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It is the 456th message

    In truth, I spend nights without veritable sleep because of lamentations, anxieties and sadness that fill my heart, when I see the life, the clairvoyance, the light, the healing and richness that the Lord Jesus has brought, and that our souls are still dead, blind, tenebrous, sick and poor. The Lord Jesus while coming to transmit what deliver us from the power of vanities, what makes us have domination over evil and freed us from the eternal death, has passed through a great suffering, great pain on the cross. How then will his suffering and blood that has shed on the cross be vain for the souls of this generation? If many people knew the blood of Christ, they would have been free from the killing and bloodshed of sheep on pretext that Abraham had sacrificed the sheep in the place of his son.

       My dear friends, it is God who asked Abraham to give him Isaac his son in sacrifice on a place of the mountain named Jehovah-jireh by Abraham, it is God himself who asked Abraham to sacrifice the sheep that was found behind him in the place of his son (Genesis 22/12-14). My dear friends, it is God who asked Abraham at the age of 100 years to give him this child in order to accomplish his promise that he made to Sarah and him (Genesis 21/1-7), and it is God who asked Abraham to give him his child in sacrifice (Genesis 22/1-2); it is this same God who offered the sheep in the place of Isaac (Genesis 22/12-14); it is the same God while loving us too much, has sent his Son Jesus Christ to us so that he should eternally sacrifice himself for us, in order that our souls should not perish (John 3/16).

       My dear friends, is it because the body of Christ that has been sacrificed for everybody is not physically consumable like that of the sheep that you prefer the body of the sheep? The life of man’s soul is more than the fleshly food; and the Lord Jesus has been sent from heaven to sacrifice himself for us, he who will eat him will live by him (John 6/57). Therefore, every animal that we sacrifice is sacrificed to demons and not to God, because if God wanted that we should continue to sacrifice animals in his name, he would have not sent his Son for an eternal sacrifice (1Corinthians 10/20; Hebrews 10/1-4).

       Many people will tell me that I judge the faith of the other people, but I will like to make them understand that the word of the Lord Jesus does not come to condemn or to judge them, but it comes to deliver them from the influence and customs that are vain for the soul. This word that they reject remains the one that will judge and condemn on the last day; but for the moment, it (the word) plays its role of salvation and deliverance through his declaration and teaching (John 12/47-48). The people did not believe that the Lord Jesus came to make them the gods, that is to bring them to live and walk like him.

       How then do these last fabricate statues in the effigy of men to bow down in front of these blocks of cement, of stone, of wood without understanding that the Lord Jesus came so that they should receive him in them, in order to become the image and the representative of God on earth. It is not the blocks of cement, of stone, of wood that must be in the image and the representation of God in front of which they come and bow down, given that they are the ones who give the form and height that they want to these objects. Others fabricate armlets and other objects to themselves that they wear saying that it is the protection, the blessing..., and it is occult forces incarnated in these objects that operate miracles in the place of the Holy Spirit.

       The Lord has brought a word which is Spirit and Life (John 6/63); and if somebody like to protect himself eternally and to live in the blessing of God, he will love this word and will keep it in him. The love of God will be carried in this person to bring the Son and the Father to come and establish their dwelling in him (John 14/23). Therefore, he who becomes tied to this word will possess the power of this word to dominate the power of every word in front. He who becomes tied to this spirit will possess the power of this spirit to dominate every power and spirit in front. For it is said: “you have overcome them, because the word and Spirit coming from heaven that lives in you are above every word and spirit of this world” (1John 4/4).

       The kings, queens, nations, head of States of this generation have rejected the Lord Jesus to become freemasons, Rosicrucian and adepts of all kind of magic. These last drink the human blood and eat the human flesh. In truth, are they still humans in Spirit? I say no, they are animals. That is why they incite wars, arm rebels, kill... For even if people die in wars, it does not affect their heart because if somebody eats beef meat and that they come and tell him that the cows are being killed like flies, this consumer of beef meat will not be affected by the loss of these beasts, but he will say to himself that if these beef meat was near him, he would have fed well. As such, when they come and tell these authorities who consume the human flesh and blood that people die in thousands, they are not affected by human loss, but they will nevertheless think that the flesh and blood of these last are often useful for their consumption. Some of them even incarnate animals.

       The world is full of witches having the mission to kill people, to make them become sick, to prevent them from prospering and to succeed in their life. They frighten new born babies in spirit who see animals, and some babies are often fought in the womb of their mothers by these witches, and for some, even when they come out of the womb of their mothers, seeing the same animals, they prefer not to sojourn on earth, mostly in the case of twins. The stars, business men up to the small trader, it is everyone who has his small god to make his activity to advance. The world is full of homosexuals, robbers, thieves, those who throw curses, poisoners, jealous people, killers, corruption, prostitution even with animals; the marriage is done for the love of the material and not for the love of the heart. In truth, the big men of this world are too small in spirit because the devil taking them like children of two years deceives them so that they should sell their souls to him against papers and coins of money that their own hands have fabricated.

       The big men of this world no matter their diplomas on the knowledge of earthly things, they do not have a matured spiritual conscience, that is why the devil does not have difficulties to convince them to give him their souls against sweets and biscuits; because they work for their flesh that must return in the ground, and not for their souls that can still escape the lake of eternal fire in case they possess Jesus Christ for richness, greatness and glory.

      In truth, in this generation, people talk of God, but they do not want to like the love, the strength, the richness, the force, the power and personality of God. Even many men of God in this generation which is more wicked than ever do not want to seek God in his mercy and justice; but they rather seek him in theology, diplomas and prayers of miracles. And the men of this generation without the love of God are obliged to eat one another, but the end of everything is near. My greatest joy is to leave this world after accomplishing my mission or task; and even now, I want to leave it if it is possible by God.

       CHAMPI Apostle not behalf of man, nor by a man but by Jesus Christ and God the Father. God’s power is the knowledge. To know, avoid sin and to be free from the eternal death.(John 8/32)

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