It is the 446th message


       In truth, if this generation is wicked than ever, it is because the said old, new, awakened or pentecostal churches that have filled this present world are not even the shadow of what existed yesterday; because today, business, swindling, the deception, the seduction and magic are in full swing.

       Most men of God of today do not carry a rich word to enrich the others, to bring them become above the earth and things of the earth, above the glory of man, and for everyone to become the house of God where good over flows, in order to owe this good to his neighbour; but they come with a word which is poor, full of pride and fleshly sufficiency, full of seduction and ignorance, aimed at the obtaining of the material of those who listen to them and who consider them.

       Evil is high today because majority of the men of God have the power to cast out demons in the flesh, but they do not have the power that can transform the man  who is the house of evil into the house of good. That is why the Lord Jesus says that the devil cannot cast out the devil. These men of God cast out demons in bodies, but do not cast out the devil; if they were casting out the devil, today, there would have been less bewitcher and those who are bewitched, less killers, sellers, and those who sacrifice men in exchange of vanities, there would have been less victims because of vanities. These men of God do not have the power of good for evil to be cast out in the man, and for good to take its place; because if the demon is cast out and that evil is not cast out, therefore, the devil is not cast out, and it is this evil that will still produce bewitchments, destruction effects, effects of deprivation in the flesh and death in the soul. That is why the devil does not cast out the devil. If people no longer want bewitchments, the devil must be cast out in man, in the spirit.

       The men of God who do not have power to cast out the devil in man have filled this generation; and evil being without brake, the devil still remains the master of the soul. Even if they cast out demons, they will come back because they are attracted by evil (the devil) that dwells in man. For if you do not want to see the eggs of the fowl near you, you must chase the fowl away from you; because every time that the fowl will be near you, the eggs will also be near you, and breaking the eggs because you do not like seeing them without chasing the fowl away is working in vain.

       In truth, here is a man called TATHEU Samuel, apostle, who has products and sell them, making the people to believe that they have power to protect them, to deliver them, to give them a breakthrough in everything and to put them in alliance with God. This big business man receives billions of francs as turnover in his activity which is done behind the name of God. He inspire millions of people who rush to buy these products for their deliverance, protection, breakthrough in business and others, a fake confidence and belief in front of God… This business man of large calibre receives billions behind the name of God to have radio and television channels, to buy big vehicles, to build big buildings, to fill his bank accounts… Many people in search of protection, the blessing, the deliverance and breakthrough buy all his products that are against God and his word. And many people not having the knowledge of the truth of the Lord Jesus do not know that their problem is not the flesh but rather the soul; because for them, these products are given by God as a solution to their numerous problems.

       To you who are seduced and stripped (robbed) by these wild beasts, Jesus Christ has been given for solution to our problems. This big business man says to be an apostle. Given that we are to be edified on the foundation of the apostles, the prophets and the Lord Jesus himself, were the apostles whose names are written in the bible coming with products telling people to possess them because they will bring them the protection, the deliverance, healing, the blessing…? But what a business! What a deception and swindling! The devil has given these products to prevent the people from coming in possession of the only and veritable product that God has provided to us so that we should become the house of protection, of deliverance, of liberty, of blessing, of power… But this big business man called TATHEU Samuel strip (rob) the poor blinds and deaf who spend their money every week, every month to buy the products of protection, of blessing, of deliverance, of breakthrough…

    He sells a blessed apple at 1000 CFA Francs, an armlet at 1000 CFA Francs, his product of water at 2000 CFA Francs, his product of blood at 2500 CFA Francs, his product of salt at 2500 CFA Francs, his product of oil at 3000 CFA Francs, and his handkerchiefs are given to whoever gives an amount of money according to his will. Not that there is another product that the people must receive to overcome the devil, to be blessed and overcome the curse, to be eternally protected from evil and death, but there are some people who trouble you, coming with products that make war to the power of God; and here is one of them called TATHEU Samuel, who came with his products. It is because of these business men that Apostle Paul was saying in Corinth that they are false apostles, deceitful workers disguised in apostles of Christ (2 Corinthians 11/13). These seducers have dragged and diverted the world, and the world believes that it is the power of God, just as Simon the magician had seduced all the Samaritans who believed that his power was coming from God. But it is Philip who had to bring all the Samaritans to open eyes on this false power, and we are the ones today, to bring the people to open the eyes just as Philip, so that they should see what inspire them a false confidence and belief in order to turn away from it to be in alliance with God by the veritable confidence and belief.

       Dear seducers and big business men, the blood of the Lord Jesus has shed on this earth for the deliverance of our souls. Therefore, if today you rise up because of the material and the glory of man to maintain the people in the ignorance of the knowledge of the power of God, to render null the suffering of Christ, know that we are going to die for the sake of this revelation. I am ready, not only to go to prison because I denounce the false christs and the false prophets by putting their pictures on messages and banners, but also to die so that the people should be freed from business men, deceivers, swindlers, magicians, witch doctors… who present themselves as coming from God to lead the people and to maintain them in the ignorance of the knowledge of God. I do not worry in this world because my flesh has difficulties to find what to eat, to put on, a place to rest, and I am nothing in what is nothing, and which is only the flesh in front of the man who is nothing, that is to say the one that is dominated in things that are nothing, but I worry for the poor ignorant of the knowledge of the truth of the Lord Jesus, handicapped by their state, who are robbed, swindled and deceived.

       The time has come for us to fight from the top of the world to the bottom so that near or far, the glory and mercy of the Lord Jesus should be known by all the men, and even if the angels have to come down in the likeness of men to help their fellow mates that we are, they will do it for the glory of that one who suffered for few times in the flesh for all the souls, so that these souls should no longer suffer eternally in the eternal lake of fire.

        CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death. (John 8/32)

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