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The power of the devil is his cunning, and this cunning permits him to gain the men (their souls) without these last realising it. The devil in these end times has brought out all his cards to gain more souls; and now, he uses the images of the men of God who are the most popular, rich, envied, sought… of the pentecostal or awakened churches. These men of God of whom the devil uses the images are: Bishop David OYEDEPO, Pastor CHRIS, Prophet TB Joshua; they make thousands of stickers having their images that are bought and stuck on vehicles, doors, in offices, shops…
For David OYEDEPO, CHRIS ONAKHILOME and TB Joshua, it is only a good deal and an opportunity to gain money, to make their advertisement and the popularity; for those who use these images, they hope or believe to have gained a protection, a blessing, a deliverance… and for the devil, it is a way to gain the souls of those who use these images. In truth, the images of these men that people stick on their vehicles, door, office, shop room… are not different from the image Robert Powell alias Jesus of Nazareth who is stuck everywhere to represent the Lord Jesus. In truth, the Lord Jesus telling us that his flesh serve for nothing, and that only his word which is spirit and life is all (John 6/63), he wanted to make us understand that if the flesh serve for nothing, how much more of the image of this flesh. It was for the man to neither focus on the admiration of the flesh nor even on its image. That is why we neither want the flesh of the Lord Jesus nor the image of this flesh because it is of no use to our soul; but we want his word which is spirit and life to vivify our souls. The flesh that the Lord Jesus was carrying like ours serve for nothing because it is drawn from dust and it had to return in the ground. Therefore, the flesh of the Lord Jesus that was called to return in the ground did not come to valorise our flesh that must also return in the ground, but his spirit has come to valorise our dead spirit. Therefore, being spiritually dead since the Garden of Eden by Adam, we return to life spiritually by the Lord Jesus. That is even why it is said: “For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive” (1Corinthians 15/22).
Therefore, it is by the belief in the word of the Lord Jesus that we come back from the eternal slavery to the eternal liberty, from the eternal malediction to the eternal blessing, from the eternal death to the eternal life. That is why the Lord Jesus was telling the Samaritan woman that God is spirit, and that those who must be alive, blessed, protected… by him will have to be in spirit and in truth. But this generation is full of the men of God who come with blessed, protective… products, and the people rush to possess them. Are the blessing and protection that come from these products for the flesh that must return in the ground or for the soul that must gain his place in the kingdom of heaven if it has been blessed by God to be freed from the curse of the devil?
If the flesh of the Lord Jesus serves for nothing, how would the image of this flesh be useful? For Pope Francis has made a doll that he has presented and called baby Jesus; people also fabricate blocks of cement in the effigy of Robert Powell to bow down in front of them, and rosaries having the same effigy that are worn on the neck by most men as a cross recommended by Jesus. In these end times, they take the images of David OYEDEPO, Chris ONAKHILOME and TB Joshua, they stick them on their vehicles, motor bikes, door, office, shop, room… These blinds and deaf will tell you that since they have stuck the picture of David OYEDEPO or Chris ONAKHILOME or again TB Joshua on their vehicles or motor bikes, they no longer break down easily. The others will tell you that since they have stuck these pictures in their living room, on their door…, they no longer have bad dreams or they no longer hear noises in their home. Others again will tell you that since they have stuck these images in their shop or office, their business flourish perfectly; and according to them, they thank God to have given them this great Bishop, Pastor or prophet whose image help them a lot. The more they believe that these images help them, the more it ruins their souls.
These great men of God make great prodigies and miracles; that is why the blinds are seduced; and this simply proves that the Lord Jesus is the truth, because he said that they will make great prodigies and miracles up to the point of seducing almost everybody (Matthew 24/24). When you hear the testimonies of these deceived and seduced, they always say: “I could not give birth, walk or move without crutches, I could not work, have a promotion, succeed in business or in competitive examinations, have a visas to travel abroad, get married officially… but thanks to papa and mama, I have succeeded…”. You will never hear a testimony talking about the soul that was lacking and that has succeeded to gain or possess the life of the Lord Jesus. Blinds and deaf! The apostles were walking with the Lord Jesus and he was making many miracles. One day, they were with the Lord Jesus in a boat, and the Lord was sleeping; a big whirlpool rose up and waves entered the boat up to the point where it (the boat) could sink. The apostles being afraid woke up the Lord Jesus with a start, and he calmed down the sea with a word as it is said: “And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm” (Mark 4/39).
Another day, the apostles were with the Lord Jesus who was crying in front of the grave of Lazarus who was buried since three days. The Lord Jesus commanded the dead to come out of the grave where he was as it is said: “he cried out with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come out.” The man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips, and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go” (John 11/43-44). Another day again, the apostles were with the Lord Jesus in the desert, there was a multitude of people who were hungry and there were only 05 bread and 02 fish on-site. The Lord Jesus then made all those who were present to sit down, he took the 05 bread and 02 fish, he made a prayer that multiplied this food and gave it to the multitude. In the end of the meal, there is a great quantity that was left as it is said: “Then he ordered the crowds to sit down on the grass, and taking the five loaves and the two fish, he looked up to heaven and said a blessing. Then he broke the loaves and gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the crowds. And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets full of the broken pieces left over. And those who ate were about five thousand men, besides women and children” (Matthew 14/19-21).
Those are three things among many that the Lord Jesus did in the middle of the apostles. But one day, when the Lord Jesus was seeing how other disciples were going away, he asked the apostles if they were not also going away like the others, and Apostle Peter answered him saying: “…Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6/68). Apostle Peter did not think of the miracles that Jesus was doing for not separating from him. But he had thought that the Lord Jesus had the miracle to bring back his soul from death to life in order to live eternally in the kingdom of heaven; and this miracle is in his word of truth.
Look at the tormented of the seduction today who, seeing the armlets, the handkerchiefs, water… of these bishops, pastors, prophets operating prodigies and miracles, they take their images to stick them everywhere. But good things are just beginning for those who want the truth of Christ.
CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)
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