It is the 441stmessage


    In truth, with all what the Lord Jesus has put in me before my birth, and that was manifested when I reached the age of six months, if I do not make it sound over the lie, the seduction, the deception like a thunderclap coming from heaven, therefore, I will die poor, small, weak… in this world.

     God’s plan is that man’s soul should live eternally through the obedience to his living word; and the plan of the devil is to drag man’s soul in the eternal death through the disobedience to the word of God. That is why, when God gave the order to the first men in the Garden of Eden not to eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and that the day they will eat it their souls will die as it is said: “And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die” (Genesis 2/16-17), the old snake or the devil came in person to make understand Eve that they will acquire the knowledge that will be useful to them (Genesis 3/3-6). For the old snake, it was to lead them in the eternal death. Eve and Adam did not observe that this knowledge in the disobedience to God could not exclude the eternal death for them. That is then how the first men had lost the eternal life to gain the eternal death.

    God willing to redeem man’s soul from the eternal death in the hands of the devil sent his Son Jesus Christ so that all the souls that live him in spirit and in truth should pass from the eternal death to the eternal life. The devil seeing that man’s soul that he had turned away in the Garden of Eden was precious to him more than any other thing on earth was getting away from him, he tried to destabilise the power of deliverance of the Lord Jesus in presenting him the glory and richness of the earth on condition that he should bow down in front of him in order to obtain them. Therefore, the devil wanted to use vanities in order to turn the Lord away from his mission so that he should not deliver man’s soul which is his eternal fortune. But the Lord Jesus recognising that he is not sent to gain vanities of the earth, but rather to save the soul from the eternal death, he refused all the proposals of the devil (Luke 4/5-8).

    After the victorious mission of the Lord Jesus on earth as well as that of the apostles that he used yesterday whose names are written in the bible, the devil himself came back in the papacy and declared to be God the saviour or the representative of Apostle Peter, with the power to seduce the world and to bring it to disobey God, bringing the men to make, to serve and to bow down in front of carved images and representations (2 Thessalonians 2/3-4). Before coming up himself in spirit in the papacy with the mission to maintain the men in the eternal death, the devil first masked himself insinuating to be the representative of Apostle Peter, knowing well that God had forbidden the men not to make carved images and representations or to bow down in front of them as it is said: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me” (Exodus 20/4-5) or as it is said: “You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 26/1).

    Just as the devil presented himself to Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden as a Saviour God, and brought them to open the eyes on the knowledge that brought them to disobey God and to gain the eternal death, the same, he still came to present himself as the representative of Apostle Peter after the passing of all the apostles whose names are written in the bible to bring the men to disobey God without knowing, bringing them to make, to set and to bow down in front of carved images and representations in order to maintain them in the eternal death. Therefore, to lead the man in the eternal death in the Garden of Eden, the devil came as an Old Snake, and to maintain him in the eternal death after the passing of the apostles whose names are written in the bible, he comes as the papacy.

    The pope knows that God has forbidden the men to neither make carved images nor to serve them or to bow down in front of them; and he warned that the person who will do it shall die or will be maintained in the death. That is where I see that the devil mock at his prey. How does the pope in his satanic cunning distract the people by making them believe that someone can make a biblical school or biblical studies called seminary for more than five years and is unable to see written in black and white that God forbids that the man should neither make carved images for himself nor to serve them or to bow down in front of them! But what I have understood is that the seminary of the school of the cunning form (train) fighters of Satan who will come among people to use and to bow down in front of statues taken for the Lord Jesus or the Virgin Mary. How therefore does it happens that after spending many years in the school of the cunning, they have neither seen nor read that those who were coming near John the Baptist were running their bad life away after listening to the gospel and were confessing this bad conduct by making themselves to be baptised by him in the water of the Jordan (Matthew 3/5-6), that the Lord Jesus himself came towards John the Baptist to ask the baptism (Matthew 3/13-16)!

    Apart from the book of the cunning, where have they seen in the book of life that they baptise babies and little children by pouring drops of water on their head at the price of money? Where have they seen the baptised people with the said godfathers or godmothers? It is in the school of the cunning that they have learned that Mary ascended in heaven on a 15th August, that there is a Holy Friday where the men abstain from eating meat, that there is a Wednesday of ashes where they trace ashes in the form of a cross on the forehead or again, we carry two pieces of crossed wood on the shoulders and walk under blazing sun.

     In truth, the men must have opened eyes and ears to see and hear how the devil comes to declare to be the representative of an apostle and is not called apostle but rather pope.

    There is much to say on the ministry of the man who is mandated to mislead the men by bringing them to commit sin against God, but writings will speak less because of the paper. For just as the old Snake (the devil) brought Eve and Adam to sin against God by eating the fruit of the forbidden tree, the same, Satan comes today by the papacy to bring many people to sin against God by bringing them to make, to serve and to bow down in front of carved images that are forbidden by God in the bible. That is why the pope and his commandos prevent the soul from coming back to the eternal life, glory, greatness, richness of the Lord Jesus; they are wicked more than the witches who prevent good health, child birth, in short, the wellbeing of the flesh. Billions of money, buildings, primary, secondary and high schools, hospitals, radio and television channels, plots, big buildings called cathedrals that the Vatican State or the papacy possess, as well as the head of States, ministers, chancellors, diplomats, great business men, stars, generals, governors… who are under their domination of lies do not worry me and do not scare me, but I am more than ever motivated because I know that if I do not work greatly, the lie of the papacy will maintain thousands of souls of this generation in the eternal death; therefore the blood of the Lord Jesus would shed in vain for these souls.

    Many seers find that I have courage to fight against the great pope in the truth of the Lord Jesus that I demonstrate facing his lie, but they are blind not to see the courage of the dragon that the pope uses to fight against the Great God when he brings the men to make, to serve and to bow down in front of statues and representations. The papacy has already rendered the world drunk of her lie, and the pope and his commandos no longer have something to demonstrate, but we are rather the ones who have things to demonstrate so that many people should sober up from this lie of the papacy, and we must be very careful because the devil being too cunning, will also want to distract us in things of the earth so that we should forget our main objective which is to make the truth of the Lord to triumph in the man.

    He will like to distract us just as he wanted to distract the Lord Jesus in earthly things by making him to dangle the richness and glory of the earth in order to bring him to fail his mission which is to deliver the soul from his hands.

CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.  (John 8/32)

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