the death of Joseph and that of the king who named him Governor, the people of Israel started facing tortures under the reign of the new king of Egypt. But God raised Moses by whom he passed to deliver his people from the physical slavery of the Egyptians, and gave him the law in the desert that the people had to observe in order to be in alliance with him, while waiting that one who will come not only to deliver the people of Israel, but the entire world; their souls from slavery, evil and the eternal death.

       Moses and all the prophets spoke and had prophesy on the coming of the saviour, the one that vivifies the soul. The Lord Jesus came in a fleshly body with the mission to redeem the soul from death, misery, poverty and the humiliation. He has preferred to sacrifice, impoverish and humiliate his body of dust for a short while so that our spiritual body or soul should no longer suffer for the eternity. The Lord Jesus himself said that the flesh serve for nothing (John 6/63).

       The man is ready to suffer to find what to feed, to dress and to endow his body of dust with all what it need while forgetting or not looking at his soul that must put on, eat, drink and live Jesus Christ. In this generation, man is ready to sell his soul to the devil with conditions, signatures... in order to possess things and to enrich his body of dust or to glorify this lump of soil.

       Look at the glory that Douk Saga or Michael Jackson had in front of the men, but see their end. These musicians were cheered, given ovation, adored and worshiped by the multitude of people who were taking them for half gods. They had money, dresses and jewelleries of big price, luxurious vehicles and others, but all this for what end? Douk Saga was recognised as the creator of coupé-décalé. He was the president of the Ivorian jet-set and was called “president”. “Boucan” was him, he was throwing money on people and was calling it “farotage”. He was the master of cigar, Champaign, and caviar, because he was seeing himself at the summit of the glory and greatness; and he was calling himself the summit of the summits, the summit of Himalaya. Jewelleries, farotage, cigars, Champaign, caviar, brand, dresses, shoes were talking of him and women were running behind this big “boucan maker” of big stature. But when the disease struck him, he was hiding himself without even willing that his friends of the jet-set should be aware of his state of health or the place where he was found. Being sick, he visited all the big hospitals, big marabous and witch doctors as well as the men of God; but his flesh which is only dust and called to return in the ground was rushing to return day after day, and he was visibly wasting away. Then, came the death where his soul left his body of soil. But what did his soul gain? Only the Lord Jesus knows the answer. That is how the summit of Himalaya, the national hero and president Douk Saga left. His true name was Dougoure Hamidou Stephane.

       We equally have Michael Jackson, the father of hip pop. His voice and dance steps were without equal. Michael Jackson had a very big glory, money, dresses, endorsement deals were talking of him. He was like a half god in the United States. This icon of hip pop had received all the awards. When he organised concerts, all the tickets were sold in advance. People were jostling to see him. This last went up to changing his skin colour from black to white; and in this state, the skin disease could not escape from attacking him. He became thin and was seeing how his flesh was going, and no matter all what he was possessing, his soul ended by coming out of this lump of soil; and there was no other choice than to dig a big hole and to throw it inside and to close it back. Douk Saga, Michael Jackson, these two musicians who had a big glory and who the disease had attained slowly were people that were ready to sign the contract with the devil to reach the summit of the glory, celebrity, greatness and richness like majority of the head of States, ministers, diplomats, stars, business men...

       In truth, as long as the men will always be blind for not seeing the value of the flesh, its life, glory and greatness that pass and are nothing, they will always work and suffer for this vanity while forgetting the essential which is the soul. This lump of soil is like a flower that shines for few days before finishing by wither and fall. The men are ready to sell their souls to the devil to gain vanities for their flesh which is also vanity; but they are not ready to make all to gain Jesus Christ sent for the life, the glory, the greatness, the celebrity, the richness of their souls. As such, the men are ready to sacrifice, to sell... their fellow men.

    Without the soul, this lump of soil does not have the breath, movement, in short the life. It is the same as the soul without Jesus Christ neither has life, glory, greatness nor celebrity in front of God. Therefore, this lump of soil without soul and life is thrown in the pit by the men; the same as the soul without Jesus Christ is thrown in the lake of fire by God. As the men do not support to stay with this lump of soil, they are obliged to throw it in the pit and to close it back; the same as God who does not support to stay eternally with the soul which does not have Jesus will throw it in the lake of fire. As a body or lump of soil without soul is useless to the man, that is how the soul without Jesus Christ will be useless to God in the end times. What is important to the man is to seek to be good and agreeable in front of God through the reception of the word and life of Christ so that he should not be thrown because of his uselessness. Even if you must lack spare clothes, find difficulties to find what to eat, sleep anywhere, the essential is to be found agreeable and good in the eyes of God; because it serve nothing to the man to gain all in his flesh and to lack Jesus in the soul. All the men in this generation from the head of States to the least in the social class prefer to suffer and to spend all their time to gain vanities and to satisfy their flesh which according to them is their veritable future and life, forgetting and refusing all to their soul for which Christ came to suffer and sacrifice himself so that it should be endowed of him to enter the kingdom of heaven and to spend an eternity near the creator of everything. The men do not seek to see themselves great, rich, glorious... first in their souls, but rather do it in their flesh. Meanwhile the Lord Jesus asks us to seek first the kingdom of heaven and the justice of God and everything must come later (Matthew 6/33).

       All what the flesh gain or possess do not remain with it; the flesh is passing and all what it possess is also passing. Even as I lack everything in the flesh and that the head of States, ministers, stars, business men... of this generation have everything in their flesh or lump of soil, I prefer myself and find that I am better because it is better to be in the Lord Jesus and to lack all vain things than to be out of him and to possess everything. My greatest vow or dream on earth is for the head of States, kings, queens, first ladies, chancellors, ministers, diplomats, secretaries of State, stars, business men, senators, deputies, governors, attorneys, generals, lawyers... to become like me and not for me to become like them, because if I become like them, there will be more magic, killing, corruption, the embezzlement of public funds, instigation of war, the arming of rebels, coups d’états, consumers of the human blood and flesh, the human sacrifice, Rosicrucian, freemason and homosexuals. And if they become like me, the human being will be loved more than any other thing on earth, and the soul for which the Lord Jesus came to suffer and shed his blood for its redemption from the death in the hands of the devil for the life in him will no longer be sold to the devil for vanities that enrich and glorify the body of dust or lump of soil, but love, forgiveness, pity, the respect of his fellow man will be the veritable richness, greatness and glory. The greatness and glory of men will no longer rely on weapons, pieces of papers for money, vehicles and air planes.

       It is better to prefer good than evil. A living one wearing dresses of low price will never envy a dead one because of his dresses of high price.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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